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GSD aniaml cruelty on the set of "A Dogs Purpose"


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Hey Guys, as many of you know i am very active in the rescue world and have a soft spot for the furry creatures that roam this planet with us at our side.

I was pretty excited about this movie and knew it would make me an emotional wreck having lost our dog lola last month; but my heart strings couldnt help but want to see this.


Today, TMZ (god i hate using them as a reference) released a video from the set of the trainers allowing/forcing a dog into a situation it was OBVIOUSLY terrified of.

This movie opens next week, and undoubtedly, many people unaware of this will support a movie that undoubtedly will have the disclaimer in the credits stating "no animals were harmed in teh making of this movie"


Like us, harm doesnt always have to be physical, trauma in a mental state is just as bad.


Please, i encourage you to not see this movie, take your kids, or allow your wives/girlfriends to sucker you into this feel good romantic movie.


watch the video and make your own judgements, but i dont doubt that once you watch this, you will agree, how this was handled was VERY wrong.




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What is really horrible is that this was a money saving decision. At some point in a production meeting they decided to do this to a living animal to save some $$$ on CGI.


I'd like to throw everyone who was standing there watching this in that pool with their hands and feet tied so they can get a feel for what the dog went through.


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My now old lab, was kind of like that around water until he saw our other lab having fun and got in. He loves it now. However, that is NOTHING like what is being shown above. Not cool. Maybe I can dip the handler into warm water with his hands tied behind his back and a hungry bull shark waiting in the water....

I guess they didn't waste any time doing something


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It's unfortunate that they did this with this dog. But there are so many things that happen in the world that people do not know what happened behind the scenes. If you did a reality video on how beef or pork or lamb is harvested, people would go crazy. However as long as it's packaged nicely in the meat department, everything must be OK in the world. People can't handle the truth. There are so many things that if they knew how and why it happened, it would drive them out of their minds.
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It's unfortunate that they did this with this dog. But there are so many things that happen in the world that people do not know what happened behind the scenes. If you did a reality video on how beef or pork or lamb is harvested, people would go crazy. However as long as it's packaged nicely in the meat department, everything must be OK in the world. People can't handle the truth. There are so many things that if they knew how and why it happened, it would drive them out of their minds.


Well the problem is that there is a group called the American Humane Association that has people that monitor filming and tag a film "No Animals were Harmed". Well they had a monitor there and they didn't stop it, even though they were breaking many laws in California.

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It's unfortunate that they did this with this dog. But there are so many things that happen in the world that people do not know what happened behind the scenes. If you did a reality video on how beef or pork or lamb is harvested, people would go crazy. However as long as it's packaged nicely in the meat department, everything must be OK in the world. People can't handle the truth. There are so many things that if they knew how and why it happened, it would drive them out of their minds.


I've watched the documentaries, it's very unpleasent but it's where meat comes from. If people don't like that they can be vegetarian if they so choose. I however still eat meat and just have accept that an animal had to die for me to eat it. Since I don't live on a farm raising my own food it's just how it is.


Mistreating a dog for the sake of a movie is really pretty lame, and that doesn't really make a comparison to animals used for food. I dislike the carelessness that goes on for animals, in many cases it's just unethical, but I don't really do anything about it. So that will conclude my two cents on this topic.:dumb:

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Damn, that makes me sick that they did this to that poor thing. I get that stuff happens behind the scene, but seeing it makes it that much worse (think Ray Rice).


I hope this dog didn't suffer any serious trauma and I hope those fucks are taken care of.

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It's unfortunate that they did this with this dog. But there are so many things that happen in the world that people do not know what happened behind the scenes. If you did a reality video on how beef or pork or lamb is harvested, people would go crazy. However as long as it's packaged nicely in the meat department, everything must be OK in the world. People can't handle the truth. There are so many things that if they knew how and why it happened, it would drive them out of their minds.


It's worse for cheap products manufactured in China and third-world factories.


Was talking to a client that sources product from APAC, and he said every parka that someone buys for less than $50 at Costco or Walmart that has a fur collar or hood is made from dog. There are massive cagefarms where dogs are bred and slaughtered for meat, by-products for agricultural/industrial/cosmetic purposes, and their fur is dyed/painted and used as a fox/coyote substitute for garments.


I DO FEEL FOR THIS DOG, but to Scott's point...my God, people would lose their minds if they really understood what their dollar contributes to as a consumer in this world.

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My friend is a toxicologist at a "lab" in Michigan, it is absolutely disgusting the things he tells me they do there in terms of testing and research on dogs and chimps. He told be they "put down" hundreds every week. To sled's and clays point I wish I didnt know half of the behind the scenes stuff and how shit really works.


Seeing something like this to animals definitely hits the feels harder than reading or talking about it

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I wish I didnt know half of the behind the scenes stuff and how shit really works.


People think bankers have dry personalities because of the maths. I can tell you from 15+ years' experience it's learning more and more about the world around us from working with companies representing EVERY industry.


It's humbling to understand how/why things are made, distributed, sold. Makes you think twice before carrying a social-justice flag.


I'll give you another insight from visiting a processing facility on the West Side: DON'T EAT MEAT FROM TACO BELL. :D

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As the social justice flag, when you wear it, you better be educated in more than just the area you are flying it for.


Clothing, Food, Pets, Farms, medicines...


But the thing is.. if we all are more educated, and partake in fighting for the things we find unjust, we can all make a difference.


Animals are my thing. Food is my thing. Both have importance and meaning to me and ill educate where I can.


I have a friend who was given grief by church members because she was active in out of country relief, instead of in-country relief.


How silly is that.. to give someone crap for not supporting the charities THEY think she should be involved in?


If you are making a difference, I applaud you. There are many battles to be fought.

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It's worse for cheap products manufactured in China and third-world factories.


Was talking to a client that sources product from APAC, and he said every parka that someone buys for less than $50 at Costco or Walmart that has a fur collar or hood is made from dog. There are massive cagefarms where dogs are bred and slaughtered for meat, by-products for agricultural/industrial/cosmetic purposes, and their fur is dyed/painted and used as a fox/coyote substitute for garments.


I DO FEEL FOR THIS DOG, but to Scott's point...my God, people would lose their minds if they really understood what their dollar contributes to as a consumer in this world.


I like dogs, a lot. And I can't see myself eating one or wearing dog fur. That being said though, I don't have an actual moral issue with people eating dogs or wearing dog fur any more than people do with foxes, rabbits, cows, kangaroos, or what have you. So long as the animal is treated and dispatched "humanely", I can't say I have any moral issues with it. I'm not going to put much stock in a Hindu telling me I shouldn't eat beef, so I don't really feel it's my place to tell someone they can eat chicken, but they shouldn't eat dog.

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I DO FEEL FOR THIS DOG, but to Scott's point...my God, people would lose their minds if they really understood what their dollar contributes to as a consumer in this world.


This is the same argument I have with people who are anti-hunting. The average consumer kills more animals with their checkbook than I ever could with a bow/rifle.

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