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Got to tool around town in this today...


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dropped my bike off this morning to get the break in maintence off at middletown. aaron threw me the keys to this beast. ill tell you what this is a mad head turner..even cops double taked at it...had it parked at my work people stop to take pictures lol..i felt like a celebrity today...actually still have it casue of the rain didnt want to ride my bike back in this shit of weather...taking her back tomorrow tho...doesnt handle real well but its a good city cruiser and has a good exhaust tone to it. i thought they where automatic (saw one at bike night) but this one was a 5speed. had to get used to no break on the right hand..its only breaking control is right foot.. good times tho!!

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Awesome. I've read a few articles on them. I heard they aren't all that fast, and like you said...not much of a handler. However, i think riding around on one could be pretty fun. Definitely wouldn't own one, but definitely could have some fun on that.

Lucky bastard :D

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How is the steering?

yeah steering is horrible as long as you slow down def dont want to hit twistys in this thing lol but it is so much fun to ride...and i got stopped twice in my neighborhood just so people could take a pic of it..again i wouldnt buy one think they go for 18 to 20k but they are really fun its addicting lol

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Dealer in town here picked up the Spyder line last season. Salesman did some burnouts in the parking lot on his, then let Baby Fonz sit on it. Sound is very nische V rumble. They even have a red one now..........


Edited by Fonzie
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I bet those things could do some sweet donuts.......does it have enough power to wheelie or is it pretty heavy up front?? I've never looked at one really close.

Haha. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say there's no way that thing can do a wheelie. Just look at it. :D

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