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Bee repellent...what actually works?

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The past day or so I've noticed a few honeybees constantly hovering around my back porch and garage. Normally I just ignore the little fuckers, but some of them are being aggressive and flying around all up in my shit, and I found one in my beer a little bit ago. So now I'm pissed and I want to find a way to help deter them. Plus I'm highly allergic to bee stings, so I would prefer they just fuck off altogether and leave me alone.


I normally just kill them with raid or brake cleaner or whatever harsh chemical sprays I have at hand, but I don't want to spend my time outdoors spraying every bee and wasp that dares cross my path. Do they make tiki torches or anything like that to repel bees, and do they work? I googled it, and as I expected, found a bunch of articles on all these e-friendly hipster ways to deter bees with "household items" like peppermint herbs and tea tree oil (because I totally have a ton of that stuff around my house) and who knows if these methods even work?


So before I waste money on citronella candles and cucumbers, can anyone recommend me a bee repellent that actually repels them? Thanks in advance

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I do need to build a fire pit. And I frequently smoke cigars which always helps keep insects away....


That might just put them to sleep, only to come after you again when they wake. Perhaps you have a hive in the making somewhere. Odd that bees have been loitering in the same spot for several days for no reason.

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Bees have become pretty efficient over the last couple million years...srsly, if they are hanging around a certain area of your house, chances are there is a hive nearby.


I had a yellowjacket issue a couple summers ago where there seemed to be a bunch around my house, then I nearly drove over their underground hive. I waited until nighttime, found the hive with a few guards at the entrance, poured half of a citronella tiki-torch fuel bottle down the entrance, let it sit for a bit (they seemed to be agitated, if not totally blind in the dark...even with my LED headlight in their faces), then lit the bitch on fire. Let it burn like an in-ground tiki torch for over an hour. Very next day, no yellowjackets around the house. Hive was dead. The day after that, some animal came and dug it up overnight. I had a huge pit in my lawn from where these fuckers nested.


I say all of that because BEES ARE COOL, but they likely are having a mini swarm because there's a hive nearby. Even if it was food sources, they usually fly in, feed, and fly back to the hive. Try to find out if there's a hole in your eaves/soffet, or if they are going to a nearby tree.

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The day after that, some animal came and dug it up overnight. I had a huge pit in my lawn from where these fuckers nested.


I say all of that because BEES ARE COOL, but they likely are having a mini swarm because there's a hive nearby. Even if it was food sources, they usually fly in, feed, and fly back to the hive. Try to find out if there's a hole in your eaves/soffet, or if they are going to a nearby tree.


Funny/interesting that some animal came and dug it up lol. NATURE


I have a few of the big ass bumble fuckers floating around the house, but there's a lot of flowers around so I'm not surprised. I've looked around the eaves/soffit and haven't found anything, and the bees/wasps haven't tried invading my storage shed yet although I fully expect them to eventually (FUCK wasps). The honey bees seem to be interested in the patio area behind my garage, specifically my table and chairs. It's only a couple at a time, not a swarm, but they were being very aggressive when I was out there messing with my grill. Maybe I should spray the table and chairs down with soap and see if that helps.


Bugs will be bugs and I'm ok with bees doing their thing, but I really want them away from my patio area.

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