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Here is my newbie take:


This place has a horrible and well earned reputation of being a douchebag motel. It is a reputation supported by only a few members but it is a plague on the whole of the community. Before I signed up this forum was recommended to me three different times by three well known members here and they all said the same thing -it's a pretty good place but be careful there are some real assholes. I signed up and was not disappointed right from the first non-oven post.


the poor behavior of the few causes more poor behavior, it's a defensive reaction. Even after I joined the only reason I stayed is people I would see at CC&C would talk about something cool and then I would go look at it, and then look at three other posts and get severely disappointed. Bad behavior is not punished around here so there is no incentive for the "really long time" assholes to do anything but continue. I have said it before I think this place has a bit of an identity problem, it want's to be too many different things and it doesn't focus on the strengths.


My take is this: moderate more. This place should be friendly and supportive of a real life community, not a toilet into which 5 or 6 senior members piss on all the others and hardest on the newbies. That CR shredder crew or whatever you call it? yeah that needs to stop. I think someone said it in the crucial performance thread where nobody wants to stay where they come here to talk about their 1958 impala show and get told to fuck their mother and make a sister (i'm paraphrasing here but you get the point).


Here is a really easy change (in my mind being ignorant of vbulliten software): take the kitchen, move it to the bottom of the page, and then remove the topics from the "new posts" search link. That way the kitchen dwellers can stay mostly where they are and not rattle the rest of the population. Hide the trolls in the basement.


Also start deleting the posts where offensive things are happening. if a nasty back and forth is going on, lock the thread, pm each member a warning, delete the off topic posts and then unlock it. Oh and actually enforce the harassing behavior policy.


As far as new members, the car hobby is huge, even if in decline there are still plenty of people to go around. if you don't clean up the real life image of this place people just won't come here.


I am all for supporting more car content, more events content, and more general good nature discussions. Everybody I have met from here in real life so far has turned out to be wonderful. but they don't post as often and it probably has to do a lot with the amount of garbage that is allowed. you want a community to grow? be a community not an area for a small minority of members who feel they have some entitlement because they have been here longer.


just my 2 cents.

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  bmwohio said:
I would consider myself a Motorsports Enthusiast and the reputation that preceded this site before I joined not too long ago was that of the 'elitest d-bags who just wanted to be keyboard warriors and insult you all day' ...so I tread lightly when I first joined and then through my involvement as the Solo Chair with SCCA I was able to promote events and meet some guys from the site.


Since then, I have become more comfortable posting, but I still stay FAR away from the Kitchen. I mainly post in the LOL thread, or like to start threads that ARE motorsports related....


One thing I do like about this site is the vast diversification of people with SO many different interests...so when I have a completely random question, this is where I come to post it because the chances are typically high that someone can offer information on the subject. I think having a dedicated section for that wouldn't be a bad idea 'lettuce discuss - LMS - etc'


Overall, I enjoy the site and I have a good idea of people to 'stay away from' because they will always be the 'internet tough-guy' on here, but I am a fan of some of the recent changes. I moderate a BMW forum and the vibe on there is MUCH different from this one.


That's all from me, hope that helps.


This sums up a lot of my feelings as well; thanks Kale. Although I still don't post often anyway... :fa:

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  Geeto67 said:
Here is my newbie take:


blah blah blah



3,294 members, and you are the only one who's internet persona I really despise. You might be the coolest guy in the world in real life for all I know. But if this was my site I would do the exact opposite of what you posted just to keep "your kind" off the site.

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  Geeto67 said:
Here is my newbie take:


This place has a horrible and well earned reputation of being a douchebag motel. It is a reputation supported by only a few members but it is a plague on the whole of the community. Before I signed up this forum was recommended to me three different times by three well known members here and they all said the same thing -it's a pretty good place but be careful there are some real assholes. I signed up and was not disappointed right from the first non-oven post.


the poor behavior of the few causes more poor behavior, it's a defensive reaction. Even after I joined the only reason I stayed is people I would see at CC&C would talk about something cool and then I would go look at it, and then look at three other posts and get severely disappointed. Bad behavior is not punished around here so there is no incentive for the "really long time" assholes to do anything but continue. I have said it before I think this place has a bit of an identity problem, it want's to be too many different things and it doesn't focus on the strengths.


My take is this: moderate more. This place should be friendly and supportive of a real life community, not a toilet into which 5 or 6 senior members piss on all the others and hardest on the newbies. That CR shredder crew or whatever you call it? yeah that needs to stop. I think someone said it in the crucial performance thread where nobody wants to stay where they come here to talk about their 1958 impala show and get told to fuck their mother and make a sister (i'm paraphrasing here but you get the point).


Here is a really easy change (in my mind being ignorant of vbulliten software): take the kitchen, move it to the bottom of the page, and then remove the topics from the "new posts" search link. That way the kitchen dwellers can stay mostly where they are and not rattle the rest of the population. Hide the trolls in the basement.


Also start deleting the posts where offensive things are happening. if a nasty back and forth is going on, lock the thread, pm each member a warning, delete the off topic posts and then unlock it. Oh and actually enforce the harassing behavior policy.


As far as new members, the car hobby is huge, even if in decline there are still plenty of people to go around. if you don't clean up the real life image of this place people just won't come here.


I am all for supporting more car content, more events content, and more general good nature discussions. Everybody I have met from here in real life so far has turned out to be wonderful. but they don't post as often and it probably has to do a lot with the amount of garbage that is allowed. you want a community to grow? be a community not an area for a small minority of members who feel they have some entitlement because they have been here longer.


just my 2 cents.


That's great and all, but this site's never been sunshine, rainbows, and butterflies, and I don't see a reason it should change now. It started as an enthusiast site, and, if anything, I think it needs to transition more back to those roots. Part of actually being a part of the automotive scene and culture is dealing with gruff, take-no-prisoners individuals. It's VERY tame now compared to the way it's been in years past. It's "Columbus RACING", not "Columbus people who like to play pretend with cars on the weekend and get upset and whine when they get made fun of on the internet".


Nobody's forcing anyone to be a part of this site. It's been implicit for years what this place has been about.

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  2highpsi said:
3,294 members, and you are the only one who's internet persona I really despise. You might be the coolest guy in the world in real life for all I know. But if this was my site I would do the exact opposite of what you posted just to keep "your kind" off the site.


good to know where to not buy a car anytime soon. shame too as you had a lot of high recommendations.


also thank you for kind of proving my point.


most people wouldn't notice this but often any "offensive" post I have is usually in response to something equally offensive another member has said already. I tried putting content in here and really mostly what I got back was crap like this...people who don't really care about content they just have to spew hate.


like me, hate me, indifferent me I don't particularly care, but garbage like this just junks up good conversations.

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  Alex L. said:
That's great and all, but this site's never been sunshine, rainbows, and butterflies, and I don't see a reason it should change now. It started as an enthusiast site, and, if anything, I think it needs to transition more back to those roots. Part of actually being a part of the automotive scene and culture is dealing with gruff, take-no-prisoners individuals. It's VERY tame now compared to the way it's been in years past. It's "Columbus RACING", not "Columbus people who like to play pretend with cars on the weekend and get upset and whine when they get made fun of on the internet".


Nobody's forcing anyone to be a part of this site. It's been implicit for years what this place has been about.


I get that, and yes the automotive hobby is full of characters but there is a difference between being gruff and some of the outright vitrol that gets spewed here.


Really, from my perspective, the only thing you should be taking from the past is how you can move into the future. if that means toning down the static and advancing more positive things so be it. time moves forward, stop talking about the way it was like there wasn't need for improvement then and start embracing the improvement that has come and moving toward where things can get better.


It's been implicit for years that this place is about some real a-holes ragging on people. You can't say you want new members and then lament that you have to progress to a more civil atmosphere to attract them. I am not saying it should be unicorns farting rainbows here 24/7 but some of this crap is just unnecessary.

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  Geeto67 said:
I get that, and yes the automotive hobby is full of characters but there is a difference between being gruff and some of the outright vitrol that gets spewed here.


Really, from my perspective, the only thing you should be taking from the past is how you can move into the future. if that means toning down the static and advancing more positive things so be it. time moves forward, stop talking about the way it was like there wasn't need for improvement then and start embracing the improvement that has come and moving toward where things can get better.


It's been implicit for years that this place is about some real a-holes ragging on people. You can't say you want new members and then lament that you have to progress to a more civil atmosphere to attract them. I am not saying it should be unicorns farting rainbows here 24/7 but some of this crap is just unnecessary.


The way it was ensured that those with thick skin, similar senses of humor, and tangible intellect made it on the board rather than it being a free for all of people who don't go to track days, don't go to meets, and don't contribute in any way/shape/form to the site and/or community. Many of those who come and came at others the hardest are those who support and have supported the site the most, respectively.


Improvement is opinion-based. The way it was, in my opinion, ensured that more like-minded enthusiasts who would actually fit into the mold of the community got in, rather than anyone who thinks they like cars getting through the doors and getting offended because they don't understand the personas on here. I want to be able to go to the track, give people the finger, make fun of people, and have everyone laugh at it because they get it, not listen to people whine because their feelings got hurt.


You're wanting the site to be more PC, and as much as you think that will help it, that's actually working towards the degression of the site and community in my eyes. It's a private entity, not a democracy, and the operation of the site as such in the past was much more beneficial than you realize.

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  Geeto67 said:
Here is my newbie take:


This place has a horrible and well earned reputation of being a douchebag motel. It is a reputation supported by only a few members but it is a plague on the whole of the community. Before I signed up this forum was recommended to me three different times by three well known members here and they all said the same thing -it's a pretty good place but be careful there are some real assholes. I signed up and was not disappointed right from the first non-oven post.


the poor behavior of the few causes more poor behavior, it's a defensive reaction. Even after I joined the only reason I stayed is people I would see at CC&C would talk about something cool and then I would go look at it, and then look at three other posts and get severely disappointed. Bad behavior is not punished around here so there is no incentive for the "really long time" assholes to do anything but continue. I have said it before I think this place has a bit of an identity problem, it want's to be too many different things and it doesn't focus on the strengths.


My take is this: moderate more. This place should be friendly and supportive of a real life community, not a toilet into which 5 or 6 senior members piss on all the others and hardest on the newbies. That CR shredder crew or whatever you call it? yeah that needs to stop. I think someone said it in the crucial performance thread where nobody wants to stay where they come here to talk about their 1958 impala show and get told to fuck their mother and make a sister (i'm paraphrasing here but you get the point).


Here is a really easy change (in my mind being ignorant of vbulliten software): take the kitchen, move it to the bottom of the page, and then remove the topics from the "new posts" search link. That way the kitchen dwellers can stay mostly where they are and not rattle the rest of the population. Hide the trolls in the basement.


Also start deleting the posts where offensive things are happening. if a nasty back and forth is going on, lock the thread, pm each member a warning, delete the off topic posts and then unlock it. Oh and actually enforce the harassing behavior policy.


As far as new members, the car hobby is huge, even if in decline there are still plenty of people to go around. if you don't clean up the real life image of this place people just won't come here.


I am all for supporting more car content, more events content, and more general good nature discussions. Everybody I have met from here in real life so far has turned out to be wonderful. but they don't post as often and it probably has to do a lot with the amount of garbage that is allowed. you want a community to grow? be a community not an area for a small minority of members who feel they have some entitlement because they have been here longer.


just my 2 cents.






Admittedly, I have not been neat as active as I was in the past. It angers me. Epic amounts of trolling aside, this was always been a fine source of entertainment. Having been here from 02'-'03, then 08'-on, being a sponsor was a boon to meeting many members (subsequently many turned into great friends), to working for another sponsor. Sadly work and kids always seem to hamper any sort of participation in activities. '15 is a wash for me. 2016 I will do better though. The fact that Cordell managed to wrangle more than three sentences together coherently says a lot for him.


Anthony, and Tina, you guys are great.

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I must say it finally happened, but shit just got real on page 4.


My opinion is that there is a lot of truth posted on this page too. It's clear many don't want to recognize or face it and perhaps it's the messenger not the message. However, the truth is there regardless of who says it or even if it goes un-said. The mere fact that the post is in existence and onto page four pretty much proves that.

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  Patterson said:
The fact that Cordell managed to wrangle more than three sentences together coherently says a lot for him.


Okay, I admit I LOL a little.


Anthony, and Tina, you guys are great.


Great and very Tolerant I might add. I have no idea how they hold it together with as much shit splattering as can be had here. Nut and tit swinging aside, they do run a pretty good ship compared to many. Perhaps it does need a bit of an update in some areas though.

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I think I am considered OG, amrite?


I don't even live in Ohio and I still frequent the board. I will say that it is somewhat challenging to keep the discussion current on cars and racing. Think about it. If you have an issue with your car your are more than likely going to get a better, car specific answer, on a car specific board.


This board in the past was a place to plan gatherings, stay in contact with each other outside of the racing scene. Now folks are older and the racing events are more 'organized' and of the legal variety. Which again makes sense we are older, wiser, and have much more to lose. As someone stated that 'scene' that made this forum is dwindling, everywhere. Unfortunately bringing in younger (or any NEW) folks usually comes with its share of the undesired.


But lets be real, even when we hung out at car spots, how much of the talk was actually care related? Once you go to know everyone's car, what it was capable of. You may talk about your plans going forward but it came down to just hanging out talking about the same stuff you see posted on the threads.


I like this forum for what it is. A way to stay connected with car enthusiasts and old friends. Also as someone stated is a great way to get feedback on local services, not limited to cars alone. We work too hard to spend money on crappy services but more importantly any money we save means car parts. So I would say that is a common driver for everyone on this board!


I've met some of my best bro's hanging out on this site. I know its been the same for many of you all.

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  PDQS4 said:
I must say it finally happened, but shit just got real on page 4.


My opinion is that there is a lot of truth posted on this page too. It's clear many don't want to recognize or face it and perhaps it's the messenger not the message. However, the truth is there regardless of who says it or even if it goes un-said. The mere fact that the post is in existence and onto page four pretty much proves that.


Could you expand on this, please? I'm scratching my head right now.

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  Geeesammy said:
Can we get a "geeto67 ban or nah" poll going?


I vote no. He's not entirely wrong. Agree with him or not and some or none of what he says that's fine but I've had the opportunity as many others have to compare an online persona to the real dude and he's as solid as Clay or others here just perhaps a bit more NY Blunt. He's an enthusiast with both bikes and cars, and a professional.


Ironically I think he would fit right in if everyone got past the fact that the's newer to the group. An for the record, him and I have exchange some heated, yet fun banter both online and in person.


We're all dicks at some point, especially behind a keyboard. The real mark of it all though is are we that way face to face. He's not the only one I've changed judgement on when we've finally met. The good news is more have gone to the better than the worse when that has happens and in my book that shows character for that individual.

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  Geeto67 said:
Here is my newbie take:


This place has a horrible and well earned reputation of being a douchebag motel. It is a reputation supported by only a few members but it is a plague on the whole of the community. Before I signed up this forum was recommended to me three different times by three well known members here and they all said the same thing -it's a pretty good place but be careful there are some real assholes. I signed up and was not disappointed right from the first non-oven post.


the poor behavior of the few causes more poor behavior, it's a defensive reaction. Even after I joined the only reason I stayed is people I would see at CC&C would talk about something cool and then I would go look at it, and then look at three other posts and get severely disappointed. Bad behavior is not punished around here so there is no incentive for the "really long time" assholes to do anything but continue. I have said it before I think this place has a bit of an identity problem, it want's to be too many different things and it doesn't focus on the strengths.


My take is this: moderate more. This place should be friendly and supportive of a real life community, not a toilet into which 5 or 6 senior members piss on all the others and hardest on the newbies. That CR shredder crew or whatever you call it? yeah that needs to stop. I think someone said it in the crucial performance thread where nobody wants to stay where they come here to talk about their 1958 impala show and get told to fuck their mother and make a sister (i'm paraphrasing here but you get the point).


Here is a really easy change (in my mind being ignorant of vbulliten software): take the kitchen, move it to the bottom of the page, and then remove the topics from the "new posts" search link. That way the kitchen dwellers can stay mostly where they are and not rattle the rest of the population. Hide the trolls in the basement.


Also start deleting the posts where offensive things are happening. if a nasty back and forth is going on, lock the thread, pm each member a warning, delete the off topic posts and then unlock it. Oh and actually enforce the harassing behavior policy.


As far as new members, the car hobby is huge, even if in decline there are still plenty of people to go around. if you don't clean up the real life image of this place people just won't come here.


I am all for supporting more car content, more events content, and more general good nature discussions. Everybody I have met from here in real life so far has turned out to be wonderful. but they don't post as often and it probably has to do a lot with the amount of garbage that is allowed. you want a community to grow? be a community not an area for a small minority of members who feel they have some entitlement because they have been here longer.


just my 2 cents.



So basically what you are saying is that you want to take a car forum of very diverse people and opinions and tell them what they can and cannot say. You want it to be an over moderated dictatorship where people cannot post their opinions or have some fun? You know what you will have left? Absolutely nothing. We are told we over moderate the forum as it is.


"Start deleting posts where offensive things are happening" - Who gets to judge whats offensive? Whats offensive to you may not be offensive to me.


If you don't like the kitchen section, stay out of it. If you don't like the people on the forum and think they are a bunch of douche-bags, there is a logoff button in the top corner, I suggest you use it and forget the password to log back in. If you need help with this last part I can definitely make it happen for you.

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  PDQS4 said:
I vote no. He's not entirely wrong. Agree with him or not and some or none of what he says that's fine but I've had the opportunity as many others have to compare an online persona to the real dude and he's as solid as Clay or others here just perhaps a bit more NY Blunt. He's an enthusiast with both bikes and cars, and a professional.


Ironically I think he would fit right in if everyone got past the fact that the's newer to the group. An for the record, him and I have exchange some heated, yet fun banter both online and in person.


We're all dicks at some point, especially behind a keyboard. The real mark of it all though is are we that way face to face. He's not the only one I've changed judgement on when we've finally met. The good news is more have gone to the better than the worse when that has happens and in my book that shows character for that individual.


Can we get a "PDQS4 ban or nah" poll going?



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  wannaraceLS1 said:
So basically what you are saying is that you want to take a car forum of very diverse people and opinions and tell them what they can and cannot say. You want it to be an over moderated dictatorship where people cannot post their opinions or have some fun? You know what you will have left? Absolutely nothing. We are told we over moderate the forum as it is.


"Start deleting posts where offensive things are happening" - Who gets to judge whats offensive? Whats offensive to you may not be offensive to me.


If you don't like the kitchen section, stay out of it. If you don't like the people on the forum and think they are a bunch of douche-bags, there is a logoff button in the top corner, I suggest you use it and forget the password to log back in. If you need help with this last part I can definitely make it happen for you.


Ding ding ding.

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  Miller said:
Could you expand on this, please? I'm scratching my head right now.


I think Cordell's post was timely. I've been thinking for months that the activity here has fallen fairly flat. More so than in years past and much earlier in the year than I've seen before. I don't have the states but my guess is there's like 50 fairly active posters and maybe another 50 semi active. The rest....ghosts.


That's cool, but thinking about all the folks I've turned onto CR and how many actually have either joined and left or just plain said no thanks based on what they've heard, I do think the post was timely. I love coming here but do hope more people join up and bring more new ideas to the table.


I also think that many of the points posted are valid both in terms of positives and yes the negatives. All the latter are, are opportunities. I tend to look less at who said what than what is actually said. I don't think everyone does that. IMO I see more people looking at screen names and then reading the comments and forming an opinion.


I hope that helps clarify my opinion.

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  Geeto67 said:
good to know where to not buy a car anytime soon. shame too as you had a lot of high recommendations.



And this is just pure stupidity. So you won't buy a car from a trusted site sponsor that has amazing reviews and "high recommendations" because of an opinion the owner has regarding your stupid post? This to me sounds like a very spiteful comment for someone who thinks this forum should be over moderated. If I where to do as you suggest, I would be removing all of your posts as they are the only ones causing shit in an otherwise helpful thread with good information and opinions.

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As far as the site activity going down, there seems to be less new members signing up than in years past. I'm not sure how accurate this observation is, but I feel like the intro section isn't nearly as active as it once was.
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  wannaraceLS1 said:
So basically what you are saying is that you want to take a car forum of very diverse people and opinions and tell them what they can and cannot say. You want it to be an over moderated dictatorship where people cannot post their opinions or have some fun? You know what you will have left? Absolutely nothing. We are told we over moderate the forum as it is.


"Start deleting posts where offensive things are happening" - Who gets to judge whats offensive? Whats offensive to you may not be offensive to me.


If you don't like the kitchen section, stay out of it. If you don't like the people on the forum and think they are a bunch of douche-bags, there is a logoff button in the top corner, I suggest you use it and forget the password to log back in. If you need help with this last part I can definitely make it happen for you.









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