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Anybody care to discuss their thoughts on how this season or the story in general will play out? I have not read the books, but my wife has, twice. My understanding is that the show has pretty much caught up to the books.


Gotta say, neither the wife or I are very pleased with where they went and are going in regards to Dorne.


I am curious as to how Jon is coming back...because he WILL come back. Warg via Ghost?


And the Wildlings...yeah, Tormund is gonna come back and destroy those bastards that killed Jon...


Danny...i'm just waiting for Drogon to come back and rescue her butt again...


Varys...one of my favorite characters...I have a feeling his time is limited :(


And Tyrion...well...LONG LIVE TYRION!

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the red lady is going to have to make a big sacrifice to save Jon i think, that is what i got out of her character this last episode, maybe have to give up her red stone? maybe Davos? Ghost? not sure yet, but something/someone major has to take a hit to bring jon back.


Danny is a waste of space, her character is supposed to be topless all the time according to the books but she refused after that first season.


Where the fuck is Bran?


Arya is going to be the new Dare Devil? she is one of my favorite characters, hope they don't do something stupid.

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the red lady is going to have to make a big sacrifice to save Jon i think, that is what i got out of her character this last episode, maybe have to give up her red stone? maybe Davos? Ghost? not sure yet, but something/someone major has to take a hit to bring jon back.


Danny is a waste of space, her character is supposed to be topless all the time according to the books but she refused after that first season.


Where the fuck is Bran?


Arya is going to be the new Dare Devil? she is one of my favorite characters, hope they don't do something stupid.


Yeah, Danny is kind of stagnant. I love her character if she would make some progress, but she has just kind of been stuck.


I am very interested in bran's story and him becoming part of that tree or whatever. My wife isn't so much into his story, and I get why...but I am intrigued by it.


Arya is definitely one of my favorite characters. I am very interested to see how her story develops.


One thing that is interesting is the Lord of Light I believe is the only god that I have noticed exhibit any power. Now here is what I find interesting...Melisandre has been saying all along that Stanis was the man. Well, obviously she was wrong, and then started to gravitate to Jon. The feeling i got was that she was wrong all along with Stanis and she realized it, hence why she turned her attention to Jon. Now, remember back when Tyrion and Varys were walking through the streets last season before Jora kidnapped Tyrion, there was a red Priestess there telling the crowd to follow Danny. So now we have two different priestesses who serve the same god telling people to follow two different individuals. Then there is the red priest, from the brotherhood without banners. He, (or, the Lord of Light through him) has brought people back to life...multiple times. I don't know who he thinks the people should follow, but the lord of light has demonstrated power through him, and notice no tricks were used when the sword of Beric Dondarrion became engulfed in flames.


One thing to keep in mind...each dragon must have a rider. There are 3 dragons...

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Jon snow is a Targaryen i think. its been rumored and i think it has some truth to it.


Yeah, and in the books, Tyrion had silver hair...and Tywin had never believed he was his legitimate son...

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Jon snow is a Targaryen i think. its been rumored and i think it has some truth to it.

This, his mom must have been a targaryen. I don't believe that Stark (Mr morals himself) had a bastard. There's some reason he was tasked with taking care of Jon.

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I'd love to contribute to this thread, but before I read, can we all agree that there's nothing above I shouldn't know without having read the books, and that the thread won't turn that way? I'm an active watcher and totally up to speed, but I haven't read the books. Don't want a spoiler on accident.
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I'd love to contribute to this thread, but before I read, can we all agree that there's nothing above I shouldn't know without having read the books, and that the thread won't turn that way? I'm an active watcher and totally up to speed, but I haven't read the books. Don't want a spoiler on accident.


I haven't read the books and my wife doesn't really divulge big spoilers to me. I reference some stuff in the books from the past that kind of help the story make a bit more sense, but as far as I can tell, for the most part, the show and the books are pretty much caught up...

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I haven't read the books and my wife doesn't really divulge big spoilers to me. I reference some stuff in the books from the past that kind of help the story make a bit more sense, but as far as I can tell, for the most part, the show and the books are pretty much caught up...


Sweet, I'll go up and read the thread and contribute, ha!

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This, his mom must have been a targaryen. I don't believe that Stark (Mr morals himself) had a bastard. There's some reason he was tasked with taking care of Jon.


His father could've been a Targaryen...and his mother a Baratheon (/Stark), thus making him a multiple heir (by almost any family's claims) to the iron throne. Hmmmmm can anyone think of a time when a Targaryen and a Baratheon bumped uglies and how that might've related to Ned Stark????

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Yes, all women die giving birth to Targaryen men, something about the males are too big or strong for the mother. Remember his mother died in childbirth, and they all think it's from him being a dwarf. His mother had an Affair with the mad king I think.
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Yes, all women die giving birth to Targaryen men, something about the males are too big or strong for the mother. Remember his mother died in childbirth, and they all think it's from him being a dwarf. His mother had an Affair with the mad king I think.


I was more thinking he's the offspring of the rape of Lyanna Stark by Rhaegar Targaryen...hence Ned's otherwise inexplicable affinity for him, as he is the only remaining reminder that Ned has of his sister. Lyanna was Robert Baratheon's wife, thus giving Jon Snow the only legitimate claim to the Iron Throne due to all the Lannister children having no Baratheon blood in them (incest, duh). Even if Dany or any other Targaryen wanted to make a claim to the throne, Jon, son of Rhaegar, would have a more legitimate claim. Not only that but he would be the one who could unify the armies of Westeros and Essos to repel the threat of the White Walkers as the true Lord Commander of Castle Black.

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I was more thinking he's the offspring of the rape of Lyanna Stark by Rhaegar Targaryen...hence Ned's otherwise inexplicable affinity for him, as he is the only remaining reminder that Ned has of his sister. Lyanna was Robert Baratheon's wife, thus giving Jon Snow the only legitimate claim to the Iron Throne due to all the Lannister children having no Baratheon blood in them (incest, duh). Even if Dany or any other Targaryen wanted to make a claim to the throne, Jon, son of Rhaegar, would have a more legitimate claim. Not only that but he would be the one who could unify the armies of Westeros and Essos to repel the threat of the White Walkers as the true Lord Commander of Castle Black.


I'm talking about Tryion, not Jon. Tyrion was born by Joanna Lannister, she died in childbirth giving birth to Tyrion. This is why I don't think Jon is a Targaryen, I can't remember if his mother died in childbirth though. Tyrion is a Targaryian, and why Varys takes him to Mother of Dragons.


Edit yes it's not known whether she lived or not.

Season 1


Over a meal, Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark recall the names of several women they knew when they were younger. Robert recalls one woman whom he believes to be the mother of Eddard's bastard son Jon Snow, and Eddard confirms her name was "Wylla". The same as the first and only time they discuss it, Ned refuses to tell Robert what she looked like. Robert tells Eddard not to be too hard on himself as they were at war and could have died at any time.


Jon Snow says Ned Stark never told him who his mother was, or if his mother is still alive.[2] Eddard had earlier promised Jon that he would talk to him about his mother the next time they met,[2] although Eddard's subsequent beheading made that impossible.[3]


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Yes I guess so, this is interesting since we do not know why Lyanna Stark died in a bed of blood.


Following the Sack of King's Landing, Eddard Stark rode south to the Stormlands to lift the siege of Storm's End. The Lords Tyrell and Redwyne bent the knee, and swore fealty to Robert. Eddard then rode to the Tower of Joy in the Red Mountains of Dorne with his six companions (Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, Ethan Glover, Mark Ryswell, Howland Reed and Willam Dustin), and found the three remaining loyalist members of the Kingsguard (Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent, and Ser Gerold Hightower) guarding it. Only Ned and his bannerman Howland Reed survived the ensuing battle. Inside the tower, Ned found Lyanna in a "bed of blood", dying.[26][2] When Eddard recalls the conflict in a dream, there is an additional detail. While the combatants clash, Lyanna screams. The dream then switches to a storm of blue rose petals, blowing across a blood-streaked sky.[26] It is uncertain if these details are accurate memories.


Lyanna died in a room that smelled of "blood and roses". A fever had taken her strength. Her voice had been faint as a whisper. There was fear in her eyes, while she called for "Ned" to promise her something. When her brother gave his word, the fear left her. She smiled, and her fingers clutched his own in a tight grip. They were still holding each other as she "gave up her hold on life". Rose petals slipped from her palm, dead and black. Later, Howland Reed found Eddard still holding the corpse. Howland managed to separate the hands of the living man and the dying girl, though Eddard had no recollection of what happened after Lyanna died.[3] Shortly before her death, Lyanna extracted a promise from Ned.[11] Neither the content of the promise nor the cause of her death are currently known. Her final words were a phrase that would haunt her brother for the rest of his life:


“ Promise me, Ned.[3]


So she died giving birth to Jon, and Ned claims Jon as his bastard to keep the promise. I really should just get the audio books and listen, because no way I can sit and read them. LOL

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Jon is Lyanna and Rhaegar's son, has to be. This saga is called "A Song of Ice and Fire." With the Starks being ice, and the Targaryens being fire, Jon fits both of these, thus the saga being about him.




I am now looking at "A Song of Fire and Ice" this way.

Jon Snow will somehow be brought back by the witch and be some sort of White Walker that retains his thoughts and human side (he is the "Ice"). And he ends up marrying Danny (she is obviously the "fire"). The "song" being them coming together and uniting the kingdom?


just a theory of mine having not read any of the books. and yes, i know the books haven't gotten that far into the story yet either.

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That is the other thing that has pissed me off Sunday, haven't seen Bran in over a year.


They'd used up all of Bran's source material in the previous seasons and didn't want to risk diverging from the source IF Martin released another book. Once it became clear that wasn't going to happen anytime before S5 or S6, they said screw it and are reincorporating Bran this season I think.

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