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Seat-back DVD players


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Anybody have experience with them? The toddler turns two in a month (meaning we can turn the car seat around to front-facing), and we'll be having our first "are we there yet" drive before the year is out, so for the sanity of all involved, we'd like to be ready with lots of Qiao Hu, Kai Lan, and Sesame Street to choose from.
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Watch out for the cheap players...either the screen isn't bright enough in sunlight, or the physical screen has reflections from ambient light (should be a matte plastic finish to protect against glare).


We had a headrest-strap DVD player in our Caravan before going Odyssey; nothing beats the factory-installed options but I will say that the cheapie aftermarket stuff is only so good.


What is popular on Amazon these days?


Whatever you buy will be worth it, though: after years of highway driving as a young adult, I would chide seeing DVD screens through van/SUV windows at night, mumbling something grandpa-ish like "Durn kids these days should look outside at the world around them!" Then, I had kids, and I realized that 70% of highway driving is boring as shizz to sub 6-year olds. Might as well let them enjoy some digital entertainment when they can!!

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IMO just get an iPad and a holder designed for a headrest. Our DVD players got us through the early 2000's but anymore I just drag-drop movies and call it a day. Better display, no wires, long life and even a blue tooth speaker or headphone set is cheap.


Each of kids have one and they have been the best investment since. Not just for moveis or games either.

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