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College Football Thread 2016/2017 v2.0


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While others are blown away with Herman, I have never really been a fan. I was less than enthused with his play calling while at OSU. I think he is just the hot name in CFB but may be in over his head at Texas. I have a feeling he suffers the same fate as Charlie Strong, 3 years and gone. We shall see though
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While others are blown away with Herman, I have never really been a fan. I was less than enthused with his play calling while at OSU. I think he is just the hot name in CFB but may be in over his head at Texas. I have a feeling he suffers the same fate as Charlie Strong, 3 years and gone. We shall see though


Because Tim Beck and Jim Bollman were really the geniuses behind the offensive explosion of Ohio State during its playoff run in 2014...

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While others are blown away with Herman, I have never really been a fan. I was less than enthused with his play calling while at OSU. I think he is just the hot name in CFB but may be in over his head at Texas. I have a feeling he suffers the same fate as Charlie Strong, 3 years and gone. We shall see though


Because Tim Beck and Jim Bollman were really the geniuses behind the offensive explosion of Ohio State during its playoff run in 2014...


Yeah, I don't know what basis you have on that statement, Josh. Herman was a HUGE part of Ohio State's success in 2014. I mean we scored 59, 42 and 42 to finish out the season. He had that offense firing on all cylinders. He took Houston to a big bowl game in his first year and beat a very good Florida State team. Houston has had their troubles this year, but I honestly don't think he was as invested this year because he knew this was it and I think his players knew that too.

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Okay, screw predicting every single bowl game on here. I'll share my picks for the only bowl games that matter/kinda matter...


Minnesota 20

Washington State 37


Boise State 45

Baylor 24


Pittsburgh 31

Northwestern 20


West Virginia 23

Miami 28


Indiana 27

Utah 31


Texas A&M 37

Kansas State 28


Arkansas 16

Virginia Tech 21


Oklahoma State 24

Colorado 28


Georgia 19

TCU 14


Stanford 27

North Carolina 21


Nebraska 34

Tennessee 31


Michigan 38

Florida State 24


LSU 24

Louisville 27


Western Michigan 17

Wisconsin 20


Florida 24

Iowa 29


USC 30

Penn State 31


Auburn 31

Oklahoma 34


Alabama 42

Washington 20


Ohio State 37

Clemson 27

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Yeah, I don't know what basis you have on that statement, Josh. Herman was a HUGE part of Ohio State's success in 2014. I mean we scored 59, 42 and 42 to finish out the season. He had that offense firing on all cylinders. He took Houston to a big bowl game in his first year and beat a very good Florida State team. Houston has had their troubles this year, but I honestly don't think he was as invested this year because he knew this was it and I think his players knew that too.


Idk, maybe the MSU game where we completely stopped running Hyde only to lose the game? Bollman sucked for sure, but I was never sold on Herman. Do you think OSU puts up those same numbers with Barrett or Braxton at QB in the 2014 run? That's a legit question... I think Cardales arm is what aided OSU in putting up atrocious numbers, combined with the O-Line playing amazing and Zeke making himself millions.


Like I said, it'll be interesting to see how he does at Texas and I will stand behind my statement of him suffering the same fate as Charlie Strong until proven otherwise. In which I will eat a bowl of crow soup

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Herman had nothing to do with Ohio State's success.


Nick Saban has had nothing to do with Alabama's 19 titles in the past 10 years.


Belichick has had nothing to do with the Patriots' success.


Hmm I think you might be on to something here, Joshie.

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Zeke didn't run much because A) MSU was stacking the box B) He was in the hospital for 3 days that week and lost I think 15 pounds?


Do you think just anyone could do what Herman did at Houston last year AND get their first 5 star recruit in program history?


2013 MSU game (Big10 Championship), not the one last year


I'm not a fan of Herman, didn't know opinions weren't allowed here, i'll go sit at the other table. I think Herman's recruiting success at Houston was in part to the fact he was the hot name in the game. I think he'll have similar success at Texas in the 2018 class, but that doesn't mean I think he's going to be great at Texas. Also, I am sure it didn't hurt having Marcus Oliver's brother commit to Houston in 2014.

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2013 MSU game (Big10 Championship), not the one last year


And you're that naive to believe that Tom Herman called that final play? Also, maybe MSU was just better than us that year?


You can have your opinion about Tom Herman, and maybe you're right, but me and the vast majority of college football fans believe you are wrong.

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Win or lose I have a feeling this will come in handy. :lol:




My predictions for the top 4:


OSU gets by Clemson. I don't think it will be pretty, but I think it'll be a W.


'Bama makes Washington wish they weren't so heavily touted by the pundits all year.


'Bama beats tOSU in the NCG by 14-17.


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What are your predictions?


For all bowl games or just the semi's?


I think in the Bama game Washington is going to strike first in the first quarter. Probably go up 10 or 14 to Bamas 0 or 3 points. Then in the second quarter and rest of the game Bama just dominates them. Bama hasn't played a good first quarter in any game this year excep the cupcakes. Final score 4x to 10


The OSU vs Clemson team is going to be which team shows up for either squad. Both have talent and can play complete games. Both have shown to be good on both sides of the ball. If Watson gets things going early on then OSU won't be able to dig themselves out. Clemson has experience though and I think you will see experience trump talent. Clemson wins by 10.


Bama vs Clemson rematch in ncg. It will be more one sided then last years game. I think Bama wins by 14 this year

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I'm just trying to figure out why OSU winning it all is delusional, yet Alabama winning it all isn't? Alabama has played some pretty good teams, but they will be playing the best team they've played all year in either OSU or Clemson. You can't say that Alabama has been tested even close to as much as either of those 2 teams (Clemson/Ohio State) will test them this year assuming Bama gets by Washington. Same goes for Ohio State or Clemson when they play (most likely) Alabama. That will be the best team they've played all year too, the only difference is, and i'll speak just for Ohio State, is that OSU has actually been legitimately tested by some great teams. They're used to dog fights. Alabama is not.
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I'm just trying to figure out why OSU winning it all is delusional, yet Alabama winning it all isn't?


Bro, it's because (as much as it hurts me to say it) Bama is BETTER than OSU. We weren't even supposed to be here, remember? Replacing 16 starters? Sent basically our entire starting lineup to the League last year? If OSU raises up and punks both Clemson and Bama, it will go down as Urban Meyers best coaching season ever, and the state of Ohio will be getting totally shitfaced on the salty tears of "Bama fan". It's a long shot, but I like that we have a chance.

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Bama hasn't even faced a team as good as Washington all year. I'm hesitant to say they've played anyone good, period. They played USC before they even cared to play football (which, I still hold to my thoughts that USC isn't even that good now - they just play in a garbage conference), and they played a bi-polar Florida team that just so happened to be holding the East potato at the end of the trainwreck of a season for the entire SEC.


OSU and Clemson are battle-tested. I think one of those two wins it all, signs pointing more to OSU.

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USC did beat Washington pretty handidly. I watched 3 USC games this year after the Bama game and it's clear to see they aren't the same team. I am not sure anyone would want to face them at this point in time right now. Now watch, after I make that statement they shit the bed against PSU and get rolled haha. Moving forward to next year I fully expect USC to be a top 5 preseason team
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Bro, it's because (as much as it hurts me to say it) Bama is BETTER than OSU. We weren't even supposed to be here, remember? Replacing 16 starters? Sent basically our entire starting lineup to the League last year? If OSU raises up and punks both Clemson and Bama, it will go down as Urban Meyers best coaching season ever, and the state of Ohio will be getting totally shitfaced on the salty tears of "Bama fan". It's a long shot, but I like that we have a chance.



But why is Alabama automatically better? Because Bama?

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Let's set something straight. Alabama has played good teams this year. Alabama has faced top twenty defenses all year long. So to say they played nobody is just silly.


The B1G received some love this year from the media and it has been recycled. It's not like the B1G has recruited top talent over other conferences and now they are elite. They are getting praise because the SEC has had a down year. Just because the SEc had a down year and they all lost to each Other doesn't make them all garbage. Quite a few of them have top offenses and defenses. Game planning, injuries and coaching changes took place. First year coaches and or coordinators.


You all saying Wisconsin is an elite team or Nebraska and made Ohio st battle tested just drink the b1g kool aid. Even the worst team ole miss would beat either of those teams.

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