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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Why do you play the "pity poor black people" card? Attention? Weren't loved as a child? Secretly wish you were black?


That's literally the only argument you seem to have. Someone says something you don't agree with and they are automatically white supremacists.


I don't know, why do so many here feel like they need to share their shitty causally racist opinions here unprompted? I am just responding - I didn't start this thread, and I don't usually keep it going I just wait for someone (usually brandon) to post something stupid and then jump in.


This isn't a "pity poor black people" card, there are some absolute truths to the justice system that many here don't know enough about to recognize, and don't really want to take time to learn. People don't want to give up on their their beliefs, even in the face of truth. So if they aren't going to be open minded they should at least feel uncomfortable through confrontation.


Why is it always talking about "white supremacy"? well it seems to be what you guys want to share shitty opinions about and also what the majority posting in this thread seem to be most tone deaf about also.


And I don't secretly wish to be black, but as I have said before the people that dislike black people usually dislike my kind as well, I am just easier to hide. I haven't experienced anywhere near the discrimination racial minorities in this country suffer under - but I don't always get the white privilege pass on things either. 6 million+ of my kind were exterminated because of ethnicity and it was so close in time that I grew up around the survivors. It's easier to see the ugly face of the mask of society when you aren't the one wearing it.


I also have real experience with the judicial system in this country - something a lot of shit talkers in this thread have almost no knowledge of, and have seen first hand how the "system" is fractured in a million little ways to add up to an intentional bias, and how it was built that way by design since the civil war.


The modern conservatism isn't political ideology, it's just a lack of empathy and a resistance to progress.

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Brandon....you not understanding how to read statistics is not the same thing as a statistic being credible. That little box you posted as "what BLM is protesting" - the numbers in it are pretty credible. It just isn't relevant because 1) the metric it was tracking was not actually the issue BLM was protesting (overall murders vs police violence), 2) It measured overall numbers not rate, which of course is going to skew white because there are just more white people (that's what a majority is) - it does not represent overall risk which skews the other way.


Let me be clear - your desire to completely talk out of your ass with little understanding as to what you are talking about and even less desire to try to gain the knowledge isn't an excuse and it isn't something I have to be kind to or respectful of, esp when you have this burning desire to share your literal (and I don't mean figurative - you literally lack knowledge) ignorance with the internet. You aren't interested in reality, you just want your fragile snowflake, marginally racist (but you don't think they are) opinions protected from the harshness of reality. As long as you are going to continue to share your shitty poorly researched opinions with the world there will always be people like me to reveal how little you know and how much shit you talk. Now you have two choices - you can feel stupid and hurt and retreat with your precious shitty opinions and dig deeper in, or you can realize maybe you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and what you are holding on to isn't actually the hill you want to die on and you can ask more questions and research more.


And for god's sakes stop getting your news and information from facebook and 3rd rate Sean Hannity type pundits.



Some of my best friends growing up were black, probably close to half of my good friends in the military who I deployed with were a minority. I am not a racist no matter how much you want to call me one. I'm sorry I don't buy into the media propaganda like yourself. You're a sheep that is easily fooled. You call me ignorant but fail to get your head out of a statistic book because you think that's where reality is. Somehow you think by calling everyone ignorant it somehow validates why you're right. If we want to go off of statistics can we say that you're ignorant because of the correlation between being morbidly obese and having a low IQ seem to go hand in hand on average in the United States? You cherry pick literally everything. It gets really annoying, I sometimes enjoy it when I'm really bored because it gives me something to do but in all honesty, I hope you're not like this with people in real life. If you are, it wouldn't surprise me if you have literally no friends. A part of me feels bad for you, man because I have a feeling you probably don't have any friends. It'll be alright. Well, for me it will be, I can't say for you.

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Some of my best friends growing up were black, probably close to half of my good friends in the military who I deployed with were a minority. I am not a racist no matter how much you want to call me one.


I believe that you don't think you are. But I also believe that you don't really have the perspective to see when political policy or government procedure affects people of different races disproportionately, or how those effects play out over time. You have an opinion and you are constantly seeking to validate it rather than to let the things you observe and the knowledge you seek to help you form your opinions. It's a common problem for people your age and maybe you'll grow out of it, I hope.


I'm sorry I don't buy into the media propaganda like yourself. You're a sheep that is easily fooled. You call me ignorant but fail to get your head out of a statistic book because you think that's where reality is.


I use the statistics and reporting to foster the discussion because it is more credible than your feelings. Your feelings are reality only to you, but data collected is objective. Is it the whole picture? no, and we discuss that, but it is sure a damn sight more useful than your "feelings" for talking about reality.


As far as a statistics book, you seem to forget I am a practicing attorney and have been for a long time. I litigated cases within our justice system for a decade and as a result I am intimately familiar with our system in ways you can't even fathom, and even then I can honestly say I am not nearly as knowledgeable as many many many others in this area.


You want reality? the reality is like most Americans you have a less than 1% understanding of how our legal system works, how it ties into politics, how laws actually function, and the analytical perspective you need to take when evaluating it, and you have no desire to because it is in fact very boring. So you take what few scraps you pick up here and there and form these marginally shitty cynical opinions that you cherish like it is the hope diamond.


If you are tired of me, someone who does this for a living and knows what he is talking about from experience, telling you, someone who maybe has marginal experience with this area, telling you you don't know what you are talking about, then pull your head out of your ass and stop supporting politicians that cut educational funding. Let future generations of you at the very least get a better education than you got.


Also, I should point out if I were a trained dodge mechanic I don't think you would have the stones to dare to tell me how to do a valve adjustment on your challenger. But instead I work in an area that is heavily political and somehow you seem to think you're knowledge and experience equals mine because you watch a Steven Crowder video on facebook and have an opinion.


Somehow you think by calling everyone ignorant it somehow validates why you're right.

I'm not calling everyone ignorant. I am saying you are ignorant in the classical definition of ignorance: lack of knowledge or information. Remember words have meanings. The fact that you take it as an insult and cry salty conservative tears is just a bonus. Would you prefer a synonym? ok pick one, I'll use that instead:












Remember, words have meanings.


If we want to go off of statistics can we say that you're ignorant because of the correlation between being morbidly obese and having a low IQ seem to go hand in hand on average in the United States?


mmm...brandon's salty tears, so delicious. Let me tell you about people whose intellect is so limited they have to fall back to physical characteristics:


1) they aren't smart enough to craft a decent insult so they take the easy road just to make themselves feel superior. If you have to resort to fat jokes, I have already won. I am under your skin, in your head, and you and I both know you are the beta grasping at anything that will land. Don't be lazy, don't be weak, you want an insult that will land? try harder.


2) They start with things they think are safe and eventually move to more taboo like color and gender. You don't see it but if I were black would you be pulling studies to show that the majority of black americans are uneducated to make your point?


You cherry pick literally everything. It gets really annoying,

you don't?


I sometimes enjoy it when I'm really bored because it gives me something to do but in all honesty,

you must really not like yourself if rather than actually take time to read something that might expand your knowledge base you get on the internet and poke the bear that enjoys pointing out your ignorance.


I hope you're not like this with people in real life.

you met me. you tell me.


If you are, it wouldn't surprise me if you have literally no friends. A part of me feels bad for you, man because I have a feeling you probably don't have any friends. It'll be alright. Well, for me it will be, I can't say for you.


I remember being in my 20's and I have to say I was probably about the same size and shape douchebag that you are now. Most of us were. And I grew out of it and I really hope you will as well. I really do worry that you won't though, and it genuinely makes me feel sorry for you that that is a real possibility.


Growth comes from confrontation. It is borne in criticism. It does not come from bias confirmation, it is not forged in echo chambers.

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I got 12 tickets in 7 years while driving riced out Civics. I've had like one or two since then. There's an analogy in there somewhere.


Whatever it is, it's lost on Kerry because:

1) the social suffering is difficult to define.

2) comparative data reinforcing disparity between classes is nonexistent.

Therefore, he'll label you an insensitive caveman and dismiss your opinion or life experiences.

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if you lock it up, Brandon is just gonna start more threads to post whatever thing triggered him on facebook. At least here it is contained.


Then we can see your 6 paragraph response explaining why you're of superior intelligence and we are all dumb animals.

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone see the headlines?


Noted liberal cuck Steve Bannon didn't get the memo that the Russia investigation is Fake News and the Greatest Witch Hunt in Political History.


The meeting was revealed by the New York Times in July last year, prompting Trump Jr to say no consequential material was produced. Soon after, Wolff writes, Bannon remarked mockingly: “The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers.


Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.


Bannon went on, Wolff writes, to say that if any such meeting had to take place, it should have been set up “in a Holiday Inn in Manchester, New Hampshire, with your lawyers who meet with these people”. Any information, he said, could then be “dump[ed] … down to Breitbart or something like that, or maybe some other more legitimate publication”.


But collusion isn't the real problem, according to Deep State operative Steve Bannon:


“You realise where this is going,” he is quoted as saying. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.”


Last month it was reported that federal prosecutors had subpoenaed records from Deutsche Bank, the German financial institution that has lent hundreds of millions of dollars to the Kushner property empire. Bannon continues: “It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”


Scorning apparent White House insouciance, Bannon reaches for a hurricane metaphor: “They’re sitting on a beach trying to stop a Category Five.”


No worries, I'm sure it'll all blow over like it did in Puerto Rico.

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Brilliant. I especially love the airline one since it's a worldwide figure. Still, Trump supporters gonna support

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