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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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So what you are saying is the left media and trump were made for each other? Feeding off each others bullshit and spreading more and more bullshit?


Never would have guessed.


you keep saying left media....just stop. All media. All of it. It's free publicity, as long as he's in it, good or bad, he's getting something out of it. It's the one thing his life as a reality TV star has prepared him for.


There were plenty of times in the past where the president of the US didn't make front page headlines. Obama, the Bushes, Reagan, all of them had days off where there just wasn't anything to report. Not Trump - every single goddamn day is front page news. Twitter is esp effective because they are so batshit, and he knows it. He's working everyone in the media, and when he thinks they might just not report on him, he unleashes another unhinged tweet and they wind back up again.


All media works for him at the moment (for free). They just don't all have favorable things to say.

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you keep saying left media....just stop. All media. All of it.


All media works for him at the moment (for free). They just don't all have favorable things to say.


It's mainly if not all the left media. It's not that they have nothing favorable to say, they are just so very far over the top over anything at all which can reflect badly on Trump. It really is amazing and laughable yet dangerous at the same time. The loss in November just keeps on chapping the ass of so many...


If Trump took a piss and left a dribble on the toilet and left the restroom without wiping it off, the media would have a hay-day and go crazy calling for impeachment and go around crying that the sky is falling. The really funny thing is not one main stream outlet would ask or pay one moment to how such a thing would have been seen or noticed. A peeping Tom on POTUS would be able to get away with such a deed and the drop of piss would be the main focus.


Haters are laughably off the charts up in arms over Trump.

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you keep saying left media....just stop. All media. All of it. It's free publicity, as long as he's in it, good or bad, he's getting something out of it. It's the one thing his life as a reality TV star has prepared him for.


There were plenty of times in the past where the president of the US didn't make front page headlines. Obama, the Bushes, Reagan, all of them had days off where there just wasn't anything to report. Not Trump - every single goddamn day is front page news. Twitter is esp effective because they are so batshit, and he knows it. He's working everyone in the media, and when he thinks they might just not report on him, he unleashes another unhinged tweet and they wind back up again.


All media works for him at the moment (for free). They just don't all have favorable things to say.



Pull your head out of your ass. Are we even living in the same country? The left media are sharks. Any chance/reason they will try to impeach him. They are so beside themselves that Hillary lost. This is their only choice. America collectively said fuck you to the liberal agenda and the pendulum swung the other way. This will not last, just as Obama did not last.


I vote/form opinion based on what will effect me the most (usually taxes). I would suggest you and greg stop getting so emotionally involved with politics/politicians (trust me, they don't give shit about you). Once you start looking at life through that lens, you are able to sit back and look at all of this garbage objectively. Don't over think this. You are doing what the left media needs you to do.....freak out.

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it is amazing how the media is controlling the minds of so many with no facts in hand.


I've seen the things you call "media" and I would agree with this statement - but then again conservatism always has benefited from fake news because it is an inherently reactionary position.







We've tried to do similar things to liberals. It just has never worked, it never takes off. You'll get debunked within the first two comments and then the whole thing just kind of fizzles out.



This seems bad, what should I do?



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But which safe space? Fox News? Breitbart? InfoWars?


the backseat of the car he talks about buying but hasn't. make sure you turn off all your devices so you can see what's really happening in the world.

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the backseat of the car he talks about buying but hasn't. make sure you turn off all your devices so you can see what's really happening in the world.


How can I make sure my devices are really off? Should I use some kind of a faraday EM radiation blocking mechanism? A metal film of some kind? Perhaps a foil?

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I'm serious, you're dishing out great advice and I'd like to know more about how I can ensure my worldview is accurate.


take what has been presented via the media thus far as nothing more than pure entertainment click-bait value fiction as that's all it is. it is certainly entertaining. some of the best future actors are going to come from the main stream media news desks, especially when drama selections open up.

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take what has been presented via the media thus far as nothing more than pure entertainment click-bait value fiction as that's all it is. it is certainly entertaining. some of the best future actors are going to come from the main stream media news desks, especially when drama selections open up.


Are you saying that the media is fake? Fake news?


Surely not ALL the media. Trump says Fox and Friends is good, should I trust my president and watch Fox and Friends?

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I vote/form opinion based on what will effect me the most (usually taxes). I would suggest you and greg stop getting so emotionally involved with politics/politicians (trust me, they don't give shit about you). Once you start looking at life through that lens, you are able to sit back and look at all of this garbage objectively. Don't over think this. You are doing what the left media needs you to do.....freak out.


thanks bro for the sage advice that boils down to "be selfish, fuck everyone else."


Unfortunately, my job relies on the government actually being able to do theirs. If there aren't bodies in the head seats of some of these regulatory agencies then things are at a standstill. It's one thing to disagree with policy, it's another to just not be able to put bodies in seats so that the government can function. To be fair, he initially wasn't the slowest in recent history - that honor goes to George H.W. Bush, but even he had it wrapped up by the end of the first 100 days, Trump still has hundreds of appointments outstanding and what's worse is that he removed all the former people in office (it's generally acceptable to have the predecessor stay on so as to ease transition). Disrupting the functions of the government and killing a smooth transition is costing the taxpayers and the business sector a lot of money and time, and it is hurting them in other intangible ways.


For the record, I am not "freaking out" and it isn't emotional to me - I get paid whether the government tells me how they interpret their own rules or don't. But keep in mind I am of a people that usually when populists come to power get marginalized and eliminated so I have slightly more that impacts me in my life than taxes.

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Are you saying that the media is fake? Fake news?


Surely not ALL the media. Trump says Fox and Friends is good, should I trust my president and watch Fox and Friends?



Nah, we all know CNN is the most credible. You should just watch CNN. There is absolutely no bias there, only FACTS

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take what has been presented via the media thus far as nothing more than pure entertainment click-bait value fiction as that's all it is. it is certainly entertaining. some of the best future actors are going to come from the main stream media news desks, especially when drama selections open up.


or...newsworthy things are actually happening you just don't want to hear it because you don't want to be wrong about this flaming orange grease fire inside a dumpster fire, inside a chemical factory fire was preferable to literally anything else.

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Are you saying that the media is fake? Fake news?


Surely not ALL the media. Trump says Fox and Friends is good, should I trust my president and watch Fox and Friends?


I'm stating you're welcome to base your thoughts on facts or non facts which ever you chose to use regardless of what the source you prefer. The majority of the media reports I see coming out have been nothing but pure entertainment value to me based on what they are presenting since very little of what they are reporting on has basis beyond great script writing. It is delivered very effectively though. they are like SNL goes 24x7

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