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riding gear

that dude

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why do people care what gear people wear. if people choose to wear leathers when its 85 degrees on the streets, great for them. if they want to wear shorts tennis shoes and a hat, great for them.i think many of you need to worry about you, and shut the fuck up about what gear, or no gear people wear.:D

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If a squid wants to be a squid, so be it, i don't care...

exactly..when its hot you wont catch me in anything but a t shirt pants and my shox....and lid...guess im a squid, but id rather not walk around a rib burn off in leathers, or walk into a store in leathers..hell id never wear leathers unless i was racing :D

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I would ONLY wear leathers if I was doing a track day. Daily riding I wear textile jacket and ICON leg armor, but couldn't care less if you do or don't wear gear. If I ain't paying your bills, I don't give a phuck what you wear. Besides, the more squids that get phucked up w/out gear, the less squids that will be around to reproduce squid offspring. Squids are just purifying the gene pool!

I am NOT saying everyone that rides w/out gear is a squid.

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granted its not my life but it still gets me to shake my head when i see people riding in shorts or what not. only cuz i can just imagine what mess they are gonna be when they go down.

but i will not ride with anyone that dont have a helmet. im not going to do something i enjoy and relaxes me with someone that might possibly turn their face into a grease staing on the pavement.

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dont forget there are many many squids that ride with leathers and full gear as well, as the no gear squids

Not wear I live! Very rare to see much more than a helmet. Even if it is just strapped to the back of the bike. Yesterday I saw some guy with a ICON jacket, gloves, helmet strapped up under the seat, shorts and tennis shoes. I really don't care and never say anything to anyone but thought to myself if that's not just a fashion statement I don't know what is.

Do what you all want! If you go down I will stop whether you have gear on or not and lend a hand. I choose to go ATGATT and get shit for it all the time. "Aren't you hot?", "Do you really need all that stuff on?" It has been getting annoying lately but whatever I would rather sweat than bleed. So I will continue to get geared up whether it's 30 or 100. If I am just shooting up to store or something it's helmet, jacket, gloves, boots and jeans. If it's out for a ride it's riding pants and everything else I mentioned.

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I wear my rocket nation leather jacket, and my shoei...99.99% of the time.

I wear an extra layer of pants (thinking of buying some kevlar jeans) maybe 50% of the time...

I rock shorts maybe 5% of the time...

I'm not atgatt, but i'm pretty well protected, and my jacket/helmet are well ventilated when i want them to be, so no comfort issues.

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I don't worry about anyone's gear but mine. There are a few kids that ride wheelies past my house most of the time they have helmets. They make me shake my head sometimes.

I think a lot of people don't think about the ride. If I'm just going to the store it's helmet and whatever I have on. A lot of the people you see without gear, may be making a store run.

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The never ending gear discussion...

Personally' date=' I vote for self governance. I do understand why others would be concerned for your safety but it isn't any of their business. The main reason I don't like riding with people with no gear is if they do hit the pavement I don't want to look at their smashed skulls or skinless body. It's more of a selfish issue, I guess. Plus, I find that most riders who don't wear proper safety gear don't look at motorcycling the way I do and we prolly won't understand each other anyway.

Wear what you want to. It's your ass. Literally.[/quote']

how do you look at it..i look at as in 2 ways..street and track..track- wear your best gear and go balls out and qualify..street- were sharing the road with many, and its not a racetrack. since im not trying to qualify i wear what "i' think it appropriate at the time. im out to enjoy myself and not trying to get my elbow to touch the ground, all while avoiding the sand and gravel. i just think people on here and in general should shut the fuck up when trying to preach about gear. the person that wears leathers is no better than the person in flip flops in my book..both stoopid to me but 90% of the time i keep my mouth shut. just like you said paul its our asses and not yours! the whole ins thing, if you cant afford the ins or are crying about rates going up, its time to sell, and take up ping pong ;)

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I don't worry about anyone's gear but mine. There are a few kids that ride wheelies past my house most of the time they have helmets. They make me shake my head sometimes.

I think a lot of people don't think about the ride. If I'm just going to the store it's helmet and whatever I have on. A lot of the people you see without gear, may be making a store run.

absolutley correct

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I will never understand why there are helmet laws anywhere...

I get the seatbelt argument, the seatbelt stops you from becoming a projectile, but a helmet just makes you a more rigid projectile.

I say let the idiots weed themselves out. If you're 18 or older, your head is your own concern. If you want to ride without a helmet, you understand the risk, and you accept the risk.

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how do you look at it..i look at as in 2 ways..street and track..track- wear your best gear and go balls out and qualify..street- were sharing the road with many, and its not a racetrack.

I'd actually flip it if I were in charge...

You're safer on a track than you are on any road. As you stated, we share the road with many...(many many many idiots who don't pay attention) I've been rear-ended at red lights and stop signs 4 times in big, colorful cars...luckily i've not had that happen on a bike yet...but if/when it does, i'd like my head to be protected when it bounces off their hood or front bumper...

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I will never understand why there are helmet laws anywhere...

I get the seatbelt argument, the seatbelt stops you from becoming a projectile, but a helmet just makes you a more rigid projectile.

I say let the idiots weed themselves out. If you're 18 or older, your head is your own concern. If you want to ride without a helmet, you understand the risk, and you accept the risk.

I don't think thats the logical used for seat belt laws. The seat belt is meant to protect you, just like the helmet. Why would anyone be concerned about your body becoming a projectile, when there is 2,000 lbs of metal already coming at them?

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I don't think thats the logical used for seat belt laws. The seat belt is meant to protect you, just like the helmet. Why would anyone be concerned about your body becoming a projectile, when there is 2,000 lbs of metal already coming at them?

because it's not coming at their window...

my neighbors parents hit a deer (mid flight) after it was hit by a plow truck coming the other way, they'd have sustained less injuries if they had just hit the plow truck, but they had an animal come through the windsheild...

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I wear my leather jacket, over the ankle boots, gloves helmet all the time because of one reason. The street is much more likely a place for me to eat pavement or even worse get him by a car and I dont know about ya'll but i want all the protection I can get even if I have to sweat it out a bit. The street will probably be a harder impact at slower speeds were the track will high speed low impact were you slide a lot and leathers will take major heat and abuse. The street I wont be going as fast but fast enough I want as much gear as possible without being overkill, and besides most jeans can take some mild sliding.

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why do people care what gear people wear.

pffft you ride a gixxer your a squid no matter how much or little gear you wear :D j/k lol

anyway....... on wearing gear..... shit happens, you never know if/when your going down. 98% of the time I'm wearing more than just a helmet.

everybody to their own but I prefer not to ride with people that don't wear any gear.

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Funny, I just had this convo with 2 cruiser coworkers yesterday. I have NOTHING against HD's or cruisers but both of them didnt understand why I wear gear daily to travel 3 miles to work, etc.

I explained that to me it was worth it so that if something did happen, I would have a better chance, wether that does happen or not, I'd like to up my odds with gear. Not to mention never know when I might hop out early or at lunch and hit some twisties, 188 etc. Working and livign where I do gives me alot of time to hit the back roads and I feel I would rather have my stuff then not.

I really dont care what people wear BUT I feel people should have some sense of safety for themselves, however if they feel safe with nothing, thats their choice. I ll still help anyone on a bike, but Id like to see people in gear more often.

Leather/Tex. helmet, gauntlet gloves, pants, and hightops or riding boots, even just to go get gas.

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Funny, I just had this convo with 2 cruiser coworkers yesterday. I have NOTHING against HD's or cruisers but both of them didnt understand why I wear gear daily to travel 3 miles to work, etc.

I explained that to me it was worth it so that if something did happen, I would have a better chance, wether that does happen or not, I'd like to up my odds with gear. Not to mention never know when I might hop out early or at lunch and hit some twisties, 188 etc. Working and livign where I do gives me alot of time to hit the back roads and I feel I would rather have my stuff then not.

I really dont care what people wear BUT I feel people should have some sense of safety for themselves, however if they feel safe with nothing, thats their choice. I ll still help anyone on a bike, but Id like to see people in gear more often.

Leather/Tex. helmet, gauntlet gloves, pants, and hightops or riding boots, even just to go get gas.

ho far is the nearest gas station- 100 miles :D

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1.2 miles. But Ive seen more then 1 bike down in that 1.2 miles in the 2 years I've lived there. Just a busy intersection and like I said, I gear up all the time.

Again though, personal preference, I dont hate, I appreciate.

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absolutley correct

While I don't care what other people do...

the idea is

"dress for the crash, not the ride"

Not completely true as if you're sweating your ass off you won't be able to concentrate. Hence appropriate gear for the weather :p

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