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Where would you move?


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My very good friend took a job in Vegas 5 months ago with Unilever. He is a single guy with no kids and has loved the move out there. He lives near Lake Las Vegas and he loves it. That area is far enough away from the strip that you do not need to deal with it, but close enough if you want to go down there. There is a lot of different things to do out there, ie boating at Lake Mead, Bureau of Land Management off roading travels if you have a truck, guns are big out there and you can shoot in the desert with minor restrictions, Skiing is not that far either if you are in to that and golf is amazing out there. I don't know how well it would be for a family, but if your in the place and time in your life to do it I would.


I also met a bunch of his co-workers who were all from the mid-west and east coast. It seems that most people go out there, work for a couple years and then go back home.


Good luck with the process, it is never easy but I'm sure you will make the right decision.

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You can do what ever you want to do, this is 'merica after all.


But, the OP is asking about moving for a JOB, no to get his rocks off. Best job option long term it seems is option A


The B option gives him the flexibility to move wherever he wants, as it is a totally online job, which he outlined in the original post. This is part of his trying to decide which option to take.

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I'd place a massive premium on being able to work from home 100% of the time. You can stay up late, sleep in, not have to fuck with rushing around in the morning, not have to worry about rush hour traffic, save on gas, save mileage and wear/tear on your vehicle, do you work naked/in your boxer-briefs/PJs/whatever, have flexibility of doing your job whenever you want, not have to deal with stupid coworkers, avoid lame meetings in the office, and so on.


I'd place a premium on family, but how much of premium would depend on a few things. Do I really like my family or just kind of like them? Do I only like them a lot because I don't get to see them all the time? Realistically, will I see them considerably more because I live closer to them? (I remember having a really good friend who visited me when I lived in Kentucky more times than when we lived in the same apartment complex here on the SE side.) Do I have kids - or expect to have kids - so that I can have family around to assist me in childcare? Answers to these questions would dictate how much of a premium I place on moving closer to family.


How much do you want to advance your career? A lot? Then Option A gets more points. However, if you're just okay with advancing, but also okay not advancing, then Option A doesn't get those bonus points.


Ocean or mountains? Ocean = B, mountains = A


Humidity or dry heat? Humidity = B, dry heat = A


For the record, I've been to both Myrtle Beach and Las Vegas in the middle of the summer. Myrtle Beach was great - comfortable, breeze from the ocean, occasional afternoon thunderstorm, but all around very livable. Las Vegas in August? Fucking kill yourself. "But it's a dry heat," they say. Yeah, so is a fucking oven. Seriously, I thought I misheard the Las Vegas weatherman one morning when he said it was going to get to 117. Nope, 117. It was unbearable to even be outside, let alone do anything outside. You chose Option A, you get to take your happy ass out in that desert heat several months of the year as you commute to and from your job. Yeah, fuck that shit - I've just talked myself into going with Option B.

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For the record, I've been to both Myrtle Beach and Las Vegas in the middle of the summer. Myrtle Beach was great - comfortable, breeze from the ocean, occasional afternoon thunderstorm, but all around very livable. Las Vegas in August? Fucking kill yourself. "But it's a dry heat," they say. Yeah, so is a fucking oven. Seriously, I thought I misheard the Las Vegas weatherman one morning when he said it was going to get to 117. Nope, 117. It was unbearable to even be outside, let alone do anything outside. You chose Option A, you get to take your happy ass out in that desert heat several months of the year as you commute to and from your job. Yeah, fuck that shit - I've just talked myself into going with Option B.


I've never been to Vegas personally or that side of the country for that matter (besides being in Texas when my father was stationed there in the military long before I could remember) Myrtle Beach on the other hand I am familiar with and generally like the weather/area (I hit MB 2-3 times a year usually). I mentioned being able to ride my motorcycle year round in Vegas and the architect I was interviewing with kind of laughed about that, said the bikers he works with refer to it as the hair dryer effect in the summer months. I also hate extreme heat like that so I'm thinking I'd get out there and get real tired of it after a year or so. Myrtle Beach during its hottest months are perfectly fine for my preferences.


I've also become pretty used to working from home. I roll out of bed and throw on yesterdays clothes or whatever, handle my shift then hop in the shower and go to do whatever from 9-2am, it's definitely convenient in all aspects.


Thanks for all the replies guys, getting some of your views and opinions has been awesome. I'm pretty sure I'm set on the remote gig, seems to be a better fit for me all-round. Financially it'll be hell of a lot cheaper to pack up my 2000sq/ft house and move it 600 miles vs 2000 miles, and I'd probably be staying at my parents place for a month or two until I find a house out there. Another selling point is being able to find land in/around Myrtle Beach, much cheaper than Vegas and wherever my next house is I want enough land to build a ~40x60' shop. There's also presumably more half naked hoes at the beach than the desert (excluding the street walkers and strippers obviously) I'd also have to make all of my vehicles pass emissions in Vegas because none of them will currently.

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Anyone have any suggestions for moving a motorcycle in a uhaul trailer? No matter which route I go I'll have to move my crap. I'm thinking a 6x12 uhaul trailer will work (I'm dumping most of my belongings). I'll be having 1 car my mustang shipped and towing everything else with my saab. I had thought about taking a sheet of plywood, and building a frame on each side out of 2x4's, strapping the bike to that and then that to the side rails, anyone have any experience in this?
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Anyone have any suggestions for moving a motorcycle in a uhaul trailer? No matter which route I go I'll have to move my crap. I'm thinking a 6x12 uhaul trailer will work (I'm dumping most of my belongings). I'll be having 1 car my mustang shipped and towing everything else with my saab. I had thought about taking a sheet of plywood, and building a frame on each side out of 2x4's, strapping the bike to that and then that to the side rails, anyone have any experience in this?



I've never used a U-haul trailer for a motorcycle, but make sure to snag one of these. Makes things alot easier and secure.



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Option B, Dirty Myrtle is awesome!


<<Coming from someone who spends all my time on the beach.








I've never used a U-haul trailer for a motorcycle, but make sure to snag one of these. Makes things alot easier and secure.




Thanks for the suggestion on the dancer bar and location. I've accepted the offer in Myrtle Beach as of today. Will be heading to atlanta in a few weeks for training and then back to ohio to start hauling all of my stuff to Myrtle Beach. Pretty happy with my decision, closer to family and financially I'll be better off. Cheaper to move to Myrtle Beach and cheaper to live there than Vegas. Now i get to start hunting for a nice mobile/modular/slab house with enough space to build me a 40x60 shop! Thanks for all of the suggestions/opinions it's really helped me with this tough decision.

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Thanks for the suggestion on the dancer bar and location. I've accepted the offer in Myrtle Beach as of today. Will be heading to atlanta in a few weeks for training and then back to ohio to start hauling all of my stuff to Myrtle Beach. Pretty happy with my decision, closer to family and financially I'll be better off. Cheaper to move to Myrtle Beach and cheaper to live there than Vegas. Now i get to start hunting for a nice mobile/modular/slab house with enough space to build me a 40x60 shop! Thanks for all of the suggestions/opinions it's really helped me with this tough decision.








Not sure your price range, but I might have a place for sale that is 30 seconds from the beach.

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