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We are expecting another one


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The wife and I found out yesterday, unexpectedly I might add, that we are having another baby. Going off her last "cycle" and using the interwebs, we are looking at a November birth. Both of us are hoping for another boy, since we have a lot of stuff left over from our son and well, we just want another boy haha. In the end though, if its a girl and healthy we will be just as happy. We are done after this one though, I am getting too old to be making babies, I told her no more after 30 (turned that in December), but I think I will let this slide.
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Congrats! Too old at 30, I just had my first at 31!

Better fire up the wagon mill again.


Haha, the way I look at it is when he's my age, I'll be 62ish, I want to enjoy my grandkids. I wish we had our son a couple years earlier than we did. I guess now is better than never though and I have plenty of wagons still hanging in my garage haha.

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Having had my daughter at 20, I wish I would've had her at 30, I would be a more involved parent now. Now that I've grown up I'm willing to spend more time with her and she's a teenager. At least I should have some good years as a grandfather someday. Having a kid at 30 isn't so bad in my opinion.



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Congrats. Had our first when i was 33 and 2nd at 35.


I seen benefits of having kids younger as well as older. Younger, you can at least run around with them as they grow up and not be out of breath after 2mins.


For me, having them older meant i can give them what i didn't have. More established and i'm hell of alot more responsible.


Mine are 2.5 and 4.5 right now (both boys), so enjoy it as they do grow up fast!



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To the OP, congrats on the 2nd one on the way!




Where/Who? I'm coming up on needing to do that.




Nothing wrong with having a kid at this age. My wife and I are 36 and about to have a second kid (daughter) in about 3-4 weeks....




Dr. Herb (Riemenschneider) with Riverside Urology. Was seriously the easiest thing ever. He's not the friendliest, but I'm not sure I want some overly nice guy messing with my nuts.


1. Go see him. Tell him you want your balls snipped. Schedule appointment. Get Valium scrip.


2. Take 1 Valium 30 min before your appointment.


3. Show up to appointment. Take 3 more Valium. Fall asleep.


4. Get woken up. Feelin' good. Have man get closer to your balls than you would ever be comfortable with. Don't matter, you're strung out on Valium anyways. Wait 20 min. No real pain.


5. Receive bag of peas for your boys (not kidding - they really gave me a bag of frozen peas...). go home with Percocet scrip.


6. Take two Percocet and go to sleep. Save other 28 for a rainy day because there really is no pain with it. Felt like a mild kick in the nuts for about 12 hours. That was it.



Not having to worry about ever getting the call that you're now a father - Priceless.

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I think the stigma of having kids after 30 is a little silly. Think how much smarter you are in your 30's than your 20's. My sister just had her first kid at 34. Hell at 30, i wouldn't have wanted her to have a kid.. They do amazing things for your soul.
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Insurance paid for my entire vasectomy. Even they know yard rats are expensive.


Mine too. Valium, or I wouldn't have done it. I've had way too many surgeries to care to count, but this was the only procedure that ever made me nervous. Something about getting your balls cut open just doesn't sit well. I had mine done the 2nd week of March Madness a few years back :)

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Congrats on the kid man. I hope it is a healthy one.


I didn't take any drugs after I had my boys snipped. I hate Rx pills almost all pain killers make me nauseous. I took a valium because they told me to. I didn't feel anxious or anything just lightheaded after I left the table. I think it was the pill bothering me. They wanted me to leave in a wheelchair. I just walked slowly out the door. My doctor let me listen to music with headphones while they did it. I listened to Bob Marley the whole time. That plus no worry about kids was all I needed to relax. +9000 on frozen bags of peas. Just go buy some now don't do it after. There wasn't much pain afterwards. Felt sore for a day but it was fine afterwards. There was one day I had a sharp pain but that only happened once. Best $50 I ever spent. 10/10 Would do again.

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