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Free Motorcycle Winter Storage


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For most of us, it's not quite that time yet, but the snow in the area this morning got me started thinking on the subject of winter storage.


Again this year I have room to store motorcycles for CR members (only). The storage at the Hangout in Delaware is well-lit, alarmed, heated to above 40 degrees all winter, and has 110v available. You don't have 24/7 access to the bike, but with a day's notice I can let you into the garage to ride it on a warm January day or at least to start it and let it run 10 minutes. The idea would be for winter storage of running bikes only, with spring pickup by April or May.


What this is NOT:


--storage for your rusted old frame and box of parts that you hope to work on someday


--storage for jet skis, trailers, cars, boats



I suggest the following:


Bring a bike cover or at least a sheet to keep the dust off the bike.


Put fresh fuel and fuel stabilizer in the tank. Don't top it off.


Bring a battery tender, or at least leave the battery accessable so that I can connect a battery tender to it every few weeks. Or, take the battery home with you and keep it on a tender.


If your bike leaks oil, let me know so that I can put absorbant underneath it to save my painted floors. No gas leakers, please.


PM me (or text me at 740-405-5565) with questions or to set up a time to drop off your bike. For those who haven't been to the Hangout, it is at 320 London Road, Delaware, in the Howald Industrial Park, Building 100 (first building as you come down the drive).


Also, I have a year-round standing offer for members of the Armed Forces who are stationed away from home: You can leave your bike here for your whole deployment--just give me instructions on how often you want it started or whether you want a friend to take it out from time to time to ride it

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Thanks, but it's no effort for me at all. CR has helped me many, many times, and it's small payback.


Every time I bring up something I've gotten from CR people ask if it's a magical fairyland where people just give shit away to each other.


And I tell them that's exactly what it is. That and thinly veiled homoeroticism.

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You're always welcome. They will start again in a few weeks. Typically the Hangout opens Fri/Sat, around 9 p.m. until whenever -- a "winter substitute" for parking lot meets.


We can't have weirdos like these cruising the streets unsupervised:


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hey Doc, if you need someone to take out service members bikes for a ride can I volunteer? I'm licensed, insured, semi-responsible....etc....


Seriously though you are super generous for doing this. Kudos to you.

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