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2017 Type R Photoshoot


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I just saw a black Civic Type R in Cleveland on I-90 Friday morning...then saw one at CC&C and a blue one on Fishinger and Riverside. Looks like Honda's making deliveries!


I will say, it is the busiest styling I've ever seen on a production car, but it really does come together well in person. I'd like to drive one sometime as it is a bit of a letdown knowing it's FWD. Similar to Benjamin's Mustang, I'm guessing that some 5-10mm wheel spacers would do wonders for the factory wheels making the car look better.


Nice pics! I like the little details captured in your shots.

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I have a 17 Hatchback, but just a sport, not an R. The styling took a while to grow on me, but I really do like the car a lot.


Mine still has the fake rear "grills" that I could do without, but is otherwise really toned down. The R seems like something out of a 2006 issue of Import Tuner magazine.

Edited by spankis
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I gotta say, I saw one at the UA parade and it looked much better in person than it did in pictures. Kinda made me want one.


When it comes time to finally ditch my van, I've thought about replacing it with a hot hatch, something that can do dual duty as a track car and a kid schlepper. FWD would actually be preferable to AWD for that purpose, but the fact that this is only a 4 seater is probably a deal breaker.

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Its just too boy ricer for me.


You can make severe angles work on a car, but it would have to be low and long- like a lambo. The new Lexus lineup does a great job blending aggressive lines with eye pleasing angles.


This car just looks like it was designed by some nerd at a Pokemon convention.

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Saw one around Dublin.. looked ridiculous.


I saw a charcoal grey metallic one on Snouffer by our house today. Plate was something like MSRP R or something to that effect. Looks better in person but they really need to tone down the busy look of the ass end. Something makes me LOL at a tiny hood scoop on it too.

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Something makes me LOL at a tiny hood scoop on it too.


From a press release



Starting from the top- that scoop doesn’t feed the engine’s intake or radiator directly. But it is “real” in the sense that air passes through it and into the engine bay. Honda’s PR team explained to me that it provides “general engine bay cooling”


Let me edit for accuracy.


Starting from the top- that scoop doesn’t feed the engine’s intake or radiator directly, because well it's a fucking ricer mod. Honda’s PR team explained to me that it provides even more doo-dads that looked good when we were trippin' off shrooms designing the fucker on a Vegas bender celebrating the 27 year saga that was the NSX. We came home, sobered up, and then realized we may have fucked up. Oh well, I'm sure every 19 year old with Daddy's credit card will want one. YOLO

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