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Doc's recap of the 2016 Big Sky Rally


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It's taken me a long time to get some time together to process photos from this rally last July. I'll try this time to be short on words and long on photos. Background on this Rally North America event is nicely covered in Coaster's thread here: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125081


Brian also posted a great video of the weeks he and his wife spent on the Rally:


Furthermore, here's a video which was 95% completed by the end of the Rally, made by Team Jack, a Cincinnati based group of 8 Rally Veterans who competed with an RV:


I took my 1991 Figaro with all of its 53 front wheel horsepower on this trek through 16 states, 3 time zones, up to 8600 feet, in 10 days covering 5630 miles without any mechanical issues.



Despite trying my best to prep the car for this grueling adventure (with a lot of help from Sean at Northend Wrench, Scott Cordell, and the great crew at Wheel Medic), there are special challenges in undertaking a long, hot, high speed venture with a city car over a quarter century old with gearing and a motor designed for cruising at 40 mph. For example, even with the larger wheels and tires, 66 mph is 4300 rpm, not exactly optimal for cruising 12+ hours in a car which redlines at 6500 rpm.



Where the speed limit is 80 (Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon) keeping up in traffic is nerve-wracking:




I made it to Billings, Montana in two days from Ohio, arriving in 90 degree heat. I did this rally alone, without a co-driver, which had its challenges, but I actually find driving alone relaxing.


Passing through the Badlands:





As the teams roll in before the drivers' meeting we met new friends and renewed old acquaintances. Here's TJ Fry and his wife talking with part of Team Jack:




Each day of the Rally we would stage in a designated area, usually a downtown district of a city. Locals turn out to chat, you get a chance to promote the rally charity, the local news outlets and city officials mill around the cars.






Most of the rally is a timed scavenger hunt to locate specific points of interest between the host cities. Day 1 took us from Billings, Montana to Big Sky Montana, some beautiful country, and we passed through Yellowstone.


I believe this is in Custer National Monument



A little bit of ice and snow, just for fun:



Old Faithful in Yellowstone getting ready to do its thing



Mudpots and geysers all over, lots of wildlife, great roads:





of course, it's a lot more fun with the other teams, and friends tend to bunch up together




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We stayed overnight on Day 1 at Big Sky Lodge, really a great resort location. The view from my room:



Montana is "free range" which means that you may very well encounter a cattle drive around the next bend:



The scenery more than makes up for the challenges



We were sent to find an historic train station on Day 2



Lots of waterfalls



Day 3 was spent mostly in Glacier National Monument along the Montana/Canada border. We had hoped to travel the Road to the Sun, a famous drive, but it was closed due to an ice storm. The more southern route through the Park was spectacular, though.









note the waterfalls









Lots of the road is very narrow, 15 mph, no where to stop, so my photos of some parts are limited to shots such as this:


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I'm still trying to assimilate all the sights, people, and other experiences of my ten days I spent on the road for this rally.







On my way back to Ohio from Portland, I had plenty of time to reflect about many things. I'm very thankful for having the opportunity to enjoy such a great vacation that had so many experiences packed into it. I am grateful to all my sponsors and vendors from CR who have helped me prepare for the rallies I've attended and to my CR friends who are a big moral support.


If you're as lucky as I've been, you'll reach a point in your life when you realize all-too-well that you've got more behind you in the rear view mirror than you have ahead of you on the road. I hope when you reach that point you feel that you seized many great opportunities and made the most of your miles.









As a post-script, I got back to Ohio safe and sound without mechanical issue. I put Figgy away, bug-covered, thankful it had done what many people thought it wouldn't.



I came back to the Hangout two days later to find this:



All of the coolant on the floor. :confused:


Ends up, the water pump seal gave out while sitting there. It hadn't used any oil and very little coolant during the whole 5600 miles.


Hard to be angry at little Figgy ...... it held out until it got me home. ;)


A nurse I work with wasn't at all surprised. She said, "I prayed every day that your little car wouldn't break down on you on your Rally, and it didn't. After you got home, you were on your own."

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Thanks for the kind remarks, everyone.


This Thursday I leave for the last (ever) Ohio Valley Rally, touring Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia. It's the Viewt's turn this time. It'll seem like a land barge compared to the Figaro.




Rally and charity info is here; if you want to know more just scroll down the page: http://cureep.convio.net/site/TR?fr_id=1080&pg=entry

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No, I don't. Another rally team is friends with him and they gave me a link to his show. I watched the first one and I was impressed that he got the history and other information spot-on. They told Tom that a Figaro was entered in the Big Sky Rally and they said he couldn't believe it. They sent him regular photographs and updates. I thought that perhaps he'd be contacting me at some point.


Thanks for the info.

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I couldn't agree more. I think that it's one of the unrecognized benefits of motorcycling, that "isolation" from other people. But now bikes have intercoms, stereos, and all that. I always enjoyed it when it was just my own thoughts and the sensory information from the ride: the coolness when you dip into a valley, the smells of the forests, and all the rest.


Cars are so much more comfy. In a convertible, you can still get some of that direct contact with the environment, but you can "seal up" when it's wet or cold.


It would have been great to have had the company of an old traveling companion for this trip, but it's also great stopping when and where you want, playing music when you want, farting with heedless abandon, singing camp songs out loud ..... I'm sure you get the picture. :)


The good thing about these rallies are that you're going with 75 other teams and you can bunch up with people as you wish or branch out on your own. It's a great time.

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Glad you had a good time, and thanks for taking the time to document and share.


like what you said about more road behind you than ahead. There is a delicate balance between planning for the future and making smart life choices and enjoying the moment. If anything, sometimes you're lucky just to get to the point/age where you can realize you have more road behind you than ahead. Some folks don't make it that far.


Keep on rollin'!

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Doc, looking at the pictures and hearing this story makes me appreciate the experiences you've had. I do regret not having done a rally yet in my lifetime. I would definitely like to have my kids join me sometime.


Thank you very much for taking the time to organize the photos and details. Glad you had such a good trip! Props to Figgy for doing so well considering the expectations put on it as a machine. Good to hear it was a comfy ride.

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