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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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It really turns on the reason why you are against antifa or BLM, so no you are not automatically anything just for not liking an organization, but in this case you do have a duty to be very clear about your reasons if you don't want to be perceived that way.


we have a duty? what?


There are plenty of people who are liberal who are critical of antifa, many of them publically. Trevor Noah of the daily show , who branded them "Vegan ISIS", probably summed it up best: "When you think you’re punching Nazis, you don’t realize that you’re also punching your cause. Because your opponents, they’ll just use every violent incident to discredit your entire movement.” And he is 100% right.
Those "plenty" of people must keep to themselves a lot as the clear representation across various media outlets is they are not publicly condemning or standing up as you note.


However, if you objection to BLM/Antifa is on their position of race relations - yeah you don't really get a pass. If you genuinely think that BLM=Nazis or that they exist as an attack on white people, that's just you not being knowledgible. Or you really do support white supremacy.
I don't think people are against the original intent of BLM but when they as a group or movement don't come right out and aggressively denounce those that many liberals say are "just a few bad apples" doing shit in the name of BLM, then they come across as accepting those bad apples as their own and in essence agree with them. That is what's happening and what's being seen thus why the push-back.


I would agree that BLM isn't equal to the KKK as the KKK has come right out and said who they are and where they stand on their position. That is really irrelevant though as while BLM says they stand for one thing, their supporters and their own in-action shows things differently. In other words, at least with the KKK we are all pretty clear on where they stand; BLM is hiding and seemingly avoiding the reality. As you note, BLM also has a "duty" to be very clear about your reasons if they don't want to be perceived in a way that is less than flattering. Evidently millions are still left with what you might claim is a false perception; thus it is correct to state BLM Should be better.

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we have a duty? what?


yeah if you don't want people to assume you support White Supremacy, then that is the requirement or duty (as defined by MW as "a task or action that someone is required to perform"). If you don't care, then do whatever you want and accept the social consequences.


Those "plenty" of people must keep to themselves a lot as the clear representation across various media outlets is they are not publicly condemning or standing up as you note.


According to whom? you? I'm not even trying and here are several media outlets (many of whom you would classify as liberally biased) criticizing Antifa








These were all 1st page google hits. You just aren't trying.


I don't think people are against the original intent of BLM but when they as a group or movement don't come right out and aggressively denounce those that many liberals say are "just a few bad apples" doing shit in the name of BLM, then they come across as accepting those bad apples as their own and in essence agree with them. That is what's happening and what's being seen thus why the push-back.


I would agree that BLM isn't equal to the KKK as the KKK has come right out and said who they are and where they stand on their position. That is really irrelevant though as while BLM says they stand for one thing, their supporters and their own in-action shows things differently. In other words, at least with the KKK we are all pretty clear on where they stand; BLM is hiding and seemingly avoiding the reality. As you note, BLM also has a "duty" to be very clear about your reasons if they don't want to be perceived in a way that is less than flattering. Evidently millions are still left with what you might claim is a false perception; thus it is correct to state BLM Should be better.


The problem in discussing Antifa and BLM in the context of the rise of white supremacy is difficult because it treads the thin line of overal message. I was talking to someone this weekend about it and he had a great analogy:


Comparing KKK/Alt Right to BLM/Antifa is like comparing arsonists to firefighters if you are the home owner whose house is on fire. Either way there is going to be destruction, but you can't expect to treat the groups the same because of the context. You may not like that the firefighters are going to take your hand planed 100 year old oak solid wood door off with an axe to get into your house but that doesn't mean you object to the firefighter's overall goal of extinguishing the fire - even if them doing that introduced a lot more oxygen to the smoldering fire and causes it to burn longer. At the same time, they wouldn't really be there if it wasn't for the actions of the arsonists - so the objection with the arsonists isn't just technique but motive as to why they started the fire in the first place as well.


So it is the same thing here - you can't expect people to condemn the whole of an organization when the original message isn't suspect, just the methods and technique.


The Alt-right/white supremacists want you to be dismissive of the BLM/Antifa message because it helps them. That's why we see all these relative moral comparisons that equate the two groups but it is a false moral equivalency. Spreading the rumor that Micah Xavier Johnson was part of BLM and that the Dallas shooting was a BLM associated event (even after Federal, state, and local law enforcement all failed to find a connection) is WS propaganda, believing that propaganda is a lack of knowledge on the part of the person.

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People don't take BLM seriously anymore because of this...





It's stuff like this that keeps me saying you have a knowledge problem. I'm sorry but if you think this is what BLM is protesting then I am really disappointed in you.


The overall protest message of BLM is the treatment of Black People in the justice system. Yes that does include Black People wrongfully shot by police (which I might add is not what your chart is showing), but it also includes wrongful incarceration, harsher sentencing and penalties based on race, racial profiling by law enforcement, acquittal of those who would otherwise be held accountable, and all the various ills black people suffer under our current justice system due to racial bias. If you go to their website, they acknowledge their primary visibility has been around police brutality, which includes but is not limited to murder, but it is not their only issue. Remember a lot of their initial visibility came in connection to the Trayvon Martin case.


You like charts? This is also some (but not all) of what BLM is protesting:

















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What race per capita commits the most murders, rapes and thefts? I'd be curious to see those stats. If it is white males then I will be 100% on your side with this.


Well that chart doesn't exist with credible information. Why? because of the word "commit". The closest you are going to get is maybe a breakdown by race based on convictions - but again, conviction numbers are going to skew because of issues that affect both the poor and minority communities (such as conviction pleas offered in lieu of bail when the defendant can't make bail). You could also look at arrests but then again part of what if being protested is that black people are more often to be arrested than whites because of racial profiling or racially disproportionate activities. Also arrests aren't proof of a crime - just suspicion of a crime.


This is a complex issue that you aren't researching and don't have enough knowledge to discuss. The shame of it is that it renders you incapable of understanding how pithy little charts like the one you posted are about as relevant to the conversation as charts showing the migration of elk in Alaska.

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Well that chart doesn't exist with credible information. Why? because of the word "commit". The closest you are going to get is maybe a breakdown by race based on convictions - but again, conviction numbers are going to skew because of issues that affect both the poor and minority communities (such as conviction pleas offered in lieu of bail when the defendant can't make bail). You could also look at arrests but then again part of what if being protested is that black people are more often to be arrested than whites because of racial profiling or racially disproportionate activities. Also arrests aren't proof of a crime - just suspicion of a crime.


This is a complex issue that you aren't researching and don't have enough knowledge to discuss. The shame of it is that it renders you incapable of understanding how pithy little charts like the one you posted are about as relevant to the conversation as charts showing the migration of elk in Alaska.


Okay so would you feel safer walking down Livingston Avenue on the East side of Columbus around 11pm on a Friday night or down Northwest Blvd. in Upper Arlington around 11pm on a Saturday night? Do you feel more safe in a primarily black neighborhood or white? And why?

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Okay so would you feel safer walking down Livingston Avenue on the East side of Columbus around 11pm on a Friday night or down Northwest Blvd. in Upper Arlington around 11pm on a Saturday night? Do you feel more safe in a primarily black neighborhood or white? And why?


First of all, I don't know this city well enough to know what Livingston Avenue "means" in terms of crime or demographic. I am going to assume it is a predominantly poor black neighborhood.


However, I will do you one better. I lived in Crown Heights, Brooklyn for 5 years. If you are not familar with Crown Heights, let me help you:


As of 2010, of the 142,839 residents in Crown Heights,[27] 74.7% were Black, 19.1% were White, 4.2% were Hispanic, and 2% were Asian and other ethnic groups. Crown Heights has a majority West Indian and African American population, but there are also a significant number of Hasidic Jews


I know people generally don't think NY is dangerous anymore but where I lived was 1 block over from the men's homeless shelter and next door to section 8 housing. I had no problems walking around that neighborhood at all hours of the night. My car was broken into twice, my apartment once, and someone was shot and killed on my doorstep, but nothing ever happened to me walking around the streets, and there were plenty of opportunities for it to happen. you know why? because I was a part of the community and I made myself visible and treated people like people. when my car got broken into, everyones on the block got broken into - they didn't target my car because of me, and the same thing with my apartment - the dipshit kids went roof top to roof top breaking into everybody's stuff.


Race doesn't make me uncomfortable. I practice situational awareness and I measure risk in the moment. I have to be honest, so far based on my personal experience in the Midwest, I feel less safe around dipshit armed white people than I do around black people in their own neighborhood.


By the way, if I were black (and I am not), you bet your ass I would feel less safe in UA at 11pm on a Saturday than on Livingston ave.

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Have you ever been hassled by the cops? Be a white guy that lives in multiple predominantly black neighborhoods (I also lived in New Orleans for 5 years) and you'll find out pretty quick what it is like.


I am by no means Anti-police by the way. It's a hard freaking job, a thankless one, and intensely dangerous. Also the PD often bears the brunt of what are really oversight and administrative problems, even though often times the officers have little say in the policies.

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Have you ever been hassled by the cops? Be a white guy that lives in multiple predominantly black neighborhoods (I also lived in New Orleans for 5 years) and you'll find out pretty quick what it is like.


I am by no means Anti-police by the way. It's a hard freaking job, a thankless one, and intensely dangerous. Also the PD often bears the brunt of what are really oversight and administrative problems, even though often times the officers have little say in the policies.



I didn't realize police brutality against black people was a problem in Upper Arlington. I do know that black on black murders are a problem on the East side of Columbus though. You're an expert on things everything though, so I'm sure you know all of this already.

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I didn't realize police brutality against black people was a problem in Upper Arlington. I do know that black on black murders are a problem on the East side of Columbus though. You're an expert on things everything though, so I'm sure you know all of this already.


Did I say brutality? nope. I said hassle. But then again I don't see a whole lot of anybody walking around UA late at night in general so maybe everyone just knows better?


You meant to say just murders right? I mean black people aren't killing other black people because they are black. It sounds like Murder is a problem on the east side of Columbus, and it happens to be occurring in a poor neighborhood. What's your source on this by the way? there are plenty of Predominantly white neighborhoods on the east side (Bexley, Whitehall, South Alum Creek) etc so...I hope you aren't just assuming the whole of the east side is black and that crime is automatically attributed to that group when you hear east side.

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Have you ever been hassled by the cops? Be a white guy that lives in multiple predominantly black neighborhoods (I also lived in New Orleans for 5 years) and you'll find out pretty quick what it is like.




You think they have it rough ? try being a cop workinh in that neighborhood. Do a ride-along with any of our fine members in uniform in that area and you'll quickly see.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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Neither are cops.


eh....not so fast....while I agree cops are not predominately pulling the trigger because of that, they are certainly getting more opportunities for something to happen due to racial profiling practices. And lets broaden it because while lethal force rates are one indicator (Blacks are 2.5 more likely to be shot by police), there is also wrongful arrest (3.5 times more likely) and conviction. This is not counting the plea deal trap that comes attached to bail.



think about it, in one case race is a secondary factor: drugs and poverty, two major factors in violent crime tend to disproportionately affect the black population, but being black isn't a reason why most of that crime is committed. In the other case race is a primary factor: Race is used as a factor to pull over one group over the others therefore increasing the risk of that interaction having a bad outcome overall.










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eh....not so fast....while I agree cops are not predominately pulling the trigger because of that, they are certainly getting more opportunities for something to happen due to racial profiling practices.


you will never convince me of that and I don't care what BS you post. bottom line is profiling works. you don't pull over more whites in bad areas simply to "prove" anything. In black areas of town, yes more blacks are going to be pulled over. More whites are pulled over in Dublin for the same reason. It's also no surprise when you go into the hood and see a bunch of POS Cars with violations just crying out that a cop is going to take advantage of those self inflicted exploits to pull them over.



And lets broaden it because while lethal force rates are one indicator (Blacks are 2.5 more likely to be shot by police), there is also wrongful arrest (3.5 times more likely) and conviction. This is not counting the plea deal trap that comes attached to bail.

stop with the stats games as it can be played both ways. at the end of day, if you fuck around causing trouble when pulled over or fight with the po-po, you're more likely to get shot. it's also just common sense when a young black men commit homicide and crimes at higher rates that cops are going to police their areas more and yes, more busts are likely going to happen but those busts aren't based on color but on actions.


think about it, in one case race is a secondary factor: drugs and poverty, two major factors in violent crime tend to disproportionately affect the black population, but being black isn't a reason why most of that crime is committed.
agree, color of their skin isn't why crimes are committed but it is a factor that does play-in when those very same people make a choice to commit the crime. they don't get a pass for any reason; THEY still made the CHOICE to act badly and contribute their skin color to the statistics.


In the other case race is a primary factor: Race is used as a factor to pull over one group over the others therefore increasing the risk of that interaction having a bad outcome overall.
again, target profiling in certain areas isn't wrong IMO. I'm sorry but the average suburban family in a minivan driving down Livingston isn't likely going to attract the same attention as a couple of black teens in a beater with a broken tail lamp and if they are both pulled over a cop isn't likely going to approach the situation the same throughout the stop, in all cases. Although I'll side with the cop as typically when I've been pulled over they are "on-guard" just the same. They chill-out sooner though once they can better assess the situation . you might not like it but it's a fact.


Ignoring obvious things just to be PC is dumb and will likely get you killed quick. but if it makes you feel better Kerry, then you're welcome to continue the madness you preach. Walk around bad areas of town all day man and feel like you have a force-field of protecton on because you're a cool-cat all you want. The reality is you're just a naive. Bad guys don't care who you are or how you feel or carry yourself. They don't care what color you are either. In the end they aren't going to give you a message board to type paragraphs to them on so you can debate them out of harming you.

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Prove that racial profiling works Tim. Go ahead I'll wait.


Look at your own stats on what you're defending Kerry. That's proof. People don't get sent up the river or shot for no fucking reason or simply because they aren't white. Occasional bad cops and shitty public defenders don't help but it's not a regular basis of how our society polices. If you believe that then good for you for living in paranoia land.


I travel a lot and spend time in all kinds of areas. It's not stupid to put common sense in motion. I've had only one bad thing happen to me while traveling over the past 25 years and My approach works because I use common sense. It even works in the suburbs as I encounter animals all the time but I'm usually more Leary of getting viciously attacked by larger dogs off leash not small dogs on a leash or cats or squirrels.


Some people like BLM lovers go around saying it's necessary for black parents to warn their sons about cops, especially white cops because they are out hunting black people. Why? Shouldn't they based on real stats warm their black kids of other black men more? Which are they more likely to die from in cities like Chicago? Now is it wrong for whites to do the same? Why?


Is there a parent who fails to warn a daughter to be wary of men in vans? Is that sexist as shouldn't they fear ANY Stranger in a van? Woman can and have kidnapped kids just the same right? Again, common sense, that's why. Sorry but not profiling, regarding everyone as of equal threat, is foolish and dangerous and treating everyone as if they are NOT equal threats is just as stupid.....but hey, it's politically correct right?


When I was flying to Vegas last week I watched what had to be an 85+ year old man get pulled of line for a additional screening. He was told it was purely random and I'm quite sure it was indeed random and just TSA following SOP. He and his wife were distraught as they didn't appear to be frequent fliers like me, but apparently his number had come up, and no matter how absurd, the procedure, he needed to be checked because heaven forbid we "offend" anyone. When all airline passengers are equally suspect, surveillance is diluted. That's a fact and stupid. Time spent harassing this old guy could have surely been better spent don't you think?


To an extent Kerry, I would agree that profiling can be unavoidably unfair. But it's common sense and those so targeted need to understand it is a fact of life that those who resemble those who threaten will be viewed with suspicion. Again, how many people here have dogs that others call "pitbulls" and then are treated as such?


Group membership matters and symbols convey information that shouldn't be ignored. Wear gang colors and tat yourself up and act accordingly, and yes, you are going to get noticed. In fact many times what people get noticed for is exactly what they want to be noticed for. If not, gang members would drive around in tan colored stock Camery's all day long. Just realize that and stop the fucking whining when you are noticed.


What are the stats on blacks shot by black officers vs white officers?

What are the stats on any citizen being shot by any cop as it relates to their behavior - compliant and sensible or argumentative and violent? which behavior is more likely to get you hurt by a cop?

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Why do you play the "pity poor black people" card? Attention? Weren't loved as a child? Secretly wish you were black?


That's literally the only argument you seem to have. Someone says something you don't agree with and they are automatically white supremacists.

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Kerry lives in a stat book until you provide a stat that he doesn't agree with or is against his narrative then he comes up with an excuse as to why it's not credible.



I know and good for him. He's a lawyer and likes to play the stats and citation game. In the mean time reality is out there and the obvious to just about anyone with a brain. He's not naive or dumb, he just likes to poke around in arguments. IMO he does so because he hates the reality of what is actually happening and wishes it was different but since he can't change the bad guys into good guys he just tries to make the good guys the enemy. Media is doing to the same thing. It's the circle of the perpetual victim mentality. Ironically that same mentality is what keeps so many people where they are in life. Sorry but shitty neighborhoods are call shitty neighborhoods for a reason.

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Look at your own stats on what you're defending Kerry. That's proof.


no it isn't. And you can't prove it because all the studies in this area came to pretty much the same conclusion: It violates basic (constitutionally protected) human rights plus federal anti-discrimination statutes, plus it wastes resources on innocent people trying to root out the guilty, and has a huge error rate. Which is why the Federal government has stopped doing it. A good number of states have laws against it as well. And yet every year there is another lawsuit about a local/city/state PD that implemented a racial profiling policy.



People don't get sent up the river or shot for no fucking reason or simply because they aren't white.


yes they do. wrongful conviction is a real thing, and an unaddressed problem in our judicial system. It gets very little press every election. It disproportionately affects racial minorities in this country in a very real way.


Occasional bad cops and shitty public defenders don't help but it's not a regular basis of how our society polices. If you believe that then good for you for living in paranoia land.


It's not "occasional" it's a steady percentage. 1 in 25. Extrapolate that over the prison population it becomes tens of thousands of people. And those are just the ones we know about. It's not paranoid to want to keep 20,000 innocent people a year out of prison.



Kerry lives in a stat book until you provide a stat that he doesn't agree with or is against his narrative then he comes up with an excuse as to why it's not credible.


Brandon....you not understanding how to read statistics is not the same thing as a statistic being credible. That little box you posted as "what BLM is protesting" - the numbers in it are pretty credible. It just isn't relevant because 1) the metric it was tracking was not actually the issue BLM was protesting (overall murders vs police violence), 2) It measured overall numbers not rate, which of course is going to skew white because there are just more white people (that's what a majority is) - it does not represent overall risk which skews the other way.


Let me be clear - your desire to completely talk out of your ass with little understanding as to what you are talking about and even less desire to try to gain the knowledge isn't an excuse and it isn't something I have to be kind to or respectful of, esp when you have this burning desire to share your literal (and I don't mean figurative - you literally lack knowledge) ignorance with the internet. You aren't interested in reality, you just want your fragile snowflake, marginally racist (but you don't think they are) opinions protected from the harshness of reality. As long as you are going to continue to share your shitty poorly researched opinions with the world there will always be people like me to reveal how little you know and how much shit you talk. Now you have two choices - you can feel stupid and hurt and retreat with your precious shitty opinions and dig deeper in, or you can realize maybe you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and what you are holding on to isn't actually the hill you want to die on and you can ask more questions and research more.


And for god's sakes stop getting your news and information from facebook and 3rd rate Sean Hannity type pundits.



I know and good for him. He's a lawyer and likes to play the stats and citation game. In the mean time reality is out there and the obvious to just about anyone with a brain. He's not naive or dumb, he just likes to poke around in arguments. IMO he does so because he hates the reality of what is actually happening and wishes it was different but since he can't change the bad guys into good guys he just tries to make the good guys the enemy. Media is doing to the same thing. It's the circle of the perpetual victim mentality. Ironically that same mentality is what keeps so many people where they are in life. Sorry but shitty neighborhoods are call shitty neighborhoods for a reason.


I am just going to point out that you are basically saying feelings and personal observation are more "real" than the science (and it is a science) of data collection and study. I'm sorry Tim but this shit above isn't some grand statement, it's just straight up justification for your casual racism. Tim, I honestly don't care if you are or aren't - but at least be honest with yourself about it. Statistics, data, etc...yeah they aren't 100% fool proof either and it usually takes a combination of factors and a big picture analysis to truely understand what's going on - but to straight up say you don't think the numbers are right because you don't feel the numbers are right that's the fantasy.


The "reality" is the world is a shitty place, but there are people working to make it less shitty, and they don't need this type of ignorance and casual racisim in the way of making that happen, just because you are too myopic, ignorant, and delusional to see it.

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