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Spider experts, come on in, identify this.


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Though I can appreciate your reference, I would have rather you supplied some chemical from where you work to kill the damn spider.


I have been killing dozens of spiders around the house in the last week or so. Mostly wolf spiders and some huge ass orb. Can't have my dog messing with those things.

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It's that time of year where they start showing up in waves. My front bushes are covered in spider webs and I've also noticed them chilling out on my roof making webs off of my gutters. Big suckers too. I've only found two wolf spiders in my house so far, but I know they are just hanging out waiting to get me one night. Almost burned my house down one night a few years ago because of them.
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That is a common orb weaver. I have a few of those and barn spiders outside my house. They are most active this time of year. If it is in your house you should catch it in a glass and take it outside. A few orbs will eat most of the mosquitos around your property. It is something you will notice quickly if you are outside at dusk. Don't kill this thing let it kill bugs for you.
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That is a great read. I can only identify a few spiders around my house and yard and this really helps. I never kill any spiders, ever. They are good to have around and dangerous ones in Ohio are super rare... :nod:

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When I was in Hilton Head this year we saw a Garden Spider the size of a saucer plate. Freaked us out because we were not paying attention as we walked into the doorway it was hanging above.


LOL, reminded me of the time I was in FL, and there was a beautiful full moon rising at night. I went out my front door and took a couple steps to look at it. My right eye blacked out for a second and I stepped back so the moon came back into focus and I "WTF'd?"...


Turn on the front porch light, and there was a HUGE spider that made the two posts around the front porch his web in a matter of a day. I literally took two steps out into the moonlit darkness and was so close to the web that he eclipsed the moon from my one eye.


I didn't sleep well that night.




To wit: I do agree with the above comments. I HATE spiders when I find them in my house, but outside they are a welcome predator for bugs. I did destroy the web for the big spider in FL, and he scampered off. Got the idea, apparently...because I never saw him again.

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As someone mentioned above, orb weaver. Many varieties, mostly harmless. Generally build their webs at night and hide, if not completely take down their webs, during the day. (They hide from one of their biggest enemies during the day, the wasp. Many species of wasp love to wrestle them down and paralyze them with a sting before stuffing them in a hole underground or a birthing chamber within a nest. They then lay an egg on the still living but immobile spider who will be eaten alive when they egg hatches.)

I've seen some of these orb weavers get large enough to build webs that stretch across entire roads; small ones, generally dirt, but still. When you're drving down a road late at night and feel the need to actually increase your speed so your car doesnt get stuck in it, it's too big. lol


Oh, and it's not a "garden spider" as someone mentioned. This is:

Notice the striking pattern and the zigzag formation in the center of the web.


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This creepy creature has been living outside our front door off the porch for a week. Can't really get a good pic of it with a real camera let alone my phone as it's over some shrubs and stuff but this is a weird looking dude. Has a big ass with spikes on it.



Cell Phone Shot:





Awaiting Christian our resident entomologist and bug expert to chime in. Until then, it's name is spike.

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We have the anti-spider at our house...not one to be found inside...don't know which I hate more, these guys feel like a hornet when bitten and they're always in your shit..



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This creepy creature has been living outside our front door off the porch for a week. Can't really get a good pic of it with a real camera let alone my phone as it's over some shrubs and stuff but this is a weird looking dude. Has a big ass with spikes on it.



Cell Phone Shot:





Awaiting Christian our resident entomologist and bug expert to chime in. Until then, it's name is spike.

Micrathena! There are many "spiked" spiders belonging to Micrathena. All are really cool. THat looks like a regular Spiked Micrathena or Spined Micra, I don't know. Might not even be that, but it's definitely a Micrathena. Harmless and cool looking.


We have the anti-spider at our house...not one to be found inside...don't know which I hate more, these guys feel like a hornet when bitten and they're always in your shit..



If that's a House Centipede, that's probably the biggest one I've seen. So common up here in Ohio. I let them run the basement and garage for the same reason mentioned above. When I find them in the "regular" part of the house (or stuck in the damn sink), I pick them up and throw them outside or in the garage.

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We have orb weavers all over ouside our house. This one was out tonight. His web is anchored to our gutters and attaches to a low hedge of bushes.




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Some spider built a web in the corner of my back door. Been there for like a week. At night I turn on the patio light and all the bugs in the world fly into his death trap. I start furiously masturbating staring out the door watching the spider flip the fuck out chasing all these little things bombarding his web and I'm like MOAR MOAR MOAR
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