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Lol. Really not blaming either, just saying from my perspective, I don't want my child to get into Minecraft. Neighbor boy loves it, good for him, but he's just so consumed with it that he seems to have no interest in the real world. I realize we're living in a computerized world now, but there should be a balance with the virtual world and the real world.


Balance is the key. Not letting them do something will just make them want to do it more IMO.


The parents who ONLY let their kids play sports, or ONLY let their kids help them work on stuff, or ONLY let their kids play video games (because they are too lazy to actually interact with them) are doing their children a serious disservice.


There is a time and place for all of it. Being proficient with computers, while still being able to work on your own stuff, while still being able to function socially, and while still being able work in a team setting all together is a very desirable skill set nowadays. Honestly, most of our population SHOULD already possess them(But they don't). I think our largest problem lies in everyone dealing in absolutes, and we can't be accepting to learn the things WITH our children that we don't already know.

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Lol. Really not blaming either, just saying from my perspective, I don't want my child to get into Minecraft. Neighbor boy loves it, good for him, but he's just so consumed with it that he seems to have no interest in the real world. I realize we're living in a computerized world now, but there should be a balance with the virtual world and the real world.


I detect that neighbor kid will be addicted to porn when he learns the sexual terms.

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Balance is the key. Not letting them do something will just make them want to do it more IMO.


The parents who ONLY let their kids play sports, or ONLY let their kids help them work on stuff, or ONLY let their kids play video games (because they are too lazy to actually interact with them) are doing their children a serious disservice.


There is a time and place for all of it. Being proficient with computers, while still being able to work on your own stuff, while still being able to function socially, and while still being able work in a team setting all together is a very desirable skill set nowadays. Honestly, most of our population SHOULD already possess them(But they don't). I think our largest problem lies in everyone dealing in absolutes, and we can't be accepting to learn the things WITH our children that we don't already know.


Bingo. Fellow Parent Approved.

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Balance is the key. Not letting them do something will just make them want to do it more IMO.


The parents who ONLY let their kids play sports, or ONLY let their kids help them work on stuff, or ONLY let their kids play video games (because they are too lazy to actually interact with them) are doing their children a serious disservice.


There is a time and place for all of it. Being proficient with computers, while still being able to work on your own stuff, while still being able to function socially, and while still being able work in a team setting all together is a very desirable skill set nowadays. Honestly, most of our population SHOULD already possess them(But they don't). I think our largest problem lies in everyone dealing in absolutes, and we can't be accepting to learn the things WITH our children that we don't already know.


I agree completely, just wanted to try to stay relevant to the Minecraft subject and not turn it into a parenting thread. My son uses a tablet and smartphone fairly well (as much as I feel a 2 yr old should), does well with puzzles, etc. but just generally prefers to be outside and be more hands on with his free time than staring at a screen. I hope it stays that way for the most part, but as you said, balance is key. There's no way of avoiding technology these days, and no reason to try.

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