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It's really sad.


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It's really disappointing that our society is so fucked up you can't help someone.


Really short story, I see a car out in front of Ricart with a flat tire. About 100 yards away is a lady carrying her groceries. I pull up and offer her a ride. Now you can tell she wanted to let me help her, but our society is just that fucked up she said she'd be fine and sent me on my way.

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I've picked up people going my direction in a similar situation even after passing and waiting for them to catch up, maybe she is just set in her ways and doesn't need help or she like said thought you would kill her
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It's really disappointing that our society is so fucked up you can't help someone.


Really short story, I see a car out in front of Ricart with a flat tire. About 100 yards away is a lady carrying her groceries. I pull up and offer her a ride. Now you can tell she wanted to let me help her, but our society is just that fucked up she said she'd be fine and sent me on my way.


I don't know why, but it seemed like she wanted help with her crappy day. I mean who kidnaps and murders in their work uniform, I'm not that stupid.


You'll be on the news tonight for an attempted abduction. Congrats, nice guy.

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Scott, at least you tried. I had a similar situation last winter where a lady with kids in a minivan refused my help when I offered to change her tire. I felt horrible leaving but it's what she wanted.
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You'll be on the news tonight for an attempted abduction. Congrats, nice guy.


She'd probably sue you for sexual harassment.


Violated her safe space. That's basically penetration.


I saw a lady walking in the rain today, thought the same in that I'd offer a lift. Then I remembered that I'm in my work truck and company policy strictly prohibits basically being nice/kind. Then thought I'd get sued, blamed for making an advance on her (no, she was very unattractive) and lose my job for being nice. Decided to do the typical, look the other way and keep driving.

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I've often thought about giving help to stranded motorists. I try to figure out the least aggressive way to approach. Maybe holding out a treat like the way you approach a stray dog? By that time I'm way down the road.


Honestly, I'm way more likely to help a dude out. A lady might run out into traffic or do some stupid shit.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I offer rides to people all the time and even offer candy if they'll get in the van.....so far I'm 0-167 on getting them to accept a ride. Don't know what the problem is....I always wear latex gloves when making the offer in case they're germophobes and I always have a clown's mask on because clowns make people laugh. It's weird.
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I'm always quick to offer a hand in public for shit. That being said, some people are super appreciative, some seem completely suspicious of you, and I've even had a couple actually behave very rudely to me. Even so far as accusing me of attempting to steal from them or just being f'n racist. Hell, I almost got caught up in a thief trap one night in southern california attempting to pull over and help someone. I'd rather deal with racist bigot. lol I had to tear ass out of there.


Doesn't stop me from helping the next person, though.

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I offer rides to people all the time and even offer candy if they'll get in the van.....so far I'm 0-167 on getting them to accept a ride. Don't know what the problem is....I always wear latex gloves when making the offer in case they're germophobes and I always have a clown's mask on because clowns make people laugh. It's weird.


It's because your license plate is "DR FUNZO", and kids hate doctors.

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It's because your license plate is "DR FUNZO", and kids hate doctors.



You need to change it to PREDATR, people love that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it.

Also try painting "free candy" on the side so they know you aren't trying to prank them. Nobody would vandalize their vehicle for a prank.

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