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Curious: why was Crucial Performance thread scrubbed?

El Karacho1647545492

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Bad enough name? I thought this was 4chan for people local in Columbus and sorta into cars. Actually I take that back, 4chan is nicer and doesn't deserve the comparison.


Seriously though, and not to switch topics for a second - why is this place like a giant douche-bag motel? you would think with the likelihood you will actually meet the people on this site being so high people would be sorta nice. The nicest people I have met IRL from this site post rarely if ever, the loudest and most aggressive don't even seem to live in the state of ohio anymore. I don't see this site having much of a future unless you guys want to change the URL to




At least then you'll really attract the target demographic.


Serious question. Given your opinion of the site and so many members, why are you here, continue to stay and post? Why not just exit and close this chapter of your online life?

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So, that's somewhat ironic.

A lot of what you get out of this place is a reflection of what you put in.


Based on that logic one could easily make the argument that I am a screaming asshole because that seems to be the majority of the people I met here early on influencing the tone.



I would summize the typical "car guy" is an A type personality. You've got what?, 2200 members, 200 actively active on here. Something is bound to happen.


I think that is way overgeneralizing (I am decidedly not type A) but statistically I see your point. But then again that's the point of the moderators to keep things on an even keel.



Over-moderate people bitch, under moderate they bitch. Summary, people bitch about everything, even when it is free.


People bitch but eventually they either get used to it or go away and it all level sets again. I think the bigger issue here, and the one that doesn't get discussed, is what is the mission of this place really supposed to be? I mean there are plenty of other car/bike sites that do a damn site better job at being hubs for their community but they do it by being upfront about their tone and purpose and having effective moderation along those lines. And let me be clear I am not saying the moderation here isn't effective, I am saying this board doesn't really have a clear direction and as such the mods don't have a standard to work from.


I get this place was once the domain of a bunch of people who all were friends and knew each other in real life but it has kind of grown beyond that with people moving away and new people joining more because they have google and not necessarily friends with someone already on here. I am not trying to be overly critical here, I mean if the owners/mods are perfectly happy with exactly what's going on here then by all means - it's their site and their call to let it continue the way it is.


And to tie this back to El Karacho's original post - I do think there is value in the original information he posted about crucial performance and local boards should have some forum to discuss local businesses. Plenty of other forums have these things and handle it in a variety of different ways - this goes back to the "focus" of the board is this really supposed to be a valuable and enriching community, or just a place where people with sorta common interests call each other asshole.

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Bad enough name? I thought this was 4chan for people local in Columbus and sorta into cars. Actually I take that back, 4chan is nicer and doesn't deserve the comparison.


Seriously though, and not to switch topics for a second - why is this place like a giant douche-bag motel? you would think with the likelihood you will actually meet the people on this site being so high people would be sorta nice. The nicest people I have met IRL from this site post rarely if ever, the loudest and most aggressive don't even seem to live in the state of ohio anymore. I don't see this site having much of a future unless you guys want to change the URL to




At least then you'll really attract the target demographic.


This site was 20x "worse" back in 2010...


Personally I like this place because of it's temperament, it's a great retreat from the overly PC/Heavily moderated forums out there.

Edited by acklac7
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Serious question. Given your opinion of the site and so many members, why are you here, continue to stay and post? Why not just exit and close this chapter of your online life?


the site has some value. I get event info here, met some good people, and have gotten some great advice.


Granted I have had to wade through a tremendous amount of shit to do it - but honestly I find a lot of that really comical and entertaining. My point is this place is only hurting itself for those who still want that good info but don't find the abject level of adolescent stupidity nearly as entertaining.

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I am saying this board doesn't really have a clear direction and as such the mods don't have a standard to work from.


If you haven't caught Anthony's title yet it's "Chaos theory director". Again Im really, really P.C. on other sites, but I love this place as a retreat.

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Bad enough name? I thought this was 4chan for people local in Columbus and sorta into cars. Actually I take that back, 4chan is nicer and doesn't deserve the comparison.


Seriously though, and not to switch topics for a second - why is this place like a giant douche-bag motel? you would think with the likelihood you will actually meet the people on this site being so high people would be sorta nice. The nicest people I have met IRL from this site post rarely if ever, the loudest and most aggressive don't even seem to live in the state of ohio anymore. I don't see this site having much of a future unless you guys want to change the URL to




At least then you'll really attract the target demographic.


Dude. You're an asshole.



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This site was 20x "worse" back in 2010...


Personally I like this place because of it's temperament, it's a great retreat from the overly PC/Heavily moderated forums out there.




If you think people are assholes on here now, you wouldnt have lasted 10 minutes a few years ago.

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the site has some value. I get event info here, met some good people, and have gotten some great advice.


Okay, so it’s not necessarily a douche-bag motel; it has some value, good people and the advice is solid. I would agree and honestly, those are very true points, especially the last one.


I would disagree that you have to wade through a “tremendous amount of shit to do it.” Are there threads full of crap, yes; but you learn quickly that the advice isn’t there and usually the cool kids and value aren’t either. Take those for what their worth, entertainment. Really, most of those threads are just that too. Even the “douche-bags” in those threads are good guys but there to stir the pot. Even you do that and don’t deny it :p


You have thick skin, I know that just by reading your posts and seeing who you are here. Yes, you're an asshole at times and so am I. Who cares? It's CR, take it as a compliment.

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This site was 20x "worse" back in 2010...


And probably another 20x worse than that in 2005.


Geeto, this IS the "kinder, gentler, more mature" CR that you are currently experiencing.


My comment about getting out what you put in earlier was an invitation for you to "add" something of value. Based upon the comments of several CR members, your position seems to have been one of holier-then-thou attitude, insulting commentary, and sketchy principles. Given that, it's not surprising that your experience with CR so far has been less than stellar. If you are cool with that, then by all means, don't change a thing. If not, then make what adjustments you deem reasonable.


I don't mean for this post to serve as a personal insult to you, from me (although it is my opinion that you haven't exactly given anyone here a reason to like you to this point). This is me relaying my observations. Do with them what you will.

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I would disagree that you have to wade through a “tremendous amount of shit to do it.” Are there threads full of crap, yes; but you learn quickly that the advice isn’t there and usually the cool kids and value aren’t either. Take those for what their worth, entertainment. Really, most of those threads are just that too. Even the “douche-bags” in those threads are good guys but there to stir the pot. Even you do that and don’t deny it :p


It has been feeling like lately that almost every post has "cool kids" crap in it, and a lot of it unnecessary. I completely stir the pot and take pleasure in doing it often, I have always owned that. But maybe everybody tolling everybody isn't the optimal thing.


You have thick skin, I know that just by reading your posts and seeing who you are here. Yes, you're an asshole at times and so am I. Who cares? It's CR, take it as a compliment.


I do and I don't take anything on the internet personally at all. Real Life is real, the internet is just a place where you kill time pretending you are working.


I guess the only thing I do take offense to is this place is extremely hard on new people and that means it isn't going to grow. I like seeing car/bike based communities grow because that means a diversity of viewpoint and opinion and more interesting things start to happen, but that isn't happening here...at least not as well as it should be.

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I guess the only thing I do take offense to is this place is extremely hard on new people and that means it isn't going to grow. I like seeing car/bike based communities grow because that means a diversity of viewpoint and opinion and more interesting things start to happen, but that isn't happening here...at least not as well as it should be.


Dude, you've been on here a year, how do you have enough CR experience to make a Judgement call?:dumb:


Seriously, search back through the kitchen for pre 2010 threads; this place was more or less a war zone. It has matured substantially in the past 3 years.

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It has been feeling like lately that almost every post has "cool kids" crap in it, and a lot of it unnecessary. I completely stir the pot and take pleasure in doing it often, I have always owned that. But maybe everybody tolling everybody isn't the optimal thing.


Fair enough and you're likely right about lots of threads going to crap. Been there seen that in my own threads. The good news is everyone gains a little bit more clarity on who is worth knowing and who isn't. The last part.......all of us own and can fix. I've seen it here and elsewhere that it usually works itself out. Kinda like a stiff neck, the pains usually go away over time.


I do and I don't take anything on the internet personally at all. Real Life is real, the internet is just a place where you kill time pretending you are working.


Hey, I am working....just trolling at the same time :D Dis-inhibition is strong among message boards. I believe it's actually a serious problem for our entire society today. That's for a more serious thread with Doc and Tilly involved at some point.


I guess the only thing I do take offense to is this place is extremely hard on new people and that means it isn't going to grow. I like seeing car/bike based communities grow because that means a diversity of viewpoint and opinion and more interesting things start to happen, but that isn't happening here...at least not as well as it should be.


True CR is hard on newbs. Always has been as far as I go back. That's why the oven and kitchen threads are always pretty deep. Rightfully so though as even in my short time here, I've seen many worthless people come and go and if it wasn't for being hard on them, they'd still be here.


Time usually heals all wounds and the more you get to know folks here the better it gets. You know some key people and they think highly of you so FWIW know that you're a pot stirring ass with a few friends anyway ;) That in itself means you fit right in with the rest of CR :p

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Dude, you've been on here a year, how do you have enough CR experience to make a Judgement call?:dumb:


Seriously, search back through the kitchen for pre 2010 threads; this place was more or less a war zone. It has matured substantially in the past 3 years.


I can only speak to the now. And while I understand the value of the past saying "it is better than it used to be" isn't the same thing as saying "is it as good as it can be"?

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It has matured substantially in the past 3 years.


Translation: CR Members, especially the original guys, are getting older, have gray hair, many have kids and most are a wee-bit wiser now than they used to be. And they likely have Low-T and don't realize it thus they don't fight as much. :p

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Translation: CR Members, especially the original guys, are getting older, have gray hair, many have kids and most are a wee-bit wiser now than they used to be. And they likely have Low-T and don't realize it thus they don't fight as much. :p



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And while I understand the value of the past saying "it is better than it used to be" isn't the same thing as saying "is it as good as it can be"?


Sounds like liberal-speak there buddy, thats not well tolerated on here.



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