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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Honest question -- are you able to put yourself into a liberal's shoes and realize that what's currently happening on the left (obstructionism, fear, attacking every crack in the Trump administration no matter how petty) is exactly how they've viewed conservative behavior for the past 8 years?

Not to the extreme level of this garbage. Even the media is admitting this is light years beyond what we saw over the past few years.


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He obeyed the law has complied with all requests, etc. For information. I see no character issue with Pence regarding this. Don't like the law that's fine but that's not in question here.


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He was using an AOL account and it was hacked. Its a blatent disregard for data security and is NOT ok. Why should we be complacent just because a lax law says something is OK? Data security is a major issue in 2017 and its not ok that so many of our politicians disregard it, regardless of any laws.

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never said we should be complacent but until we push to change the laws...


This is a major flaw in the political climate right now. There shouldn't have to be a law in place in order to hold politicians accountable to the public for things like this. Too much "youre a whiny liberal" and "youre a nazi republican" instead of "this guy screwed up and we as the public should condemn him for it"

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This is a major flaw in the political climate right now. There shouldn't have to be a law in place in order to hold politicians accountable to the public for things like this. Too much "youre a whiny liberal" and "youre a nazi republican" instead of "this guy screwed up and we as the public should condemn him for it"


Probably should start voting for libertarians then.

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I guess the more socialist, government controlled system we have currently is better in your opinion then.


Thank you for deciding what my political views are for me. I appreciate it.

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Thank you for deciding what my political views are for me. I appreciate it.


Well which way do you want change? Clearly not further right based on your previous comment so one could only assume you like it the way it is or prefer more left? :confused:

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Well which way do you want change? Clearly not further right based on your previous comment so one could only assume you like it the way it is or prefer more left? :confused:


Well I first I want change in the sense of instead of doing exactly what you are doing, that people listen to others rather than just automatically ASSuming their views.


2nd I think we need balanced budgets. A law requiring it except in active war time needs enacted.


3rd our planet needs protection, as it is the only one we have. This would include access to clean drinking water.


4th I think corporate welfare has to stop, taxes should be fair on business, and regulation needs to be fair but strict. Too many cheaters ruins it for everyone.


5th. Weed should be legal, gay marriage is fine, racism isnt a 1 way street, and I dont care what bathroom you use.


6th. Guns for all


7th. Healthcare and student debt are issues that are killing this country, but I have no idea how to fix it.

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I think you're more libertarian than you think


I said all I disagree with is anarcho-capitalist views of many mainstream libertarian. The wanting many fewer regulations isnt something I can always get behind. Especially when it comes to enviromental issues. I also believe in goverment land ownership such as national parks, forests, and BLM lands.

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Not to the extreme level of this garbage. Even the media is admitting this is light years beyond what we saw over the past few years.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk


Tim, a republican congress refused to do their constitutional duty and confirm a Supreme Court Justice. A Republican controlled Congress shut the Government down for not doing their jobs and cause the US Credit Rating to be devalued. Fuck that noise you posted above. Give me a fucking break....

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Tim, a republican congress refused to do their constitutional duty and confirm a Supreme Court Justice.


They had zero reason to confirm or hear Obama's dude. Why would they when they knew that it was not "required" and that they could instead let it ride for the chance of them winning. Not to mention, leveraging the open slot for their candidate which then turned out to be Trump. It was a well played move for them. Why anyone is surprised is silly. For them to have caved would have been dumb.

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It's a good rule though, right? Or are you OK when people make sweeping generalizations about libertarians based on the actions of a few?


You can generalize all you want, but that doesn't change my personal opinion. The libertarians I have met are not nearly as extreme as the liberals I have met. My personal interactions with liberals/far left democrats have been mostly negative. They are some of the most judgmental, hateful and smug people I have interacted with. I know I have generalized a lot but I don't believe all liberals are bad people. Bernie Sanders is probably a very nice old man and I do believe he has good intentions and a good heart.


I apologize for generalizing if my opinion effects you that much, but I base my opinions on real life interactions and that is how I feel about the majority of liberals I have met and discussed politics with.

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I'd like to talk about this map, the 2016 election results by county:




Does anybody else find this interesting? We keep going back and forth about Democrats and Republicans, but what makes each of them decide to go the route they do?


Why is it that Democrats seem to congregate in condensed clusters in major metro areas while Republicans tend to spread out? Does The City make the Democrat, or does the Democrat make The City? And vice versa for Republicans/Country? Why are there such vastly different mindsets in this country? And two predominate ones at that? I also find it interesting that the split is almost 50/50, seemingly swaying back and forth slightly over a 4-8yr period.



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You can generalize all you want, but that doesn't change my personal opinion. The liberals I have met are not nearly as extreme as the libertarians I have met. My personal interactions with libertarians have been mostly negative. They are some of the most judgmental, hateful and smug people I have interacted with. I know I have generalized a lot but I don't believe all libertarians are bad people. Ron Paul is probably a very nice old man and I do believe he has good intentions and a good heart.


I apologize for generalizing if my opinion effects you that much, but I base my opinions on real life interactions and that is how I feel about the majority of libertarians I have met and discussed politics with.



^^^ Is that a useful contribution to any political discourse, even if the poster genuinely believes it? Would that prompt you to reflect on your own beliefs and how those around you act? Or would it make you defensive and less likely to engage in a serious discussion with that person?


Team sports are killing politics, let's help fix it.

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Let me say this, I have no problem discussing politics with anyone. The biggest issue I see in today's society in regards to politics is that everything is either 100% or 0%. There is no compromise anymore. The left seems to want it 100% this way and the right wants it 100% the other way. The sooner we can begin to try to find a middle ground on most issues, the sooner we can end the great divide that seems to be getting larger.


As for the sports are killing politics, I actually agree with you. Our society has moved from winners and losers to only winners in childhood sports. I don't agree with that at all. Sports can be a great lesson for kids growing up and a great way for kids to stand out and become leaders and begin to understand how some aspects of life works. The problem is, there are groups of people that truly believe everyone is a winner and everyone should get a trophy, even the kid/team that comes in last place. That's complete bullshit. You're raising a generation of kids that believe it's okay to suck and lose. No, you get fucking better and you win. This country didn't become great because we gave everyone a pat on the back for effort. Life won't give you a pat on the back for effort when you fuck up or you're just not good enough. If I have a son or daughter someday and they play sports and get a trophy for losing, I will take it away and tell them to earn it.


For the record: Most of the things I post on here are trolling because, well it's a message board and it's entertaining.

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You can generalize all you want, but that doesn't change my personal opinion. The libertarians I have met are not nearly as extreme as the liberals I have met.


probably because you tend to only classify the extremists as liberals, and everyone else in between you find another label for. Honestly, looking at people and saying they are "liberal" or "conservative" is not the best way to approach it since people are people and they tend to change their minds. It's a lot easier to look at the issues separate from people and identify the various solutions and look at them on a spectrum.


I honestly don't expect you to do this because a lot of your political point of view is based on stereotypes of people and your perceived superiority to them because of your professed libertarian views. In other words you really aren't any different from the people you dislike.


My personal interactions with liberals/far left democrats have been mostly negative. They are some of the most judgmental, hateful and smug people I have interacted with.


I'm sure they feel the same way about you. I don't consider myself allied to any party, I'm an "issue-ist": someone who takes the particular issues on a case by case basis and sides with whichever solution makes the most sense within my knowledge of government, and honestly I tend to think a lot of the garbage you say is really judgemental, smug, and very narrowminded. but my interaction is limited to what you say on here and not much else so I try to keep an open mind that maybe you are half trolling.


If personal interaction is the only thing informing your political opinion as to the other party's platform, then it's a fact that you aren't going to have a very informed opinion about these things. Some of this stuff requires actually research and knowledge to understand - a lot of it is complex and doesn't have a simple solution.


I know I have generalized a lot

understatement of the year.


I actually have a really hard time taking most of what you say seriously because so much of it is generalized. It hurts your credibility more than you know.


but I don't believe all liberals are bad people. Bernie Sanders is probably a very nice old man and I do believe he has good intentions and a good heart.


I apologize for generalizing if my opinion effects you that much, but I base my opinions on real life interactions and that is how I feel about the majority of liberals I have met and discussed politics with.


There are no "rules" here, but since you started this thread I assume you actually want to have a meaningful conversation about politics. If you really want that to happen try to...you know....actually talk about issues, platforms, policy, and concerns, and not just generally hate bash a whole bunch of stereotypes, whom you don't bother to understand.


Let's take this discussion in a different direction and see how well you do.


I personally think that Libertarians are people who haven't learned anything from history. If you go back and look through the historical record each year you go back was less regulated than the one that came after it. But you see really big problems arise in those spaces that regulation was meant to solve for. So how does libertarian-ism solve for those problems? Or does it just assume institutionalized racism, sexism, oppression, financial exploitation, etc.. are all factors to be corrected by the free market? How does libertarian-ism protect those that cannot protect themselves?

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Let me say this, I have no problem discussing politics with anyone. The biggest issue I see in today's society in regards to politics is that everything is either 100% or 0%. There is no compromise anymore. The left seems to want it 100% this way and the right wants it 100% the other way. The sooner we can begin to try to find a middle ground on most issues, the sooner we can end the great divide that seems to be getting larger.


Obama was literally a "middle ground" president when you look at his 8 years. But try getting anybody right of center to say that.



Our society has moved from winners and losers to only winners in childhood sports. I don't agree with that at all. Sports can be a great lesson for kids growing up and a great way for kids to stand out and become leaders and begin to understand how some aspects of life works. The problem is, there are groups of people that truly believe everyone is a winner and everyone should get a trophy, even the kid/team that comes in last place. That's complete bullshit. You're raising a generation of kids that believe it's okay to suck and lose. No, you get fucking better and you win. This country didn't become great because we gave everyone a pat on the back for effort. Life won't give you a pat on the back for effort when you fuck up or you're just not good enough.


Prove this. Seriously. I have been listening to this "participation trophy" bullshit for years and the only proof I have ever seen is one study that constantly gets misinterpreted to support this logic (as opposed to all the other scientific studies on this issue that show positive results come from encouragement, that kids aren't confused about a participation award being a lesser trophy, and that social encouragement actually instills a stronger work ethic).


This is one of those old man "get off my lawn" nonsense outrages that isn't actually true and helps to promote a position of moral superiority when it isn't warranted.

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