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want to cut back on pop


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I've lost about 25lbs, and fluctuate between 215 and 210. But I still have the gut and man boobs. so I'm cutting back pop. Also I overheat easily in the summer so Im hoping that drinking more water will help that. I've always been that way since t-ball though.


It's b/c you're a McBapie. No worries. Most of us were raised on McD's and Taco Bell. Your body is use to garbage and being dehydrated. Fix that. Short term it sucks. Long term you'll feel better than you ever have.


I'd avoid pills. Just using something like Mio Energy or caffeinated Crystal Lites to help you cut back. Those will both help get you into the habit of drinking water. Eventually drop the water "enhancers" all together.


Deal with the fucking headaches it'll go away.


Coconut water


Just quit the caffeine. You'll only feel like shit for a day or two. Maybe upwards of a week if you were really dependent on it.


All good advice.

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I've recently cut back on POP myself. Coke is the nectar of the gods for me, I use to sit down at dinner and had 3 Cans of Coke gone before they broke a sweat. I've never considered my self addicted to Coke, I just never cared to really drink anything else. Water would never quinch my thirst like a cold can of Coke. It was nothing for me to have 5+ cans a days easy.


I've now limited myself to 1 glass of Coke a day, No refills. I've lost some weight but still looking for more. In it's place I'll drink water or have a Fuze 0 calorie fruit drink.


Quitting Coke/Mt. Dew/Dr.Pepper/whathaveu + a tad bit of exercise will result in a drop of 20lbs in like 2-3 weeks.

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As others have said, deal with it. I drank pop religiously then one day I decided to just quit pop cold turkey. Had headaches for two days then everythingn just felt better. No more sleeping issues, more energetic, and lost 15 pounds in six months just from that.
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My coworker had to cut back caffeine for health reasons. He started drinking decaff coffee and no soda. He would drink other things to offset having to have that drink with you. The first couple days it was rough but he says he has never felt better. He continues to drink decaff coffee in the morning, but it has worked out great.
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I too was a fairly avid soda drinker. Would mainly do diet/no calorie stuff. Everyone said that diet stuff was just as bad if not worse.


Switched to black coffee with a pack of sugar, raw sugar if I can find it. Using less and less every time. Hopefully, I'll be off sugar in coffee completely by summer.

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I too was a fairly avid soda drinker. Would mainly do diet/no calorie stuff. Everyone said that diet stuff was just as bad if not worse.


Switched to black coffee with a pack of sugar, raw sugar if I can find it. Using less and less every time. Hopefully, I'll be off sugar in coffee completely by summer.


Use to load my coffee with crap. Now it's black, w/ honey, or w/ agave nectar. Try one of those as a replacement and natural sweetener.

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Stop drinking the shit. I used to go through a 12 pack of pop a day and quit cold turkey. It's not that damn bad... Your man boobs aren't going to go away with just dieting either, start lifting tires or something at work in between working, or make time for the gym.
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Stop drinking the shit. I used to go through a 12 pack of pop a day and quit cold turkey. It's not that damn bad... Your man boobs aren't going to go away with just dieting either, start lifting tires or something at work in between working, or make time for the gym.



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Cafe americano from Starbucks. 4 espresso shots and 17 oz water. Put some half and half and 2 packs of Splenda and two pumps on dolce sugar free syrup. Zero carb and 30ish calories. Plenty of caffeine.


Zero carbs, 30 calories, and 100% garbage for your body that wont help...except the water.

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I too was a fairly avid soda drinker.


Thank you for calling it soda. Every time I hear someone call it "pop" I die a little on the inside. It might be the single most white trash sounding word, other than when people call camshafts "bumpsticks".



But if you need caffeine, just drink coffee.


Someone mentioned Splenda...that might the one of the worst things you can ever put in your body.

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I too used to be a 12pk a day soda drinker. But after a while I started putting on alot of weight and I was worried about the diabetus. I then found an amazing solution back in high school.


It started out as a dare when one day before football practice I threw icy hot in my cup...I was a little odd, but I swear i had the best physical performance of my life. I used to just do it for games or on the 2nd part of 2 a days but later on when i was looking for a solution as how to curb my soda intake I remembered it. So now every time I have an urge for a soda, i just rub a little IH on there and with in minutes i felt energized & alert (like had just drank a monster or 5hr energy). The best news was i never really experience a discernible crash. I dont know what it is but it fucking works...plus i save money & am healthier too! I never told any of my coworkers about it but i don't go a morning or 2p lunch lul w/o a little icy hot. I've got the little jars stashed all over. the car, work, shaving kit, gym bag, everywhere. My wife thinks i'm nuts but when she's S'n on my minty D I don't hear any complaints.


word to the wise, don't get it too close to your ass hole. I dont know if its the mucus membranes or what but I one time I was overzealous and "primed the area" a little to well. I ended up feeling like i had just smoked crack with Rob Ford ( or what i assume i would feel like). Maybe i'm a light weight but that was just too much energy for me.


I've never told anyone this & i've never heard anyone else use it like this...but it really does work.

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Just drink black coffee or unsweetened ice tea. I am drinking a black coffee as I type this. You can always drink an energy drink but personally I only drink sugar free ones. I can't stand normal ones.


I got myself off Mt Dew by switching to sparkling water. Go to kroger and buy a 12 pack of their sparkling water it is normally $2.50. It is a can, it is bubbly like pop, and it has zero calories and sugar. I still drink 5-6 of these on a normal day and who cares it is just water with salt and carbonation in it. They also have La Croix some frenchy flavored carbonated water. It is much more expensive but it is flavored really well and still zero calories and sugar. Grapefruit and Orange are really good. If you drink enough water a day without any sweetener (INCLUDING SUGAR FREE!) drinking pop will give you a headache. Kind of the opposite of what you are currently going through. Good luck.

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Everything tastes shitty compared to soda. One of my hardest habits to break. I do still have a one diet mt dew a day. My biggest thing was the soda I drank during the day. I switched over to drinking straight black coffee which I've always enjoyed anyway. I don't have to have it first thing but I look forward to it.


The best advice I can give is just to prepare to go out there and buy one of everything that looks interesting and try it. Then, once you've settled on a couple drinks and get used to them, because that's the key - getting used to it, and then every so often, try some old ones or some new ones as your tastes adjust.

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the only lifting I do is the tires at work. no time at the moment for gyms. We are looking into the Y or something for after she graduates and has more time.


God I hate when people say they don't have time for the gym. I won't go into what I have going on during a daily basis because I'll sound like a chode, but if you really want to go, you'll make time.


That being said-


I used to drink around 8 soda/pop's a day. I haven't had one in 11 years (stopped when I was 13 because my teeth were getting bad and I was getting huge). Take yourself off slowly. I'd try to reduce by 20-25% each week or every 5 days or so.

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