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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Are we talking just the United States?


Which citizens in the United States don't have equal rights? Genuinely curious, not even trying to argue right now. I need real examples of laws put into place that directly discriminate against a particular gender (male or female) or race as a whole.


are you coming to CC&C tommorow? let's have a real conversation about this over coffee. It's Friday and I don't feel like typing that much.



I wish they would just use Rand's plan and call it a day. Obamacare and Ryancare are fucking horrible


Don't you mean Romneycare?

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are you coming to CC&C tommorow? let's have a real conversation about this over coffee. It's Friday and I don't feel like typing that much.





Don't you mean Romneycare?



I might be, haven't decided yet. I'll let you know if I do though :thumbup:

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Which citizens in the United States don't have equal rights? Genuinely curious, not even trying to argue right now. I need real examples of laws put into place that directly discriminate against a particular gender (male or female) or race as a whole.


Aye, that's the rub, right? Poll taxes and literacy tests in the post-war south didn't directly discriminate against a particular race, but it's a well-accepted fact of American history that those laws were racist as fuck.


The devil, as always, is in the details. Sometimes the lawmakers tip their hands; reference the NC voter ID law that was overturned, in part, because of evidence that decisions were crafted as a direct result of inquiries into racial voting patterns. But was that specific voter ID law unique in that regard? Or were NC lawmakers just sloppy in hiding their tracks?


Laws can be unintentionally discriminatory as well. Tough sentencing guidelines for crack (compared to blow) devastated black communities, even though they applied equally to whites. I think those guidelines were a well-meaning attempt to curb drug use in troubled neighborhoods, but at some point you need to take step back and look not just at equality of the law, but disparity in outcomes.

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Will be interesting how Trump's machine spins this one.


I didn't vote based on the healthcare aspect, so I don't care at all.


Just like Trump himself, the spin from Trump voters seems to be, "JK, we didn't actually want to repeal and replace Obamacare after all!"


We've always been at war with Eastasia.

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  • 2 weeks later...


No and they should posthumously charge the three asshats to make a point.


ETA Just read the headline title - WHAT THE FUCK is a "botched" home invasion? Any home invasion is an abhorrent act, far from anything normal that "botched" would apply to.

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Castle law


Too bad so sad


It's awesome they are charging the chic that drove them there with their murders.




I have a 12 gauge right inside my door and my carry pistols on the dresser. Someone breaks in, they best hope they can run faster than 12 AA pellets

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I have a 12 gauge right inside my door and my carry pistols on the dresser. Someone breaks in, they best hope they can run faster than 12 AA pellets


I take a similar approach. MP45 in the biometric safe in the bedroom, carry gun by the door and an 870 police magnum at the center point of the house.


And a safe full of AR-15's and loaded Pmags. Ya never know, right? LOL.

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They are charging the girl that drove the 3 there with all their deaths.


Felony murder.


"The rule of felony murder is a legal doctrine in some common law jurisdictions that broadens the crime of murder: when an offender kills (regardless of intent to kill) in the commission of a dangerous or enumerated crime (called a felony in some jurisdictions), he/she is guilty of murder."


She drove the robbers there, and was the planned getaway driver. They died committing the crimes. She's responsible for their deaths.

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The female driver gave a statement. Aside from sounding like she barely has a 6th grade education, she shows zero responsibility for her participation in the crime and, big surprise, thinks the home owners son (the shooter) should be charged. The link is an abbreviated version of her statement.

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The female driver gave a statement. Aside from sounding like she barely has a 6th grade education, she shows zero responsibility for her participation in the crime and, big surprise, thinks the home owners son (the shooter) should be charged. The link is an abbreviated version of her statement.



She needs to be charged and honestly, if this happened more often with home invasions, maybe they would stop. I'd venture to say that most people wouldn't break into a home if they thought they had a 50/50 shot (pun intended) of living. I don't keep my AR loaded but my .357 magnum is loaded and sits on my night stand and I certainly wouldn't be afraid to use it or feel bad about using it against a home invader.


Are there any states that have laws protecting criminals for situations like this? The obvious state would be California, but I don't know that for sure.

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