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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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To be clear - I agree with you that it was completely inappropriate for her to sit like that in the Oval Office. However, it is being portrayed on social media as her being "disinterested" with the visitors and insinuating it might be because they were black. That is what I thought was a huge spin and inappropriate. The second photo shows that she was not just surfing the net but taking a photo.


Gotcha, and I agree with you on that. I don't have Facebook so I guess I miss out on what the kids are saying these days.

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Gotcha, and I agree with you on that. I don't have Facebook so I guess I miss out on what the kids are saying these days.


I hadn't seen comments like that. My guess is they are cherry picked ones from the nuttys. The majority of comments on Reddit were along the lines of "That isn't appropriate for any professional setting". Then the posters from The_Donald subreddit came in and started attacking everyone saying "well she was just taking a picture", defending how she was sitting.

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You really can't make this shit up. Another senior official caught using a private email address for state business.




The Pence story?



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If the FBI is consistent, nothing will come of this.


Which is good, because nothing needs to come of it. This isn't a story in its own right, it's a bald partisan attempt to bait Republicans into revealing their own hypocrisy.


I mean, maybe people will reflect on their own views of recent of events, and realize that their principled stances on email security and government transparency weren't principled stances at all, but blind partisanship and tribalism, and they'll actively work to change their biases and be better people.




Just kidding, people are going to micro-analyze this, point out all the ways Pence's situation was different from Clinton's, and claim that those differences are where their real principled stance lies. U-S-A. U-S-A.



Actually, I'm still just kidding. People are going to wait until their pundit of choice micro-analyzes the situation and tells them what their real principled stance is.

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I'm curious what will happen with Sessions. The top cop in the land lying under oath is not a good look. You guys think he'll step down?


He said that he didn't have contact with Russia as part of the campaign, as the question asked. He claims the contact was official business as a senator.

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If the FBI is consistent, nothing will come of this.


what he did wasn't illegal. the left is just continuing to grasp at straws because they are in fear that the plans Trump and Pence have are going to be completed successfully. it's actually beyond comical and pretty sad what they are continuing to do. their sky is going to be falling everyday for quite a while.

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their sky is going to be falling everyday for quite a while.


Honest question -- are you able to put yourself into a liberal's shoes and realize that what's currently happening on the left (obstructionism, fear, attacking every crack in the Trump administration no matter how petty) is exactly how they've viewed conservative behavior for the past 8 years?

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Honest question -- are you able to put yourself into a liberal's shoes and realize that what's currently happening on the left (obstructionism, fear, attacking every crack in the Trump administration no matter how petty) is exactly how they've viewed conservative behavior for the past 8 years?


Except not on the scale it has been the past 8 years. I never saw million men/women marches multiple times from the right. Were there extreme right wing nut jobs protesting/rioting about Obama winning? Yes. Was it even remotely close to the scale of the left doing it? No.

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Except not on the scale it has been the past 8 years. I never saw million men/women marches multiple times from the right. Were there extreme right wing nut jobs protesting/rioting about Obama winning? Yes. Was it even remotely close to the scale of the left doing it? No.


Do you remember the tea party protests all over the country? Or "tea baggers" as they called themselves before they realized that that was a bad idea.


You're dismissing any right-wing protester as a "nut job" but not extending the same courtesy to left-wing protesters.


Everyone: "This country is too politically divided."


Everyone, 5 minutes later: "I'll tell you the problem with <insert placeholder for 50% of the population here>"


Be part of the solution. If you find yourself about to make a comment about "liberals" or "conservatives" as a giant group, just stop.

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Do you remember the tea party protests all over the country? Or "tea baggers" as they called themselves before they realized that that was a bad idea.


You're dismissing any right-wing protester as a "nut job" but not extending the same courtesy to left-wing protesters.


I think I've said it before in this thread but in case I didn't. Both extremes are nut jobs, it just seems the left has more of them. Particularly Bernie supporters. Those people have no sense of reality.

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OK, but the tea party protests were massive. They created an entirely new political party. They affected mid-term elections in 2010. They elected candidates under the banner of "tea party Republicans." It could be argued that they, on multiple occasions, were responsible for shutting down the government in protest.


I'm not going to play the game of "which side is more protesty," just think about how you're labeling the opposition and ask yourself if that's a fair assessment were the sides reversed.

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what he did wasn't illegal.
Why does that mean you should be OK with something? Data security is a serious issue and blatent disregard of it is a character issue at this point IMO.
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OK, but the tea party protests were massive. They created an entirely new political party. They affected mid-term elections in 2010. They elected candidates under the banner of "tea party Republicans." It could be argued that they, on multiple occasions, were responsible for shutting down the government in protest.


I'm not going to play the game of "which side is more protesty," just think about how you're labeling the opposition and ask yourself if that's a fair assessment were the sides reversed.


Short answer: Yes


Longer answer: Yes, people who think women don't have rights and go out and march through the streets yelling and screaming about the rights they already have. People who take off work to protest our President on Presidents day then get upset that they were fired for doing so. People who hang life size dolls of the President from a noose and set him on fire (Obama 2008). People who think that you can provide free college and healthcare and think it's actually "free." These are just some examples of people I consider morons.

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Short answer: Yes


Longer answer: Yes, people who think women don't have rights and go out and march through the streets yelling and screaming about the rights they already have. People who take off work to protest our President on Presidents day then get upset that they were fired for doing so. People who hang life size dolls of the President from a noose and set him on fire (Obama 2008). People who think that you can provide free college and healthcare and think it's actually "free." These are just some examples of people I consider morons.


Hysterical, this country was founded on that action, Boston tea party comes to mind, but carry on..

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Hysterical, this country was founded on that action, Boston tea party comes to mind, but carry on..


Correct me if I'm wrong but the Boston tea party was about taxes on tea.


How does smashing a Starbucks/bank/unrelated private property relate to not liking an election result.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but the Boston tea party was about taxes on tea.


Sort of. The protest was organized by smugglers and tea merchants who were being undercut by the East India Tea Company, who were granted a reprieve from tea taxes under the Tea Act in order to help move a glut of product. The tea party was essentially a bunch of criminals and businessmen destroying a competitor's product under the sorta-BS guise of "taxation without representation," even though the average colonist would have been better off buying the discounted tea that they either refused entrance into the colonies or, in the case of Boston, threw into the harbor.


(And yeah, I did just have to look all of that up on Wikipedia, all I remember from school is that the tea party wasn't really about taxes at all and that it involved a bunch of angry smugglers).



Not that any of this has anything to do with the price of tea in China or people smashing up a Starbucks, but whatever.

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Sort of. The protest was organized by smugglers and tea merchants who were being undercut by the East India Tea Company, who were granted a reprieve from tea taxes under the Tea Act in order to help move a glut of product. The tea party was essentially a bunch of criminals and businessmen destroying a competitor's product under the sorta-BS guise of "taxation without representation," even though the average colonist would have been better off buying the discounted tea that they either refused entrance into the colonies or, in the case of Boston, threw into the harbor.


(And yeah, I did just have to look all of that up on Wikipedia, all I remember from school is that the tea party wasn't really about taxes at all and that it involved a bunch of angry smugglers).



Not that any of this has anything to do with the price of tea in China or people smashing up a Starbucks, but whatever.

I wish we still had a rep system.

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Why does that mean you should be OK with something? Data security is a serious issue and blatent disregard of it is a character issue at this point IMO.

He obeyed the law has complied with all requests, etc. For information. I see no character issue with Pence regarding this. Don't like the law that's fine but that's not in question here.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

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