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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Anyone see the headlines?


Noted liberal cuck Steve Bannon didn't get the memo that the Russia investigation is Fake News and the Greatest Witch Hunt in Political History.




But collusion isn't the real problem, according to Deep State operative Steve Bannon:




No worries, I'm sure it'll all blow over like it did in Puerto Rico.


This all goes back to the Magnitsky Act.


Here is what shocks me about all of this - there are more than a few "conspiracy" types on this forum, right?


Well here is an international conspiracy, involving the murder of an agent of a foreign national who was investigating Russian Government corruption, that led to the Russian Government doing everything and anything to try and get this act overturned including interfering in a foreign election (ours), potentially bribing foreign officials (ours), and even may have laundered money through those they may have helped get elected.....and nobody is saying word one about it because it happens to be the administration a "conspiracy theorist" is most like to back because he promised to "Drain the swamp".


For the most part a lot of conspiracy theories are just bunk and don't have much evidence, but here is one big corruption conspiracy being served on a golden platter and all those people who backed trump because Washington was "too corrupt" aren't biting now that they have more evidence than has ever been presented against any other presidential candidate in the history of the US? WTH?

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This all goes back to the Magnitsky Act.


Here is what shocks me about all of this - there are more than a few "conspiracy" types on this forum, right?


Well here is an international conspiracy, involving the murder of an agent of a foreign national who was investigating Russian Government corruption, that led to the Russian Government doing everything and anything to try and get this act overturned including interfering in a foreign election (ours), potentially bribing foreign officials (ours), and even may have laundered money through those they may have helped get elected.....and nobody is saying word one about it because it happens to be the administration a "conspiracy theorist" is most like to back because he promised to "Drain the swamp".


For the most part a lot of conspiracy theories are just bunk and don't have much evidence, but here is one big corruption conspiracy being served on a golden platter and all those people who backed trump because Washington was "too corrupt" aren't biting now that they have more evidence than has ever been presented against any other presidential candidate in the history of the US? WTH?


No different than the US staring multiple wars in violation of geneva laws, were the only country to nuke a major population area, or knowingly accepting refuges that are against personal western freedom. Even more out there is encouraging the migrant crises to destroy the working class and reducing wages. It maybe possible what happened with Russia, but folks with money will make anything happen regardless of rules and political affiliation. Both Trump and Clinton/Obama very likely has as much dirty laundry as the other. Trump has questionable Russia ties while Clinton/Obama bent over to take donations from a culture that is against women's/gay/individual freedom. The next year will be entertaining regardless of the outcome. I am curious to see how it plays out of small vs big government and individual freedom vs. religious beliefs. (yes I did say something anti-trump)

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No different than the US staring multiple wars in violation of geneva laws


Name them.



were the only country to nuke a major population area,



or knowingly accepting refuges that are against personal western freedom.

Not even a remotely true statement.


Even more out there is encouraging the migrant crises to destroy the working class and reducing wages.

I’m not even sure what you are trying to say here. So far the biggest threat to the working class is technological advancement and that isn’t coming from migrants. Also, who is encouraging that? Because it isn’t the current administration.


It maybe possible what happened with Russia, but folks with money will make anything happen regardless of rules and political affiliation.

Ok, it’s clear you aren’t remotely even up on this situation so let me give you a primer.


Here are the facts is not in dispute:

- the agents of the Russian Government stole the business of an American businessman that was operating in Russia. They then murdered his Attorney when the attorney exposed the corruption.


-the Russian government has been paying lobbyists in the US to try and overturn the act. This included Paul Manafort at one time


- The Russian government interfered with our election in hopes to get someone elected who would be receptive to overturning the magninsky act


- every time another country adopts their own version of the magninsky act, Russia puts Bill Browder (the American whose business was stolen) on the Interpol list for the murder of Magninsky (his own attorney), even though Magninsky died in Russian Police custody after having been beaten to death by several guards.


And here is the conspiracy theory portion that has yet to be proven:


- the government of Russia colluded with the Trump family as part of the election interference


- without access to a banking system (because that’s part of the magninsky act) many wealthy Russians have been laundering money through Jared Kutschner by lending his foreign real estate holdings company money.


Both Trump and Clinton/Obama very likely has as much dirty laundry as the other.


Ok then where is it? Seriously, with as much scrutiny as has been placed on the clintons at this point (more than any other politician) nothing has come up. Either they are the greatest masterminds at hiding stuff that the world has ever seen or...and stay with me here...it’s just not there.


Trump has questionable Russia ties while Clinton/Obama bent over to take donations from a culture that is against women's/gay/individual freedom. The next year will be entertaining regardless of the outcome. I am curious to see how it plays out of small vs big government and individual freedom vs. religious beliefs. (yes I did say something anti-trump)


Well first off, the whole of the Muslim culture isn’t against women or gays anymore than Christianity or Judisiam. You are holding the beliefs of extremists up as the example of a whole culture which is false. Also by your logic every single politician has taken money from a culture against gays/women/individual freedom of they have taken money from groups like “focus on the family”. Second, Trump has many business interests in those same countries he lambasts the Clinton foundation (which is a charity and not the clintons themselves) for accepting donations from. The Clintons don’t profit from their charity, but Donnie profits from his business and has a specific interest to protect that profit (hence why the emoluments clause was an issue last year).


I agree it will be interesting but the thing I am more focused on is that if there is one thing we have learned from a DJT Presidency, it is that America is vulnerable to foreign attack and all the defense spending in the world isn’t going to help that. I don’t think most Americans have come to terms with the gravity of that yet or even acknowledged or accepted it and it will be interesting to see what happens do.

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This is where my libertarian kicks in. I just don't get the Federal Governments obsession with weed. Like who gives fuck? If you don't like it, don't smoke it or associate yourself with people who smoke it. It's so frustrating.


From the Article:

- Such a change would appear unlikely. Sessions has blamed the increased use of the drug for spikes in violence in the U.S.

- I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. And I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana – so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another that’s only slightly less awful. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life


Comments like this show how out of touch a lot of our Law enforcement officials and Government officials are when it comes to weed. He refers it to "slightly less awful than heroin." Are you fucking kidding me? :dumb: I mean holy fuck, these dumb fucks have watched Reefer madness too much.


Here's a question I'd ask every Law enforcement official and Government official who doesn't think weed should be legal. Why is alcohol legal? Why are cigarettes legal? Answer those 2 questions while logically arguing why weed should be illegal and maybe I can get on board.

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This is where my libertarian kicks in. I just don't get the Federal Governments obsession with weed.


Historically? read this:




Then read this pages 25-38:



I know you don't have an understanding of how disparate impact works (I think in the past you called it "Victim mentality" which is retarded) but this is how it works. You find something associated with a group of people you want to fuck over and then you use criminalization of that thing to fuck them over. It looks like you are doing something legit because it doesn't reference that group specifically, but that group is most affected by it. When it comes to drugs the answer to "that group" is almost always blacks and Latinos (specifically Mexicans). Something like this dovetails nicely with Trumps build a wall rhetoric.



Comments like this show how out of touch a lot of our Law enforcement officials and Government officials are when it comes to weed. He refers it to "slightly less awful than heroin." Are you fucking kidding me? I mean holy fuck, these dumb fucks have watched Reefer madness too much.


It isn't that he's out of touch, Sessions isn't stupid, it's that he's a person in a position of power and if he says things like this confidently and often enough people will eventually believe it (because they want to). It's the combination of oversimplification, rationalization, and repetition as propaganda tools. It's a smaller more tame version of "The Big Lie" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie) type of propaganda (which the current administration seems so fond of) that feeds into some people's bias confirmation.


There is plenty of information to refute literally everything he has said, but if you are already in his camp why would you want to? and if you aren't, this administration has painted all detractors as "the liberal enemy" not to be believed or trusted.


This is how the world really works, junior.

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Historically? read this:


Then read this pages 25-38:


He's not going to read any of that.



In other news...This will be an interesting book.



:rolleyes: I lose more faith/optimism in Trump on a daily basis. Anyone still supporting him as President - much, MUCH less his willingness/ability to get. anything. done. - is a fool.

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Historically? read this:




Then read this pages 25-38:



I know you don't have an understanding of how disparate impact works (I think in the past you called it "Victim mentality" which is retarded) but this is how it works. You find something associated with a group of people you want to fuck over and then you use criminalization of that thing to fuck them over. It looks like you are doing something legit because it doesn't reference that group specifically, but that group is most affected by it. When it comes to drugs the answer to "that group" is almost always blacks and Latinos (specifically Mexicans). Something like this dovetails nicely with Trumps build a wall rhetoric.





It isn't that he's out of touch, Sessions isn't stupid, it's that he's a person in a position of power and if he says things like this confidently and often enough people will eventually believe it (because they want to). It's the combination of oversimplification, rationalization, and repetition as propaganda tools. It's a smaller more tame version of "The Big Lie" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie) type of propaganda (which the current administration seems so fond of) that feeds into some people's bias confirmation.


There is plenty of information to refute literally everything he has said, but if you are already in his camp why would you want to? and if you aren't, this administration has painted all detractors as "the liberal enemy" not to be believed or trusted.


This is how the world really works, junior.


I know you agree with me on this issue but you're arguing with me just because it's me.

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He's not going to read any of that.



In other news...This will be an interesting book.



:rolleyes: I lose more faith/optimism in Trump on a daily basis. Anyone still supporting him as President - much, MUCH less his willingness/ability to get. anything. done. - is a fool.


Did you see that Trump shut down his phony voter fraud commission because the Democrats are just too crafty? I guess he got tired of winning.

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He's not going to read any of that.


1: Nice to speak for him, give the guy a chance will ya?

2: I can only put the information in front of him. The choice to seek knowledge or remain ignorant is entirely his.



eh...by the end of 4 years every single person of note who experienced this administration is going to have a tell all book. This will probably make a pretty good companion for reigning in the Bannon book on Trump.


:rolleyes: I lose more faith/optimism in Trump on a daily basis. Anyone still supporting him as President - much, MUCH less his willingness/ability to get. anything. done. - is a fool.


How did you have any faith in him to start? IIRC correctly the majority of our pre-election conversations focused on how much you disliked the other candidate and how you are "historically" republican, doesn't really have anything to do with trump.




Here is my general question to the group:


If you voted for Trump, do you feel like you owe any responsibility to the current situation?


I mean, we are in a noted swing state that has always carried a lot of influence, so Ohio going red directly contributed his election. And it isn't like there were not ample warning signs that he was batshit crazy and completely unprofessional. So if did vote for him, and don't support him now, do you feel guilty about it? What has this taught you?

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I know you agree with me on this issue but you're arguing with me just because it's me.


I agree with your position on legalization, but I’m trying to help you see it from another perspective. The tendrils of all these policies stretch far and wide over our history and have some really ugly roots. Through an understanding of where we came from can we know where we are going.


I’m not a big fan of dismissing politicians as “stupid” or out of touch because often they aren’t. They are advocates for their constituents so often they don’t even own their public opinions. To say JS is out of touch is dismissive and that itself can be dangerous because it underestimates him.

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I guess Oprah is considering running for President in 2020


She won't run. She's way too private and IMO Doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would want all the prying eyes that will go on with such a move. Mark Cuban, perhaps but I doubt Oprah. That said I can respect what she's done over the years but talk about a cross between Obamafail and Hit liar y. OMG that's a horrible combo of fail to put in such a position.

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She won't run. She's way too private and IMO Doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would want all the prying eyes that will go on with such a move. Mark Cuban, perhaps but I doubt Oprah. That said I can respect what she's done over the years but talk about a cross between Obamafail and Hit liar y. OMG that's a horrible combo of fail to put in such a position.


I think Cuban could be alright

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I guess Oprah is considering running for President in 2020



She won't run. She's way too private and IMO Doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would want all the prying eyes that will go on with such a move. Mark Cuban, perhaps but I doubt Oprah. That said I can respect what she's done over the years but talk about a cross between Obamafail and Hit liar y. OMG that's a horrible combo of fail to put in such a position.


It's just more noise and churn. You are talking about an election that is 3 years off at most, who the fuck cares.


Meanwhile there is a congressional election happening this year (nov 6th 2018). You can tell because we are hearing about emails and private servers again in the face of some major losses the republicans saw.


Let's talk about something that is actually intellectual and not something Brandon read on facebook - If there is a wave of Democrat elections in swing states, as people are predicting, there is a chance that it could actually fuck over people who are moderate republicans. How? States with entrenched GOP politicians usually elect more extreme right leaning individuals than moderates, it's usually the swing states that elect moderate republicans. If the Democrats pull some of those swing states in the next election, then that means less moderate republicans in seats of power, which means there isn't going to be much to pull the GOP back to center.


Here is what I am ok with about that scenario:


- More democrats in power means less effective republicans, which means more bi-partisan working together on issues


- If the republican party shifts more right, moderates like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are probably going to be out and maybe they will take their voters with them. I don't think Paul Ryan would be able to hold his current seat as Speaker of the House.


Here is what scares the crap out of me about the GOP shifting more "right":


- With the moderates out, it's possible they replace Ryan with someone more crazy.


-This will further entrench the "Alt-Right", and all the evils it brings with it like Nazi's, in the legitimate political forum.


- obstructionist republicans will have more power which may mean the ability for congress to accomplish anything may grind to a screeching halt.


It all kind of depends on how many seats the Democrats win.


I think it is time for people who are traditionally "moderate republicans" to Really take stock if the party still represents them. I think they may find it doesn't anymore. At that point there are only two choices - be more choosy about who they vote for in primaries, or jump ship.


On a personal note: Tim, you really have to stop using a portmanteau of Hitler and Hilary if you don't want people to think of you as an antisemitic bigot. Or maybe you don't care that you are one and want people to know.

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There isn't a celebrity on this planet that I hate more than Oprah. With sexual abuse being all the rage lately, wonder why there was no mention of her racist ass school she built in South Africa that has multiple occurrences of sexual abuse of the students.
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On a personal note: Tim, you really have to stop using a portmanteau of Hitler and Hilary if you don't want people to think of you as an antisemitic bigot. Or maybe you don't care that you are one and want people to know.


feel free to plug lying Cunt in place of Mrs. Fuck-sticks name.

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Let's talk about something that is actually intellectual and not something Brandon read on facebook


I didn't hear about it on Facebook, clown. Go watch CNN or whatever biased, Trump bashing news source you get your information from. Since we're just making assumptions here.

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On a personal note: Tim, you really have to stop using a portmanteau of Hitler and Hilary if you don't want people to think of you as an antisemitic bigot. Or maybe you don't care that you are one and want people to know.


So all the Liberals who have been calling Trump Hitler for the past 2 years are antisemitic bigots as well? Or does this only work one way, like everything you say because you're a pretentious, hypocritical, contradicting asshole.

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How did you have any faith in him to start? IIRC correctly the majority of our pre-election conversations focused on how much you disliked the other candidate and how you are "historically" republican, doesn't really have anything to do with trump.


Here is my general question to the group:


If you voted for Trump, do you feel like you owe any responsibility to the current situation?


I mean, we are in a noted swing state that has always carried a lot of influence, so Ohio going red directly contributed his election. And it isn't like there were not ample warning signs that he was batshit crazy and completely unprofessional. So if did vote for him, and don't support him now, do you feel guilty about it? What has this taught you?


I made my reasonings around voting for Trump further up the thread. NO RAGRETS. Obama was also my President and I show both men respect for holding the position. However, Trump has been way more disappointing. What I've learned is to have a far more open eye towards any candidate, GOP or Dem (Roy Moore, anyone? :no: )


She won't run. She's way too private and IMO Doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would want all the prying eyes that will go on with such a move.


Agreed. Trump has proven - as well as the primary election newsfeed - that being President is not better than being a celebrity. Oprah is making hundreds of millions in Weight Watchers stock...what's running the free world going to do for her aside from a truly passionate need to serve the public greater good that she's not already doing? (See below for emphasis of this point.)


There isn't a celebrity on this planet that I hate more than Oprah. With sexual abuse being all the rage lately, wonder why there was no mention of her racist ass school she built in South Africa that has multiple occurrences of sexual abuse of the students.


You're going to want to avoid the Smithsonian's African American Museum then. https://nmaahc.si.edu/ I went through it while visiting in DC. While hugely informative and very well done, many of the exhibits were generously donated/curated by Oprah Winfrey and close friends.


We sanitize much of history as a means of supporting our own struggle for a better future. MLK, Jr...didn't I just hear something about his infidelities (mistress/affairs, drinking, drugs) during Civil Rights movement? NMAAHC makes frequent mentioning of William Jefferson's six children born into slavery? I don't remember reading any of that in textbooks. :gabe:

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