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who here wishes people Merry Christmas and


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I wish people Happy Holidays because I work in HR. Have to be PC and all that jazz.


To people who I know celebrate Christmas, I wish them a Merry Christmas. People who say it to me, I say it back. Otherwise, it's Happy Holidays.


Welcome to 2015.

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not happy holidays. I'm sick of the pc crap and I've been wishing everyone I see a Merry Christmas just waiting to hear someone say something and they haven't.

SO what do you do??



You go girl! Don't let the man get you down! Haters gonna hate! The Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear!

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I most certainly say Merry Christmas, however only the few days leading up to, not all freakin month long.




If I am offered another form of a greeting, be it Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc. I will wish that back out of respect as I would expect the same from someone else.

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Not once have a ever seen or heard of someone I know or someone that is near me get offended by Merry Christmas or the like. I have chalked this issue up to a media circus based on .00001% of the population getting mad about it on the interwebz which doesn't count anyway.
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If I am offered another form of a greeting, be it Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc. I will wish that back out of respect as I would expect the same from someone else.


Who gives a shit? This thread is the just whining like the people who whine about merry xmas.



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Who gives a shit? This thread is the just whining like the people who whine about merry xmas.


Get 'im, boys! He's one of them. Paint your dick like a candy cane and ram it down his throat or else the PC police have already won.


/no homo

Edited by greg
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The trend I'm seeing in professional settings is to wish someone YOUR personal holiday greeting. In turn, people will respond in their own belief.


I wished a client Merry Christmas and he responded with "Happy Hanukkah" - I didn't realize Hanukkah had started until he said it...I thanked him for the reminder and it led to a nice holiday conversation that probably wouldn't have happened if I just said "happy holidays" like some cut-rate Hallmark card. People want genuine interactions these days...lots are sick and tired of PC B.S.



As long as you come correct with a positive message, anyone who takes offense to that is not a friend/client/colleague I want to deal with anyway.

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Some lady at the DQ drive thru last week was apparently so offended by the pre-recorded "Happy Holidays" greeting that the drive thru speaker plays that she cut it off to yell "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" It was so awkward and weird. I could even hear another person or two get picked up by her mic saying stop in a way that led me to believe she had been doing it her entire shift.


To get so offended by a non-specific seasonal greeting that you go fishing for confrontation as the OP seems to be or that you cut off a pre-recorded message at a drive thru is hilarious to me.

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not happy holidays. I'm sick of the pc crap and I've been wishing everyone I see a Merry Christmas just waiting to hear someone say something and they haven't.

SO what do you do??



There is no war on Christmas, Fox News is lying to you. The only people it is even an issue for is paranoid Christians.

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There is no war on Christmas, Fox News is lying to you. The only people it is even an issue for is paranoid Christians.


Oh please, if they don't act now, their 80% majority and total pop-culture domination of an entire month might wane slightly! It's crisis time!


Get this guy with your candy cane dicks too, brothers!

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Not once have a ever seen or heard of someone I know or someone that is near me get offended by Merry Christmas or the like. I have chalked this issue up to a media circus based on .00001% of the population getting mad about it on the interwebz which doesn't count anyway.


I thought this same thing in the office this morning. I work with 1000s of diverse people and I've never seen a Merry Christmas offend anyone.

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There is no war on Christmas, Fox News is lying to you. The only people it is even an issue for is paranoid Christians.


Everyone I've spoke to in my shopping has said happy holidays. The siege of pseudo Christmas Clinton surrogates have been successful and you're none the wiser.


"Perched on top of us from birth to death, they are our owners. They have us. They control us. They are our masters. Wake up." -Crazy black guy

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