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For all you gun folks.....


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I received this forwarded email this morning. Some poll USA today is having regarding Second Amendment rights.

Many people have strong feelings about this issue. If you want to

express your feelings, vote on this question. The poll is being taken by

USA Today.

Our new Attorney General has already said this is one of

his major issues.

This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on

this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a

few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the

pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be

published later this month. This upcoming year will

become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court

accepting the District of Columbia case against the right

for individuals to bear arms.

First - vote on this one.

Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote –

then we will see if the results get published. Vote in the

USA Today poll - click on the link below.

The Question is:

Does the Second Amendment give individual’s

the right to bear arms?

Vote here:


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