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Trade Labor For Motorcycle?


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Let me start off by saying i know this is a shot in the dark at best....but it never hurts to ask or try.

Would anyone here be willing to trade manual labor (me) for a motorcycle? Obviously, im not looking for a brand new bike...maybe a 70, 80, or early 90 motorcycle. I would prefer running. Definitely doesn't have to be perfect, maybe needs some wiring, cosmetic, etc, work.

Something that's old sitting around that you don't ride anymore that needs some work.

This economy sucks better than Paris Hilton! I've been without a job for some time, putting in applications every where seems to do nothing. Its more than frustrating. I've decided to use this time to go back to school, money is definitely tight to say the least...but not a HUGE issue at this time....but obviously still an issue. The money i have had has gone to the paying for bills. Lots of them :(

Like i said before i know it's a longshot, but hey...at this point this is my only option to get on 2 wheels!

I can help you move, possibly haul stuff, house sit, dog sit, clean, cook...Manual labor that you don't want to do. I can detail your motorcycle, help you add stuff to your bike.

Any idea's or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

If your interested , hit me up.

Edited by NightRider
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