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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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It looks like he was fired because he was investigating the current administration and doing so would cease that investigation.


I don't believe that's true. Firing him isn't going to stop the team involved from continuing the investigation and firing him isn't / wasn't going to lesson the optics on the concerns from those that have them.


What they are not ok with is the reason. They are unhappy with the president because it looks like he is trying to circumvent a government investigation. That's why there is so much call for a special prosecutor - because nobody wants comey back.


Who is "they" and what do they "know" of the real reason he was canned?


there were tons of special prosecutor calls made for several other instances and none were put in place. this one doesn't require one either.

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Because your "explanation" pretty much says, Obama should have fired him when he was investigating Hillary, but now that he's investigating Trump... did I get that right?


no you did not get this right.


Obama should have fired him for doing something that interferes with the political process. He absolutely should have investigated Hillary, it's his announcement of it when he knew it would have a major effect on the election that is what had a lot of people calling for his head.


It didn't help that at the time of the announcement he was known as a life long republican and that in that investigation he did many firsts such as releasing the bureau's prosecutorial recommendation to the DOJ.


To be honest, I am kind of upset about Comey just because I fully believe in agency transparency and under him the FBI was heading in that direction. However, he chose an election year to take the FBI down that path and it looks suspiciously like his actions were politically motivated to favor the republicans. now because of this the FBI is going to retract back and we loose any transparency we have gained thus far.

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I don't believe that's true. Firing him isn't going to stop the team involved from continuing the investigation and firing him isn't / wasn't going to lesson the optics on the concerns from those that have them.


Maybe. At the moment it will continue because government works slow. However, it does send the wrong message if your boss gets fired for the work that you are doing currently.


Who is "they" and what do they "know" of the real reason he was canned?


"They" are the people who are raising concerns with the firing and having the concerns reported on. What do they know of the real reason? probably no more or less than any of us know at this point. But there is certainly a lot of smoke for there to be no fire. the fun part is going to see how this all turns out.



There were tons of special prosecutor calls made for several other instances and none were put in place. this one doesn't require one either.

because we didn't do it before, we shouldn't do it now? that's your argument?


Special Prosecutors are beyond the influence of the Executive Office and are under Congressional oversight. They are necessary when there is a specific conflict of interest. There have been many that have been appointed in the past, and many times where it has not been necessary, it is a case by case basis evaluation. What needs to be evaluated here is whether there is enough of an apparent conflict of interest to warrant one. Prior to Comey's firing I would have agreed with you that it wasn't necessary but in light of it, I can't make that case anymore.

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IMO its all hype and political BS conspiracy that is expected. Comedy at its finest. All in a lame attempt to slow his team from pursuing their agenda


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Obama could have cured cancer and conservatives would have solemnly and thoughtfully reconsidered their opinion of him.






There are more and more independents being converted each day. If you affiliate with either party you should kick yourself in the face.

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Does Trump think that constantly saying that the IC leaks are the "real" story helps his case? IMHO the constant leaking is a big red flag for weak leadership.


Anyone who thinks the leaks are fake is under a rock. They are most likely coming from the the Obama left overs and fans so the leadership prior is who put the traitors in place.

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Anyone who thinks the leaks are fake is under a rock. They are most likely coming from the the Obama left overs and fans so the leadership prior is who put the traitors in place.


So, hi, I'm greg, 15 years USAF and 6 years with USAF intel. The government is made out of people, and people have diverse backgrounds and beliefs. A republican managing an organization containing democrats is not unusual. In fact, based on my observations for the last 6 years, I think it's safe to say that the IC as a whole leans right. Like 75% conservative, would be my guess. So what you're saying is true, undoubtedly, that the leakers are most likely Obama voters, but Obama had to deal with a shit-ton of Bush fans and didn't have as many leaks. Why might that be? Obama didn't attack the IC viciously when it suited him politically. Obama didn't appoint complete buffoons to high level positions who had to resign 24 days later. The IC grumbled under Obama, oh dear god they grumbled, but they knew where the ship was headed and that their opinions would be respected.


Trump has lit the bridge on fire and now seems to think that pointing out the fire will help explain why he can't get across.

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Anyone who thinks the leaks are fake is under a rock. They are most likely coming from the the Obama left overs and fans so the leadership prior is who put the traitors in place.


I don't know who this guy is, he's a conservative radio host and columnist but he's an anti-Trumper and I have no idea if he's credible, but...


I tend to take these stories about the President with a grain of salt. We have seen key details of a number of salacious stories retracted within 48 hours. The media hates the President so much that they’ll run a negative story about him without very much provocation. Anti-Trump sources embedded within the administration in the career civil service, etc. will leak to the press and confirmation bias sets in.


What sets this story apart for me, at least, is that I know one of the sources. And the source is solidly supportive of President Trump, or at least has been and was during Campaign 2016. But the President will not take any internal criticism, no matter how politely it is given. He does not want advice, cannot be corrected, and is too insecure to see any constructive feedback as anything other than an attack.


So some of the sources are left with no other option but to go to the media, leak the story, and hope that the intense blowback gives the President a swift kick in the butt. Perhaps then he will recognize he screwed up. The President cares vastly more about what the press says than what his advisers say. That is a real problem and one his advisers are having to recognize and use, even if it causes messy stories to get outside the White House perimeter.


I am told that what the President did is actually far worse than what is being reported. The President does not seem to realize or appreciate that his bragging can undermine relationships with our allies and with human intelligence sources. He also does not seem to appreciate that his loose lips can get valuable assets in the field killed.


You can call these sources disloyal, traitors, or whatever you want. But please ask yourself a question — if the President, through inexperience and ignorance, is jeopardizing our national security and will not take advice or corrective action, what other means are available to get the President to listen and recognize the error of his ways?


This is a real problem and I treat this story very seriously because I know just how credible, competent, and serious — as well as seriously pro-Trump, at least one of the sources is.

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Obama had to deal with a shit-ton of Bush fans and didn't have as many leaks. Why might that be?


Because those that didn't support or like him are better than those that oppose and dislike Trump. They didn't go over the top like the haters today are doing. The far left is LOL sad and dangerous to the foundation of our country and the freedoms we have. Free speach only occurs if it's what they agree with and the methods they will use including violence and endangering our country through leaks are now mainstream acceptable and happening regularly. They are indeed traitors IMO.


Obama didn't attack the IC viciously when it suited him politically. Obama didn't appoint complete buffoons to high level positions who had to resign 24 days later.
Because Clinton and Kerry aren't buffoons :rolleyes: Please. Clinton's e-mails that were stored on an unsecured server included the names of CIA officers serving overseas and foreigners who are on the spy agency’s payroll completely endangering their lives. No doubt the IC was in panic mode trying to determine which agents may have been compromised.
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People bring them up because the same people who defended them for very similar issues are the same ones bashing Trump. I know, I know we can go round and round about this. #politics


What if you think they are both wrong



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of course the leaks keep coming out. true, false, it doesn't matter. Its a game of firsts for these people. The media can say whatever they want from a "verified" source. Once it hits the web and people start sharing the story, its like a terrible game of telephone. The left media will say literally anything as long as it make trump look bad. Its the only way they can stay relevant.
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Because those that didn't support or like him are better than those that oppose and dislike Trump. They didn't go over the top like the haters today are doing.


In some cases they are the same people, Tim. You can't replace everybody in government. There are many people in the federal government who are on their third or fourth president. Additionally there are many open seats in high management positions that trump hasn't filled - those managerial positions would be responsible for enforcing anti-disclosure policy.


It is a fundamental failure of leadership to choose not to appoint people to open management positions, and it is illogical to then complain that the employees, lacking effective management, are "leaking" information when there is no oversight of those people. Nobody is telling them they can't do it because it is mgmt that sets the policy, and mgmt is not there.


you don't get small government by just not appointing people - the job and it's functions don't just disappear on their own.


The far left is LOL sad and dangerous to the foundation of our country and the freedoms we have. Free speech only occurs if it's what they agree with and the methods they will use including violence and endangering our country through leaks are now mainstream acceptable and happening regularly. They are indeed traitors IMO.


Your bias prevents you from ever looking at this critically or objectively. The far right (of which you are a member) is equally a danger to the American public. Extremism is the danger, in any form.


The captain of the ship sets how leaky his boat is, can't really complain about leaky boats if captains haven't been appointed on purpose....unless the function of a captain was not understood which again is poor leadership. Trump is an outsider, and one of the dangers of being an outsider is just plainly not knowing how the mundane stuff works. One of the dangers of being Trump is just being continuously ignorant about it because he things he is "dismantling" government.


Also you don't seem to know what free speech is.




Because Clinton and Kerry aren't buffoons :rolleyes: Please. Clinton's e-mails that were stored on an unsecured server included the names of CIA officers serving overseas and foreigners who are on the spy agency’s payroll completely endangering their lives. No doubt the IC was in panic mode trying to determine which agents may have been compromised.


You understand that "unsecured" in this context means below Federal Government standards right? It doesn't mean any 8th grader with a speak and spell can access this information. Trump is "unsecured". W was also "unsecured" when he was president. At this point if you are bringing up Hilary's unsecured server as some marker of how Trump is better you just aren't informed on the issue.


I don't know why the US government requires the person holding office to provide their own IT solutions for their term when the rest of the government has a pretty robust IT infrastructure. I personally think it is a bad system for exactly the problems brought up, but then again if we transitioned then no more Trump twitter and honestly watching him have a meltdown on twitter everyday is just too hilarious to miss.

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