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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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I don't know. I'm pretty happy there is a group that likes to beat up Nazi's. I don't see the issue. Our military was a group that loved to beat-up Nazi's too.


Also, question for the non racist/hate filled white people. Why do your fellow white people have so much hate in their blood towards people with darker skin than them?

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I don't know. I'm pretty happy there is a group that likes to beat up Nazi's. I don't see the issue. Our military was a group that loved to beat-up Nazi's too.


Also, question for the non racist/hate filled white people. Why do your fellow white people have so much hate in their blood towards people with darker skin than them?

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Also, question for the non racist/hate filled white people. Why do your fellow white people have so much hate in their blood towards people with darker skin than them?


you left out hate for people who don't worship the blonde haired blue eyed Jesus and also people who don't have a penis.

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I think you'd be surprised if we met in real life, esp if you really are knowledgeable in fine art.


1. Don't hold your breath.

2. I like art, but I love guns/cigars/money/business. I can't get hard for art.



And, you're a fool for sticking up for a friend when I'm making a general statement about a type. I don't know her. I know her type.

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Meaning that you know the answer and aren't sure if he really wants to hear it, or that you think he must be joking about that fact that some white folks hate folks that don't look like them?


Why limit it to just "white folks?"


Why not say something along the lines of, why do some people hate other people who don't look like them?

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1. Don't hold your breath.

2. I like art, but I love guns/cigars/money/business. I can't get hard for art.



And, you're a fool for sticking up for a friend when I'm making a general statement about a type. I don't know her. I know her type.


I can't argue the type, except to say she isn't one of them.

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I didn't ask the original question. He was asking white folks about white folks.


I would guess that nearly all white people who are racist were raised to be. I'm sure some develop it through experiences or personal mindset over time but I'd be willing to guess most are raised that way.

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I don't know. I'm pretty happy there is a group that likes to beat up Nazi's. I don't see the issue. Our military was a group that loved to beat-up Nazi's too.


Also, question for the non racist/hate filled white people. Why do your fellow white people have so much hate in their blood towards people with darker skin than them?


I was going to post something filled with my experiences growing up and traveling but realized that was pointless in this shitshow.


I'll just put it this way, there are lots of stupid people out there, some of them choose to hate people for the wrong reasons. My heart isn't full of that kind of hate and I'll never understand it that's for sure.


Now back to the shitshow of YouTube style comments and blanket statements :)

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Why limit it to just "white folks?"


Why not say something along the lines of, why do some people hate other people who don't look like them?


because if we don't mention color then.....


I think Morgan Freeman says it best though...

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Be Ryan, bust G-Toads ass for clowning folks with mental illness by stating that they do not deserve to be disparaged, follow up by claiming that his post has made you "retarded", using it in the most derogatory way, thus disparaging the mentally handicapped.




I'm glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.


I was planning on geeto calling me out for that but he didn't take the bait, besides the point that mental illness and mental retardation are two very different things.




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"Diamonds for admin 2018"


Diamonds is a man of the people. He won't put up with the bullshit created by losers whose only voice is heard through a keyboard. Instead, Diamonds will create a sink/swim platform.


Diamonds: I want to be your admin. And if you appoint me to admin I will enact the new sink/swim platform. This platform will allow me to give bannable people an opportunity to stay if they are willing to literally box their opponents. In this scenario... Geeto would be banned... unless of course he was willing to get into the boxing ring with each person that hates him. Boom, sink or swim. No longer can you be a bitch and get away with it. Either you get banned or you fight your way out. On my platform you can no longer (figuratively) suck out all the oxygen without having a purpose on CR... or in life.




Bob for presid...admin!


Maybe she can make some therapy art to wipe away people's blues.... /jerk-off-motion.


Right, wrong, or indifferent, I lol'd.


She rode to Columbia South America by herself on a KLR 650 with nothing but a back pack and a set of saddlebags. She also put 38,000 miles riding cross country on a yamaha XT250. She's harder than your candy ass.




This has become, "my dad can beat up your dad," and it's hilarious.


Stop trying to claim "but my team is doing more" like this is some sort of political competition. Stop being tacky. Only you would find the angle of division in something that is unifying.


...says the guy who tried to prove his team is doing more because his art friend rode a bike real far. :lolguy:


This is gold Jerry! Pure gold!



Way to be classy, Tim. /sarcasm.


Says the guy who thinks it's cool to tell people to kill themselves and that nobody will miss them.




I could do that too if I was unemployed for a living




You own a mail order subscription service for customers who don't even get to choose their product, who are you to shit on anybody else's business model?


Sounds better than being a lawyer TBH.


Bob, you hiring?


...so why be that dude that craps all over someone else...




I think you'd be surprised if we met in real life, esp if you really are knowledgeable in fine art.


There it is again. Broken record. LOL! "Hey, you all suck and I know more than you and am better at life than you. Bite me. Kill yourselves. You suck at your job. You are inferior.


...we should meet in person sometime and sip wine and wear sports coats. I'm actually a cool guy!"




Did you just get salty because someone called out your stalking abilities? Weird thing to take pride in...


LOL. Only top notch stalking allowed here.


Blocked triple.


I <3 OG CR members.


Did you really have to go to the extra trouble to photoshop his head smaller? Have some class...


I swear, this is better than the "LOL Thread".


Look up "George Carlin bigger dick bombing theory". All you need to know about the white mans hate for the rest of us.




Meaning that you know the answer and aren't sure if he really wants to hear it, or that you think he must be joking about that fact that some white folks hate folks that don't look like them?


Ok, I'll play Devil's advocate: can that not be said about literally every race on the planet? That SOME folks hate folks that don't look like them?


I didn't ask the original question. He was asking white folks about white folks.


Oh, you addressed it. My bad.


Is that Kerry?


Judging someone based on appearance is shallow. Continue judging him based on loose morals and ignorant musings on a local car forum.


All that pic reminds me of is that part in Super Troopers where Farva tells cap, "You look like the president, owner, and CEO of Levi Strauss," when he's wearing the denim coat. I rock dad jorts from time to time though so eff it.


Well, thanks for the laughs fellas. Until next time, I'm signing out from this wall of text.


Sorry it's so much in one post. I actually had to work today then spent the evening with my family.

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I was going to post something filled with my experiences growing up and traveling but realized that was pointless in this shitshow.


I'll just put it this way, there are lots of stupid people out there, some of them choose to hate people for the wrong reasons. My heart isn't full of that kind of hate and I'll never understand it that's for sure.


Now back to the shitshow of YouTube style comments and blanket statements :)


For anyone that has the time, ask him about doing repo rental cars. Quite possibly one of the best stories I have been told.

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