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Running in Columbus Quarter Marathon experience


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Organized chaos.


So, my wife wanted to do a distance running event. She has never been into running, but has been in fitness and training for several years now. She asked if I would run the Columbus quarter marathon with her, so I reported for duty. I'm not a runner either, it's boring, but I can chug along.

The morning of the run, we got there plenty early, because I hate waiting in traffic and lines. It worked out great and we saw the start and finish line with no crowd. Being her first run, she registered our pace pretty slow, placing us pretty far back for the start. The staging areas were so freaking loud. The speakers were everywhere and just too damn annoying. We will bring earplugs to the next one. The people are an interesting lot. There was a whole a lot of tight clothing revealing more than I wanted to see. Some people take running so serious. One dude had to have over $1000 in all the crap he was wearing. I can only justify a good pair of shoes. On your mark, get set, GO! And we are off. I was a bit surprised by all the support and people out to see other people run. The signs were pretty funny. "you can't trust a fart at mile 9", "smile if you aren't wearing underwear", "you can do it, random stranger". The miles went by pretty easy, with bands and DJ's all along the route. My wife had been doing a little running, but never 2 miles without walking. We hit the 2 mile mark and had a small celebration. She charged on through the 4 mile marker, before wanting to walk a little. We walked about a half mile and got right back into it. The last 2 miles were a little slower. At the end she was pretty happy. It's just something she hadn't done and it turned out to be pretty fun. Just as we crossed the finish line there was a lady who finished behind us, whose nipples finished with us. That can not be unseen. I didn't know everyone gets a medal, I didn't know there was all the food at the end. I had no idea there was free beer and some other drinks. I had packed a bag with my workout recovery normal stuff.


Overall, it was pretty fun. We will do other running events. There are a few 5K's we will probably do this season..

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Smalls is in "Girls on the Run" at her school. Every year the end "reward" is a 5k. Last year, the First Place runner ran it in ~ 17 minutes!


Smalls took about 43 :)


Many props to a 1/4 Marathon! I couldn't do it! :D



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Organized chaos.

If you really want to see organized chaos, go run the race for the cure.

Overall, it was pretty fun. We will do other running events. There are a few 5K's we will probably do this season..

Let me know when!:)


You need to get a bike so we can go do a 'fake' tri; canoe, run bike. :megusta:

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My wife runs, she did her fourth marathon this past weekend, the Cincinnati Flying Pig. She said one of the best signs she's ever seen running was some random guy holding up "Penis". Everyone laughed... :lol:
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Joe, we were there...should've tried to meet up with you guys but you're right; it's ridic before the race. I had in-ear headphones and the speakers were hella loud. Last year I ran the half-marathon and was happy to finish...this year I ran the quarter with wife and FiL, and I still had a great time; probably will never run a half again (just do quarters).


Yes, it's hilarious how my Runkeeper app said I burned ~900 calories and I'm pretty sure I consumed more than that back in champagne, Mick Ultra's and Papa John's :lol:


The crowds are amazing...It's what keeps me running. Longest I had completed was a 2.8mi run Wednesday before and I am proud to say I did 6 miles without walking.


OhioHealth signed a 5-year deal to headline the run, so we'll be participating with my FiL again next year. :thumbup: FYI, the quarter-marathon is the shortest you can run and still get a T-shirt and medal. ;)

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If you really want to see organized chaos, go run the race for the cure.


Let me know when!:)


You need to get a bike so we can go do a 'fake' tri; canoe, run bike. :megusta:


That'd be sweet if Joe gets a bike. We need to ride soon.


Awesome write-up, Joe.

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That'd be sweet if Joe gets a bike. We need to ride soon.


Awesome write-up, Joe.


Dude, I've been trying to get Joe to get a mountain bike for years. He would love it.


Just like Joe, let me know when. You just have a road bike right now? You can drive over to my crib and we will go hop on the Olentangy trail. Maybe have the women meet us down around Campus, downtown or the Autobahn park with some lunch.


They basically have from Cincy to Columbus done, and a good bit of Columbus to Cleveland done. I really want to go bike packing on that trail at some point.


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Dude, I've been trying to get Joe to get a mountain bike for years. He would love it.


Just like Joe, let me know when. You just have a road bike right now? You can drive over to my crib and we will go hop on the Olentangy trail. Maybe have the women meet us down around Campus, downtown or the Autobahn park with some lunch.


They basically have from Cincy to Columbus done, and a good bit of Columbus to Cleveland done. I really want to go bike packing on that trail at some point.



Yup, just a road bike. Always up for riding though.

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Hey, Jesse...how long does it take to do the Heart of Ohio bike trail from Columbus to Cleveland and back? A week?


I mean, it just depends on how many miles you can rid a day. Me right now? Probably a month. :fa:


When I made a 'plan' to do Cincy to Columbus, that I've not done yet, I was going to do 2 days, bike-packing and camping about halfway. It was completed to about 90 miles at that time, is probably 100 now. That seems like a reasonable amount of miles in a day to me, but I've never done a long distance multi-day ride. That mile/day rate would get you done with Columbus-Cleveland-Columbus in about a week. I'm sure someone in good cycling shape can do much more than that per day.


FYI, Google maps has cycling directions and trails. I don't think this takes where the path will end up because enough of it isn't there yet for Google Maps to default there, but it gives you an idea.


Cincinnati to near Columbus, this would cover the part that's finished.. 'easy' weekend ride with camping at Caesar Creek.

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Ben and Jesse, the issue for me is time. I didn't have the time to do track days on the motorcycle and never rode on the street = sold it. Now it's hard to justify dropping at least $500 on a bike to do trail rides. I don't deny that I think it would be fun. I just can't pull the trigger on it.


I have to run for my career, so 5K's and other events are things I can justify and squeeze in.

Jesse, we will keep you posted on other ones we look at. We were going to the do the Pet Promise 5K, but I have an event that weekend. Let us know if you see one you want to do.

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My lady runs and did the Cbus half. I thought it was pretty boring compared to the last few full marathons she ran (Cinci & DC). Maybe it's just because I live here, but there weren't nearly as many "characters" or things to see. If you want a fun run check out Washington DC. That was easily the best time I've ever had as a sports spectator.
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I think the most fun run of the year is the OSU 4 miler(it sells out). You finish on the 50 yard line in the shoe. Really cool to run through the tunnel and then onto the field at the end. You can see yourself finish on the jumbotron too. The medal is awesome, Buckeye fans will love it. Ran last year and had a great time.
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I think the most fun run of the year is the OSU 4 miler(it sells out). You finish on the 50 yard line in the shoe. Really cool to run through the tunnel and then onto the field at the end. You can see yourself finish on the jumbotron too. The medal is awesome, Buckeye fans will love it. Ran last year and had a great time.


Love that race. Just wish it was a little longer

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I think the most fun run of the year is the OSU 4 miler(it sells out). You finish on the 50 yard line in the shoe. Really cool to run through the tunnel and then onto the field at the end. You can see yourself finish on the jumbotron too. The medal is awesome, Buckeye fans will love it. Ran last year and had a great time.


Want to talk about a clusterfuck though.... The company that runs the race runs the parking for the event and it is completely ass-backwards from every other event on campus.

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I think the most fun run of the year is the OSU 4 miler(it sells out). You finish on the 50 yard line in the shoe. Really cool to run through the tunnel and then onto the field at the end. You can see yourself finish on the jumbotron too. The medal is awesome, Buckeye fans will love it. Ran last year and had a great time.


In before a Joe anti sport/Buckeye fanatic rant. :p

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Ben and Jesse, the issue for me is time. I didn't have the time to do track days on the motorcycle and never rode on the street = sold it. Now it's hard to justify dropping at least $500 on a bike to do trail rides. I don't deny that I think it would be fun. I just can't pull the trigger on it.


I have to run for my career, so 5K's and other events are things I can justify and squeeze in.

Jesse, we will keep you posted on other ones we look at. We were going to the do the Pet Promise 5K, but I have an event that weekend. Let us know if you see one you want to do.


Completely understand. Just sold my xr100's because I didn't have the time to race/practice (and I'm really slow). I'm consolidating hobbies. :)

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