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Lettuce discuss Mini Coopers


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How do you typically clean carbon buildup? Does the ol' Italian tuneup still apply?


Nope...this is open the thing up and scrape kind of buildup. Hard to say if it is inevitable, or what...I think it may be...but there are people running up over 100K without issues..maybe because those type of mileages come from many miles per day allowing it to warm properly ect.

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If it is one owner and the clutch was done recently, I've got to think it's a pretty good deal for a 130k car. Even though I crapped on them, it might be worth the look.


In MINI's defense, the non-S I drove was at CarMax and it was totally ragged out by some dog-loving woman. Even after the CarMax cleaning, you could see animal scratches on the hard plastic and there was sh!t caked in panel gaps and behind the vents. Plus, the rotors were horribly warped. It is still slow but it's got a lot of character so if you can grab one for $3-4k... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hopefully better luck for you!

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This times infinity, especially with VW Beetles. I've talked to girls who own them.. one didn't know what the fuck an oil change is, another tried putting diesel fuel in hers and called the gas station stupid because the nozzle didn't fit (she sprayed it into the hole anyways and was fucked later), and another just generally drove hers into an early grave. When asked why they bought such a stupid little car, they all gave the "cute" answer. Stupid whores.


Mini. Not even once.


HAHA, the diesel fuel thing is fucking hilarious!!! I've not heard that one before!

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Mini's are a mess after about 60K


I work on almost every Mini Cooper that comes through the shop. We have about 15-30 active Mini owners that come through. As my boss will say, these cars help pay the bills. I love the cars, but damn they are maintenance intensive.

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