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Also I have a feeling since we didn't see anything from Daenerys, I figure most of the episode next week will be her and I wonder if we wait 2 weeks to see Jon Snow alive. Would not be the first time stuff like that happens.


I'm glad they've done it like this mostly; they've gotten so deep into so many stories there really isn't enough time in 60 minutes to do each story line justice. Between Dany being taken to Vaes Dothrak (with Jorah and Daario chasing), Tyrion and Varys running Mereen, No One being in training, the Sansa/Theon/Brienne/Pod escape squad, Ramsay doing Ramsay things, Lannisters doing Lannister things while dealing with the Sparrows, the clusterfuck at Castle Black, and now the reintroduction of Bran's storyline, I'm glad they're dedicating more to each story in alternating episodes rather than trying to cram a 6-minute segment about every single story into every single episode.

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Am I missing something? I didn't recognize this girl last night in Bran's vision...details on the rape/death/promise? How does that prove Jon isn't a bastard? I'm confused.


The girl is Ned's sister Lyanna Stark, ( so in that scene you are seeing Ned, older brother, fighting Brandon, Ned's younger brother, and Lyanna rides in on the white horse, Hodor is the young boy that is a big kid, Bran is up with the old man basically seeing the past before Bran is even born) in the books before the HBO series Lyanna is kidnaped by the mad king's son Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, where it is written that he rapes and hypothicized he impregnates her. When the Mad King is killed by Jamie Lanister(king slayer) Ned finds her in a "Bed of blood" and she makes him swear to a promise which all that is written "Promise me, Ned". It has also been written that male Targaryen's that are born always kill the mother. They can't take the trauma of a male Targaryen birth. Many like myself, don't believe Mr Morales Ned Stark ever had an affair, that the promise is to keep secret the true lineage of Lyanna Starks child, we think to be Jon Snow, which makes him a Stark and Targaryen. Also Tyrion killed his mother upon birth, and can now be close to Dragons, so Joanna Lanister (Cercei and Jamie's mother) must of had an affair or raped by a Targaryen. Making Tyrion Lannister a Targaryen also.


Lyanna Stark



Disappearance and consequences


At some time after the tournament, Lyanna was kidnapped by Rhaegar with the help of Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent.[17] The story (as told by Robert Baratheon) goes that Rhaegar carried her off and raped her.[18] Barristan Selmy is convinced that "Prince Rhaegar loved his Lady Lyanna," though that love sent thousands to their respective deaths.[16] According to Viserys Targaryen, Rhaegar was simply not happy with his marriage. If Rhaegar was happy with Elia, he would not have needed Lyanna. He once blamed their sister Daenerys Targaryen for being born too late to marry Rhaegar. A happily married Rhaegar would need neither Elia nor Lyanna. Daenerys countered that, by the same logic, it was the fault of Viserys that he was not a girl, because then he would be the sister destined for Rhaegar. Viserys beat her cruelly for her insolence.[19] Cersei Lannister, who was infatuated with Rhaegar, believes that the madness led King Aerys to deny Lord Tywin Lannister's proposal of marriage between her and the crown prince; Cersei thinks that if she herself had only married Rhaegar as the gods had intended, he would have been satisfied in his queen and never have looked twice at the "wolf girl".[20]



Her eldest brother Brandon Stark was on his way to Riverrun when the news of his sister's disappearance reached him, and instead he went straight to King's Landing. Entering the Red Keep with a few companions (Ethan Glover, Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce and Elbert Arryn), he roared for Rhaegar "to come out and die." But Rhaegar wasn't there. King Aerys had Brandon and his companions arrested, accusing them of plotting murder and charged them with treason. Aerys summoned their fathers to court, supposedly to answer the charge against their sons. When they presented themselves, Aerys decided to kill them all, fathers and sons together, save only Ethan Glover. Brandon and Lyanna's father, Lord Rickard Stark, demanded a trial by combat, and the king granted him the request. Lord Stark was allowed to armor himself for battle but was then suspended from the rafters over a blazing fire, Aerys choosing "fire" as his champion. He had Brandon watch as Rickard slowly roasted, the young son attached to a device which tightened a cord around his neck whenever he moved. Trying to reach for his longsword and rescue his father, Brandon strangled himself. They died with no real trial. This was a primary impetus for Robert's Rebellion. Aerys next demanded the heads of Robert and Eddard. They were both wards of Jon Arryn, the Lord of the Eyrie having pledged to protect them. Arryn responded to Aerys by raising his banners in revolt.[21][22]


During the war, Lyanna's fiancé Robert and brother Eddard were important leaders, together with Jon Arryn, who had been their foster father. Her exact whereabouts during the war are unknown. Robert and Eddard faced Prince Rhaegar and the royal army at the Trident, where Robert slew Rhaegar in single combat and the rebels defeated the royal army.[3] According to the stories of Viserys Targaryen, Rhaegar had fought and died for "the woman he loved."[23] Daenerys Targaryen believes in that version of the story.[24] One of the visions Daenerys sees in the House of the Undying, seems to depict the last moments of Rhaegar. Rubies are flying from his chest like drops of blood. Then his knees sink into the water. He whispers Lyanna's name with his last breath.[25][17]


Death and burial



Following the Sack of King's Landing, Eddard Stark rode south to the Stormlands to lift the siege of Storm's End. The Lords Tyrell and Redwyne bent the knee, and swore fealty to Robert. Eddard then rode to the Tower of Joy in the Red Mountains of Dorne with his six companions (Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, Ethan Glover, Mark Ryswell, Howland Reed and Willam Dustin), and found the three remaining loyalist members of the Kingsguard (Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent, and Ser Gerold Hightower) guarding it. Only Ned and his bannerman Howland Reed survived the ensuing battle. Inside the tower, Ned found Lyanna in a "bed of blood", dying.[26][2] When Eddard recalls the conflict in a dream, there is an additional detail. While the combatants clash, Lyanna screams. The dream then switches to a storm of blue rose petals, blowing across a blood-streaked sky.[26] It is uncertain if these details are accurate memories.


Lyanna died in a room that smelled of "blood and roses". A fever had taken her strength. Her voice had been faint as a whisper. There was fear in her eyes, while she called for "Ned" to promise her something. When her brother gave his word, the fear left her. She smiled, and her fingers clutched his own in a tight grip. They were still holding each other as she "gave up her hold on life". Rose petals slipped from her palm, dead and black. Later, Howland Reed found Eddard still holding the corpse. Howland managed to separate the hands of the living man and the dying girl, though Eddard had no recollection of what happened after Lyanna died.[3] Shortly before her death, Lyanna extracted a promise from Ned.[11] Neither the content of the promise nor the cause of her death are currently known. Her final words were a phrase that would haunt her brother for the rest of his life:


“ Promise me, Ned.[3] ”


Lyanna was only sixteen years old at the time of her death.[9] Her tomb lies in the crypts of Winterfell, beside that of Rickard Stark. At the other side of Rickard's tomb stands the tomb of Brandon Stark. A statue of Lyanna has been carved in the stone of her tomb, though Robert Baratheon claimed that the stonemason failed to capture her beauty. Eddard claims that Lyanna herself asked him to return her to Winterfell. He reports bringing flowers to her tomb whenever he can, as his sister was fond of flowers.[3] Bran Stark notes that only the kings and lords of Winterfell are supposed to have statues in their likeness, not their family members. But Eddard wished to honor his beloved siblings.[18] Barbrey Dustin informs Theon that the tomb is not a cenotaph or empty tomb; Eddard transported the bones of Lyanna from Dorne.[7]


FYI Eddard Stark is Ned Stark.

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The girl is Ned's sister, in the books before the HBO series she is kidnaped by the mad king's son Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, where it is hypothesized that he rapes and impregnates her, when the Mad King is killed by Jamie Lanister(king slayer) Ned finds her in a "Bed of blood" and she makes him swear to a promise which all that is written "Promise me, Ned". It has also been written that male Targaryen's that are born always kill the mother. They can't take the trauma of a male atargaryen birth. Many like myself, don't believe Mr Morales Ned Stark ever had an affair, that the promise is to keep secret the true lineage of Lyanna Starks child, we think to be Jon Snow, which makes him a Stark and Targaryen. Also Tyrion killed his mother upon birth, and can now be close to Dragons, so Joanna Lanister (Cercei and Jamie's mother) must of had an affair or raped by a Targaryen. Making Tyrion Lannister a Targaryen also.


Haven't read the books, but I wonder if there's a reason beyond what has been stated as to why Jamie killed the Mad King...maybe he found out about a relationship between the Mad King and his mother...I hadn't thought of that til now.

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Haven't read the books, but I wonder if there's a reason beyond what has been stated as to why Jamie killed the Mad King...maybe he found out about a relationship between the Mad King and his mother...I hadn't thought of that til now.


no not in the books, but maybe in the show going forward. Aerys thought if he was burned he would become a dragon and could burn his enemies. (He burned everyone and was infatuated with it) he ordered wildfire to be placed under the kingdom everywhere so as a last ditch effort he could burn the whole place down including himself which again he believed would not kill Aerys) (Remember The Mother of Dragons survived fire) Jamie was the last kingsguard knight. Aerys ordered Jamie to kill his father and gave the order to burn the wildfire, which we saw the wildfire used a few seasons ago by Tyrion.


A lot to read here:



Aerys had retained Jaime throughout the war to ensure Tywin's loyalty, though up until that point House Lannister had been neutral in the rebellion. Jaime would later remark upon the irony of the Mad King's belief that he could not be harmed if he kept Jaime close. Aerys commanded Jaime to kill his father, then gave Rossart the long-awaited order to ignite the wildfire caches and burn the city to the ground.



Jaime later suggested that much like his mad great-uncle Aerion the Monstrous before him, Aerys held the delusional belief that he would not die in the inferno, but rather would be transformed by the flames into a dragon, giving him the power to crush his enemies. However, before the plot could be carried out, Jaime slew Lord Rossart and then King Aerys, preventing the orders from reaching anyone else and thus saving the entire population of King's Landing, while earning himself the epithet Kingslayer. Robert Baratheon claimed the Iron Throne, and the reign of the Targaryen dynasty was ended.[24]



How Jamie killed the king and got the name Kingslayer.

As the sole Kingsguard knight remaining in King's Landing, the defense of the Red Keep became Jaime's responsibility. Knowing that he did not stand a chance to defend the castle, he sent a messenger to the king, asking for leave to make terms with the attackers. The messenger came back with the Aerys's order that Jaime should bring him Lord Tywin's head to prove that he is no traitor. The messenger also informed him that Rossart was with the king, leading Jaime to believe that Aerys was about to command the destruction of the city.[5]


On the way to the throne room, Jaime came across Rossart, who was dressed as a common soldier and hurrying to a postern gate. Jaime attacked him, and while Rossart tried to defend himself, he stood no chance against the experienced knight, who gutted Rossart without mercy. Jaime then slipped into the throne room through the king's door, finding Aerys alone pacing through the room. When the king saw the blood on Jaime's sword, he demanded to know whether it was Lord Tywin's, renewing his command that Jaime should bring him his father's head, otherwise Jaime would burn with all the other traitors. He told Jaime that Rossart was on his way to give the enemies a warm welcome, asking again whose blood was on Jaime's sword. Jaime answered that it was Rossart's. The king became scared, his mouth dropping open in shock. Aerys lost control of his bowels, soiling himself. He turned and ran towards the Iron Throne. Jaime seized Aerys and hauled him bodily off the steps. The Mad King squealed like a pig as Jaime killed him with a single slash across the throat, thereby preventing him from giving the command to burn the city to some other pyromancer.[10][5]

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Some things rolling around in my head:



I'm curious if Jon's death will have any effect as in he will now be able to control part of the "dead army" as he could be kinda like a white walker now. I wonder if his eyes turn blue when we see him next.


Or maybe he is the Anti-White Walker but will have powers over the dead, like to raise his own dead army.


If not maybe since he died, it's used to just release him of his vow, technically his watch ended with his "death". Curious to how it plays out, as none of this has been written, the show is making it up as they go along now.


Dragon glass, Valarian Steel, and Fire are the only things known to kill or destroy a white walker, so This makes Brienne of Tarth's sword, Jamie's sword, and Jon's Sword pretty relevant, along with the Dragons as to how the "Winter" will play out.


What I can't remember is when they killed Ned, Tywinn had Ned's sword melted down and made into 2 swords, was that Jamie's and Brienne's or is there also another?

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Tormund will wear Ramseys ass as a hat


I laughed so hard at this I can't even express it via text.


Never thought about much as f these details until now. I plan on rewatching some episodes for sure.


We have probably watched every episode 3-5 times because you usually pick up something new every time.


And Benjamin has been on point in all his posts thus far.

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