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Questions about Lasik


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Figured I would see if anyone here has had Lasik, and could recommend where I should go.


What kind of real world prices have you paid too? I know I see commercials for crazy cheap like $400 an eye, but I'm sure there is a catch.


My vision is pretty awful, and I have managed all these years without getting corrective lenses or anything so I don't even know how bad they really are. I know the last time I renewed my license, I basically guessed during the vision test... I have to renew it again this year, and don't think I will get lucky enough to pass again.

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Insurance coverage will be different probably depending where you choose to go so price will reflect that. Also check with some eye doctors because many won't perform the procedure if your vision will be x amount bad after anyway.
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Why not just get glasses?


I did. Life goes on.




It's not that I think glasses are "uncool" or any of that stuff. I just rather actually fix the problem.


From a financial standpoint, I would assume over the next 15 years it would cost me more to use corrective lenses or contacts than what I can pay for Lasik now and be done with it.

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It's not that I think glasses are "uncool" or any of that stuff. I just rather actually fix the problem.


From a financial standpoint, I would assume over the next 15 years it would cost me more to use corrective lenses or contacts than what I can pay for Lasik now and be done with it.


My Dad got corrective surgery about 8 years ago. Went back to 20/20.


Two years later, back to "readers".





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My Dad got corrective surgery about 8 years ago. Went back to 20/20.


Two years later, back to "readers".


^^ common. 95%+ will require readers. Early onset presbyopia sets in at 37yrs but typically doesn't impact people until their early 40's. It's rare to not be impacted one way or the other once you pass 40.

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It's not that I think glasses are "uncool" or any of that stuff. I just rather actually fix the problem.


From a financial standpoint, I would assume over the next 15 years it would cost me more to use corrective lenses or contacts than what I can pay for Lasik now and be done with it.


^^ you're young enough. All depends on what your Rx is like and how it will change. That's what makes annual exams so nice is you can track the changes and est. what it's going to be like down the road.

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My wife had lasik a few years ago. My insurance sucks so I ended up paying out of pocket. It think it was nearly $3k in total but they did 2 years same as cash. I think the doctors name was Beran (sp?). The biggest issues she had was headaches and low grade nausea for the first few months. They went away but it was rough for her for a while. But she was legally blind before and now has 20/20. Hopefully it will stay that way.
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I had it done by Bloomberg about about 2.5 years ago. My eye sight before the surgery was somewhere in the 20/600 range (a person with 20/20 could see something clearly at 600 feet away, I had to move up to 20 feet away). Because of how bad my eye sight was, they had to do a "heavier" surgery. Ended up costing me about $2,800. Insurance covered none of it, but they normally offer 24 months no interest. Because of the surgery I had, took me about a month to fully recover. Last check of my eyes, about a year ago, I was 20/20 in my right eye and 20/25 in my left.


Good friend of mine just had it done at Bloomberg. Her eyes were maybe in the 20/75-100 area. She was able to do the bladeless LASIK surgery. She was driving just fine the next day. Think it was like $1,400 for her surgery.

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Bloomberg here about 7 years ago.


For the readers comments, it is degenerative so yes after about 5 years you will need to get that redone.


Ran me about $3k. However for a small "fee" they will re do for free for life.

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My eye sight before the surgery was somewhere in the 20/600 range


You had some major glasses with about -6.50 correction. My wife is at -7.50. Common at the moderately high range of correction needed. If you're at 20/25 that's not even a half diopter off, you're fine. Most people can get upwards of 20/40 before they need correction. About the same for reading.


Bloomberg here about 7 years ago.


For the readers comments, it is degenerative so yes after about 5 years you will need to get that redone.


Ran me about $3k. However for a small "fee" they will re do for free for life.


Save your money on the last part. Touch ups on the proceedure are rarely needed.


In terms of changes in your vision, yes to account for the, theoretically the procedure could be repeated so long as your corneas are not too thin.


However, the risks greatly increase after the second time/touch up. After that you risk loss of cornea completely, increased risk of infection, under/over corrections, halos and glare, especially at night.


They will check you for thickness and risks ahead of time.

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You had some major glasses with about -6.50 correction. My wife is at -7.50. Common at the moderately high range of correction needed. If you're at 20/25 that's not even a half diopter off, you're fine. Most people can get upwards of 20/40 before they need correction. About the same for reading.



Yeah even with pretty good VSP coverage, my frames and lenses cost me around $600-800 per year AFTER insurance. Getting the laser surgery on my eyes has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself.

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I went to Lasik Plus in Easton.


Best money I have ever spent. I say that at least 2 times a week...if not more.


Just go get a free consultation to see if your eligible. That was how I started when I was looking to get it done and had questions.

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Wifes in the same boat. She is 27 and is blind as a bat without glasses. She want's to have it done but we are both scared it won't last. I will have to pay for it out of pocket.


Get an evaluation at a reputable doctor. She'll know up-front how it will perform for her or what risks might be present. Chances are if her Rx is strong she's spending $300-$500 per year or even every other for glasses anyway. Why not just pay for 2-3 yrs of glasses now, get the procedure and buy herself a 10-12 years of glasses free life.


Sure, she'll eventually need glasses again at some point, but see above for the ROI. 10yrs from now ocular implants will be cheaper than they are today and she will likely go that route. I'm 45, need readers but may go ocular in a few years if I adjust well to contacts. Fighting it all off right now and this is the market I work in :o

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Interesting thread, I'm glad it got brought up. I've been wearing glasses since I was 10 years old, but once I got to 18 or so my perscription hasn't changed much at all and I've really been considering this. It seems there is a pretty big swing in price, I take it that all has to do with how bad your eyes are? Everybody posting seems to have had a good experience, is there anyone in Columbus to stay away from?
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Getting the laser surgery on my eyes has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself.




I felt, probably was, nearly blind before. I had to wear some corrective lenses all of the time. Just to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, had to put glasses on. Wearing contacts during any physical activity was awful. Skiing with contacts, hiking and having to take contacts in and out is at the very least cumbersome. It's so nice to not have to do that any more.


I think it's been about 10 years now. I just got a basic vision check for a physical about a month ago. 20/20-30 (maybe 25), which is no different from shortly after I got it.


My mom did get it about the same time, and due to age she does now need some basic prescription, especially for reading. Much less than before and I imagine if she had perfect vision earlier in life, she would probably need a similar correction now.

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I take it that all has to do with how bad your eyes are? Everybody posting seems to have had a good experience, is there anyone in Columbus to stay away from?


The variables are thickness of the cornea, size of your pupil and yes, your current refraction/Rx. Of course if you have aids, etc. anything impacting healing or on medications, those will play in too.


Overall no one to really "avoid". Just read up on the multitude of reviews out there really.


Worst case if Laser surgery doesn't work, implants are an option. 2-3x the cost but an option.

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Just as a heads up, anyone in the country would be hard pressed to have an employer who covers lasik, as it is considered a cosmetic surgery and is rarely needed for actual medical coverage.


That said, this has become so routine that I think just about any reputable place would be good...if I ever start to have eye problems, my ass is getting it ASAP. No way I'm fucking with contacts or glasses.


Good luck!

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Yeah even with pretty good VSP coverage, my frames and lenses cost me around $600-800 per year AFTER insurance. Getting the laser surgery on my eyes has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself.



If you're paying that much then you don't have a good Vsp plan, sorry to say. I sell fully loaded progressives with $300 frames all day and they run the patient about $400-$450.

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