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Seizures in my "Puppy" Lola


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So it's 4am and Lola's had a seizure. It's not her first one, it's the third one since July, when these made thier first appearence. It crushes me every day looking at her 15 year old body that any day now will be her last.


i fucking love this dog. She's been my constant companion since the day that fat little rolly-polly little butt waddled up to me. We've traveled the country together, mourned together, lived by the skin of our teeth together..


When I was laid off from GM I literally chose food for her over me some days.


She's protected my houses from intruders. She's let toddlers crawl all over her- she used to run 5 miles a day with Nathan. Her empathy is like no other dog I have ever had. She still to this day even with limited use of her rear legs tugs so hard with Nathan that he has to stand up to meet her strength or she'll pull him off the couch (she's got lots of torque)


In July she had her first seizure and it scared the shit out of me. We took her to Medvet in Dublin (that place is amazing) and they diagnosed her with a possible tumor or lesion on her brain. The only way to know for sure which it is is a $2k MRI and while I love Lola- we decided that either way the out come is the same- she's basically on hospice care.


Her ability to maintain weight right now is low- I have tried giving her more for or higher calorie food but she still eats just enough to get by. She's still happy. The only real change is she had #2 accidents when she greets people because she's excited or can't get from our upper level to the lower level, where the dog door is, quick enough.


All of it is manageable.


But it breaks my heart I can't do anything to stop the aging process.


In fact we know that Beatrice will need companion after Lola passes and have opted to not wait for her to pass and will be picking up a puppy this week.

I knew I wouldn't be able to look after Lola goes.


My insides will be crushed.

I know many of us have dogs and cats and if you have had multiple, you know what I mean when I say she's that "special" one that will have dug deep into your soul.


Hug your furries today. For me.


Sorry for the sadness post- I just needed to vent and it's 4am and we're still in recovery mode.



Edited by Mitch
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I know exactly how your feeling. My dog Zero was diagnosed with idiopathic Chylothorax. He was having fluid build ups in his chest cavity making it hard to breathe as the fluid was compressing his lungs. $3k in medical expenses later we are doing trial medication for him, and it has been working. Its been almost a year. He did develop seizures right after though and it was one of the scariest things in the world. He came running to me at the onset of one and the look on his face will always be in my mind. He was scared and knew I would help him. Dogs are amazing, and he is that special dog for me. I will do whatever it takes to keep him happy and healthy for as long as he is with me.
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Know what you are talking about as I had to put down my little girl (12 years old) yesterday. Cushing's tore her up since she was diagnosed (About 4 years ago) and it was time.


As with any pet/friend it is all about their pain levels and more importantly her quality of life.. I assume with you bringing it up you know the answer. Good luck and I feel for you and the decision.


On the flip side I have a dog left and her name is Lola as well (Newfoundland)..


GL again..

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I had to watch Crystal, the dalamtion I grew up with, go through similar and it just sucks being so helpless. I can't imagine when Kaito gets older, I've only had him a year but we are so close.


Stay strong, enjoy whats left, I'm sure Lola doesn't want you to be sad either.

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I know how you feel, while it might not be a dog I raised to pet mice (sisters) from birth to death. Seeing them grow up and help me through difficult times was something I will never forget and I can honestly say that something as small as two mice can make your day so much better. One of the hardest things I had to watch was one of them die right in my hand from old age and that week I was so sad having to witness that and it was a kick in the teeth to see her sister go just a week after the other.


I am very sorry for your situation and I know it can't be easy =(

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Trish, I'm so sorry to hear this. I have a lump in my throat reading it because in the last year Laura and I have gotten 2 cats and they are so close to us that I'll be crushed when they go. Both were kittens so knowing that (hopefully) they have 14-15 year life spans and that they'll be there for life's big moments, I can't imagine what you're feeling.


All the best and I hope you find any comfort you can during this time. :(

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Some people have had success from changing the food to organic based, awayfrom imported. I have personally seen it make the seizures go away in 2 pets.


Trust me when I say it's not the food. My dogs are on grain free made in the USA wet food diet.


Thanks everyone.. It was a rough morning but things are mostly back to normal.

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I feel for you. We have a cat that looks just like yours have some very bad seizures. We could not track down what caused them and blood work came back fine. The vet gave us some natural medicine that helped and he hasn't had much of anything serious since. Just a few spurts of hyperness and weird twitching.


I am not sure what the name of the medicine was or if it would work for dogs. Although, I will ask my better half and get back to you.

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I feel for you. We have a cat that looks just like yours have some very bad seizures. We could not track down what caused them and blood work came back fine. The vet gave us some natural medicine that helped and he hasn't had much of anything serious since. Just a few spurts of hyperness and weird twitching.


I am not sure what the name of the medicine was or if it would work for dogs. Although, I will ask my better half and get back to you.


We do have her on a seizure medicine, its done really well. The neuro vet seems happy that we are only having them once about every two months.. she seems to think that this means its a lesion vs a tumor.. and if so then life is.. well.. manageable..

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We do have her on a seizure medicine, its done really well. The neuro vet seems happy that we are only having them once about every two months.. she seems to think that this means its a lesion vs a tumor.. and if so then life is.. well.. manageable..


Well good. I know it really helped with our little one a lot. Although he is a lot younger than your pup. Again, I wish you and your family the best.

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Sorry to hear about what you're going through. While he's not having seizures, my wife's 19 year old cat is going through kidney failure and for the last year+ she has been doing everything she can to prolong his life (researching diets, supplements, meds, etc.) and I can see it's taking a lot out of her. She's had him since he was 8 weeks old, and while she says she knows he'll have to go soon I know it's going to hit hard. My thoughts are with you as well. Enjoy the time you have together.
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Don't forget to enjoy your last days. You owe it to her to not get caught up in your own sadness and loss. I know it's far easier said than done but no matter how she feels, she still cares about how you feel more. Make it her best last days.


Ah shit, now I'm sad, too...

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Thanks all..


This is how lola helped me get the house ready for the rescue inspection. She dumped her bowl.. twice. :unamused:




She's generally a happy dog.



lola has been spoiled for the last year. We have taken her to the beach, she gets excited about dinner (she loves a canned food dinner) She enjoyes her time at eh dog park, she loves going on walks...


The only thing i cant let her do is one of her favorite thing.. She loves being on the roof - i dont trust her legs anymore


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  • 1 year later...

Well its been a year and a month since a made this post, and its been a roller coaster of love and pain.


Last night we said good bye to our girl.


Absolutely the worst pet loss to date. I just am lost without her at my side. Its weird and empty.


Hold your pups/kittens/Kids today for me.


And if your feeling generous, make a donation to PetPromise


If it wasn't for her, i wouldn't have a business, i wouldn't be involved in rescues, and my life would be less.


I am less without her.


16+ years was not enough.


RIP Sister Soul.


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