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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Look, anywhere you get a really large crowd of people you get some of those people acting like dickheads.


Like on an internet forum?


We are all ghosts driving a meat covered skeleton chained to a rock by invisible forces that is hurling through space....shit gets crazy sometimes for us. All of us.


Nah. My day was pretty chill. Thank you for trying to wax poetic though.


He really is our Richard Nixon and this is 1968 all over again.


As someone who thinks Trump is a buffoon and didn't vote for him, this is one of the single dumbest things I've ever read on CR since it began.


We have a waning foreign war (Vietnam then, Iraq/Afganistan now)


My grandfather served in VietNam. E9 EOD. My 2 BiL's served in OIF and OEF. They don't compare them and I'd appreciate if you didn't you walnut.


A highly divided country over civil rights


Name a time when this country wasn't shown as divided.


The media doesn't dictate my life or what I believe. My life is great. I'm a father. I am employed. I own my residence outright. I'm not fearful for my life because of my beliefs. I don't go stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things so for me, and millions like me, life is fine. When someone breaks down or needs help I, and many others, offer help REGARDLESS of their skin color, beliefs, partner, or whatever. Sorry you feel so divided. :lol:


A narcissistic president who continues to foster the notion that the educated are all liberals and therefore communists/socialists




a massive illegal drug epidemic....


I agree. Drugs have never been a problem. 50 years ago drugs weren't an issue.


I mean its almost like we learned nothing in the last 50 years.


Well, I mean, women have more rights now than others, as do minorities. Our reform and laws have progressed. Our cars are better. Our infrastructure is stronger than ever. We're finding new ways to create energy. People don't die as early or often. White male land owners are no more important than mexican female apartment dwellers now...so...


On a positive note (and since this is a car forum) we have the second muscle car era in full swing wiht things like the Hellcat, the ZL1 and the GT350...so at least we got one of the good parts of the 1960's. Now if we could only get the free love and groovy music to come back.


Thanks Trump.


At least Nixon was in the Navy and cared about the environment.


At least Obama and Clinton were in the...um...uh....but...


Lol at the cucks of CR.


For fuck's sake find a better, more witty, retort. This shit was drug through the dirt and old when PP was the only one using it. Stop riding his coat tails. You're better than that...I think.

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Like on an internet forum?


yeah because violence always breaks out on an internet forum...:dumb:



Nah. My day was pretty chill. Thank you for trying to wax poetic though.


I stole it from facebook...I think...I didn't bother to look it up but remembered it as best I could.


As someone who thinks Trump is a buffoon and didn't vote for him, this is one of the single dumbest things I've ever read on CR since it began.

I'm confused by this....you think he's a buffoon?


When you talk about presidents with broken moral compasses, Nixon and Trump seem to top that list. I guess it's not really 1968 all over again, the protests were way more violent back then.


My grandfather served in VietNam. E9 EOD. My 2 BiL's served in OIF and OEF. They don't compare them and I'd appreciate if you didn't you walnut.


Both wars dragged on for years, cost the taxpayers a lot of money, and had slow protracted exits. This is a fact they both share and doesn't speak to combat conditions or insult in anyway those who served. Don't be such a precious little snowflake about it.



Name a time when this country wasn't shown as divided.


The country is always divided and more than two ways. However what does ebb and flow is the level of public discourse and activism. We happen to be in a time period where it has been visible and vocal for a longer period of time than in the past.


The media doesn't dictate my life or what I believe. My life is great. I'm a father. I am employed. I own my residence outright. I'm not fearful for my life because of my beliefs. I don't go stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things so for me, and millions like me, life is fine. When someone breaks down or needs help I, and many others, offer help REGARDLESS of their skin color, beliefs, partner, or whatever. Sorry you feel so divided. :lol:


100% agree that we are right now in the best position that we have been than any time in previous history. However, we are now faced with another leader who seems to have flexible morality and that it looks that some measures might be set back significantly. We will just have to wait and see.





maybe it's just his constituency then.



I agree. Drugs have never been a problem. 50 years ago drugs weren't an issue.


Not sure what you are saying here. Drugs have been a political issue since the 1930's. Heck, part of the reason Marijuana is illegal stems back to political attempts to ostracize Mexican immigrants following the Mexican revolution.




Well, I mean, women have more rights now than others, as do minorities. Our reform and laws have progressed. Our cars are better. Our infrastructure is stronger than ever. We're finding new ways to create energy. People don't die as early or often. White male land owners are no more important than mexican female apartment dwellers now...so...


It's called progress and there is no point in resting on our laurels just because we are better than we were in the past. We need to look forward at the room for improvement.


Many of the problems I have with conservative philosophies is that they discount the problems regulation was often put in place to solve. having a president who is willing to repeal stuff just because he doesn't like it or because he is placating a constituency means we become exposed to those problems again. Nothing is "simple" when it comes to political issues, every one is a constant balancing act between harm and benefit. If you don't have a plan to account for those then you don't have a plan.


Thanks Trump.




At least Obama and Clinton were in the...um...uh....but...

Or Bush the younger....Our last true military president was H.W. Bush and he was WWII. The Navy used to be the track to politics, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and H.W. Bush were all Navy. That is some really great company.


but I guess my point is when it comes to presidents who come to power on the back of fear mongering at least Nixon had discipline and the courtesy and decency to attempt keep his nasty prejudices private and not empower people with shared beliefs.

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I stole it from facebook...I think...I didn't bother to look it up but remembered it as best I could




So not only are you a whiny bitch, you are a hypocrit.

Typical modern liberal, its only okay if you do it.



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So not only are you a whiny bitch, you are a hypocrit.

Typical modern liberal, its only okay if you do it.




Still angry about that? good. Your rage makes me smile. :masturboy:


P.S. in order to prove what you are saying you would have prove that the quote was not in the public domain (meaning the copyright has lapsed on it). Good luck with that.

Edited by Geeto67
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Let's be real here, Trump won't make it all 4 years. If he lasts more than a year I'll be shocked.


I guess I'll just keep on playing the role of uneducated white man that the media was talking about during the election. Personally it would take him seriously fucking up for me to vote for a "real politician", so here's to reelection.

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I guess I'll just keep on playing the role of uneducated white man that the media was talking about during the election. Personally it would take him seriously fucking up for me to vote for a "real politician", so here's to reelection.


Define "seriously fucking up"

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How to make terrorists:


1. Ban everybody from a certain group from entering the country.

2. Wait.


Get ready for another war, America because it's coming with this green card/visa ban.


Thank Trump for putting an even bigger target on our troops, and America citizens that happen to be in those countries on the ban list. Or countries that just hate America in general.

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How to make terrorists:


1. Ban everybody from a certain group from entering the country.

2. Wait.


Get ready for another war, America because it's coming with this green card/visa ban.


Thank Trump for putting an even bigger target on our troops, and America citizens that happen to be in those countries on the ban list. Or countries that just hate America in general.




Lol. What kind of stupid fucking nonsense is this?


How to make a rapist.

1. Stop having sex with men

2. Wait


Does not compute

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