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Good Motorcycle Riding Roads?


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Who has suggestions for a good riding route? Something low traffic, minimal animal interference, nice technical roads, and close by? Preferably near a place to get a cup of coffee.


thinking about setting up some "Dawn Patrol" rides. I used to do these in NY, get riding at the crack of dawn do an hour or so on a nice route, get a cup of coffee, and then go about your day. I used to do them in NY all the time. Having a young child means my only riding time is basically when everyone is asleep so might as well take advantage.


So who knows some good roads/areas to look?

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555, 664, 668, 78 are all cool. 377 has some AWESOME high-speed sweepers and is my single favorite route (ride within your limits and be safe, but this road has GREAT visibility and incredibly smooth turns, you can really wind out the gears here if you want).
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That's a little far for a morning ride.



anybody got anything on the north west side of town? Any good roads between say dublin and marysville?


33 and 257 are gonna be your only bets. Old 315 is nice if you can ever get a run without traffic. Central Ohio just simply does not have many windy roads.

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