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Blue Jackets Officially Fire Richards


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I was honestly hoping for anyone other than Tortorella. I don't think any good will come out of this. I don't think Johansen (probably Milano and Rychel as well) is going to take well to Torts and his coaching style. He's going to end up pushing Johansen off the team just like he did to Marian Gaborik in NY. I just don't think his style relates well to newer players.
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One the one hand, I don't think anyone in the organization or fan base was calling for Todd Richards' head. He's a great coach, he's a brilliant tactician (not counting last night's abomination, CBJ had among the best PP efficiency in the league), and players love him.


But it's not about what players love, and it's not about how brilliant you are. It's about getting the best out of the players on the ice. HCTR has failed miserably in that regard at the beginning of each season. Their first 15 games, basically the first 20% of every season, they dig themselves into a hole of confusion and subpar performance. That can't happen with any regularity for a team that SHOULD be in the playoffs.

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Torts is a hardass, he will push the players and get the most out of them in the short term but in 2-3 years will probably wear out his welcome.


Guys like Boone Jenner will take to his system and blossom bc of their attitude drive, but guys like Ryan Johannson wont work out well unless they change, big time. I can see Joey, with all of his talent being burried on the 4th line.


I liked Torts in NY, he was effective if not a complete asshole. But he was a joke in Vancouver. He did come out and say he's changed his coaching style and b/c of this was chosen to coach Team USA in worlds this year (off season) but we'll see.

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I fear the greatest bro-love sports story ever may be broken up soon by trades


Foligno and Bob? They aren't trading there newly appointed captain and I'm pretty sure no one in the league would take Bob and his contract if this is how he's going to play.


IMO, Tyutin needs to go, JMFJ needs to go, Connauton needs to go. There just isn't anyone to replace them with on the trade market. None of them really have any positive trade value. I'd love to send one of them and a good prospect to Florida for a Kulikov or Gudbranson.

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Foligno and Bob? They aren't trading there newly appointed captain and I'm pretty sure no one in the league would take Bob and his contract if this is how he's going to play.


IMO, Tyutin needs to go, JMFJ needs to go, Connauton needs to go. There just isn't anyone to replace them with on the trade market. None of them really have any positive trade value. I'd love to send one of them and a good prospect to Florida for a Kulikov or Gudbranson.


They jackets are so deep at forward they'll end up dealing some 2nd or 3rd line talent. I think Cam is #1 on the trading block, he's not a locker room leader and he's a great talent. He'll be too expensive to re-sign, I say try to package him with JMFJ (who will be a 3rd-line D anywhere else) for a top pairing Dman.


I think the person in most danger of getting traded is Joey. He was benched for the last 6min of the 3rd yesterday, Torts obviously didn't like his level of hustle compared to guys like Wennberg Jenner and Dubi who were busting their asses out there.


One person who I think will shine under Torts is Hartnell. He's played for Laviolette, he knows how to handle ball-busters and he has shown a lot of fight in the losing crusade under FHCTR.


EDIT: OH and I agree that Tyuts needs to go but no one will take him. I like Connauton, he's just being asked to fill a role too big for him right now. He's a future stud though.

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I think the person in most danger of getting traded is Joey. He was benched for the last 6min of the 3rd yesterday, Torts obviously didn't like his level of hustle compared to guys like Wennberg Jenner and Dubi who were busting their asses out there.



This is the exact reason I didn't want Tortarella in Columbus. He's going to push the all skilled players out. We've waited 15 years for a #1 center in Columbus and this crazy midget is going to push him out...right into Vancouver's waiting arms.


I hope I'm wrong about Torts, but most centers with his skill, size, stride all look like they are low effort. Joe Thornton, Jeff Carter, Ryan Getzlaf, all have the same look to them.

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This is the exact reason I didn't want Tortarella in Columbus. He's going to push the all skilled players out. We've waited 15 years for a #1 center in Columbus and this crazy midget is going to push him out...right into Vancouver's waiting arms.




I hope I'm wrong, but most centers with his skill, size, stride all look like they are low effort. Joe Thornton, Jeff Carter, Ryan Getzlaf, all have the same look to them.



This why I WANT Tortarella, he's gonna make these overpaid fools perform. I'm tired of players coming here and collecting checks while they don't care for wins or losses. This has been documented by former players that said winning here wasn't a priority because the team has no history, this is not Detroit or a club that is one of the perennial winners. Checks spend the same whether they win or lose. As far as I care, as a paying fan, if you don't want to hustle and earn your keep, see ya no matter what your name says. You don't want these fools playing for your team, you are spending hard earned cash for PSLs. Fuck I was happy when Nash was traded, if homeboy doesn't get his shit together and give 100%, peace don't let the door hit you on the way out Ryan. Tortarella is a good coach and knows when someone is coasting. He has plenty of experience to evaluate talent. We used to be this scrappy team that would get bloody but lose, let's get back to being tough, but now good too. Let's have Coach make teams think about coming here and having to put in work to earn the win. These guy are just collecting checks right now except for a few. I see frustration in Nick, not in Ryan. I see the Arby's sign above his head when he skates.

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