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2020 GT500


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Man, 4200lbs...I know there's a honkin' blower under the hood, but carbon fiber whaaaa??


I thought my CTS-V was heavy at 3800lbs.


Rumor is 4200lbs, it's ugly, and auto only. Old farts will love it, I hate it.


BRB, 80k.


Old farts with money are the ones buying this monster. That, and YT/IG "influencers" :barf:

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Looks pretty good to me! Way better than the Supra.



I thought car designers were going to start moving away from the giant audi like grill. Leave it to Ford to be about 20 years late


I don't think Audi has any plans to move away from it.




That thing will suck up a small child.

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Expected tons of CR hate for DCT trans... not disappointed. :lol:


I think it looks great.


I'm also sure the car with the DCT will perform better in 99% of situations with 99.9% of drivers than any manual trans could. BUT I also don't think Mustang buyers care about the real world performance AS MUCH as they care about how fun it is to drive. This WILL be the most capable track weapon to ever wear a Mustang badge. It won't be the funnest one to drive. I'm eager to see how well it sells.

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I think it looks great.


This WILL be the most capable track weapon to ever wear a Mustang badge. It won't be the funnest one to drive.


Looks like a gtr (front), dct, your description of it's expected performance sounds like a gtr, you like it, confirmed, it's a gtr.

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Looks like a gtr (front), dct, your description of it's expected performance sounds like a gtr, you like it, confirmed, it's a gtr.


Haha. Yep. I wish Ford would have made the DCT an option. I have a feeling that it will handle everything, track wise, well. Ford also is claiming stock 1/4 times in the 10s. I'm interested to see how it performs when it comes out.....this fall :(

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Looks like a gtr (front), dct, your description of it's expected performance sounds like a gtr, you like it, confirmed, it's a gtr.




Funny story


I have a handful of vehicles that are permanent saved searches on my auction sites. I’ll set different criteria and I’ll get notifications if anything matches. Well one day last year I get notification of a couple GTRs matching some criteria I set. One of the criteria was “red light/As-Is”

I set this because I was hunting one for a project car, so blown motor or bad trans would have been great.

I didn’t end up bidding on them, but I found it really odd that the seller was Ford Motor Company. When I look for the reason why they are listed as-is, I see an announcement that the body and unibody had been cut and put back together on both cars.

Now I’m not saying that Ford bought them and tore them apart to get notes for the 2020 GT500.. but they didn’t buy them just to help Nissans sales figures.

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Funny story


I have a handful of vehicles that are permanent saved searches on my auction sites. I’ll set different criteria and I’ll get notifications if anything matches. Well one day last year I get notification of a couple GTRs matching some criteria I set. One of the criteria was “red light/As-Is”

I set this because I was hunting one for a project car, so blown motor or bad trans would have been great.

I didn’t end up bidding on them, but I found it really odd that the seller was Ford Motor Company. When I look for the reason why they are listed as-is, I see an announcement that the body and unibody had been cut and put back together on both cars.

Now I’m not saying that Ford bought them and tore them apart to get notes for the 2020 GT500.. but they didn’t buy them just to help Nissans sales figures.


Manufacturers tear apart competitors stuff all the time, not really surprising to me. It may not always be to steal anything in particular, but sometimes to see how they did what they did and possibly improve upon it.

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While I would always prefer a manual, if you haven’t driven a car with a good dual clutch auto, you should before you form your opinion. I was one of the biggest haters on here when people were defending the DSG in Audi’s and similar set ups. Now that I own one, I appreciate the differences between it and a torque converter auto. They are way more engaging to drive. Clearly not manual transmission levels of engagement, but way better than a run of the mill auto.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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I’ll wait a year and see how they perform. 4200lbs, if true, is certainly a bit disappointing no matter how fast it is. If it can hit 10.8’s and consistently trap 130+, I’ll likely buy one. Shocking to say that considering I can easily remember being amped about a car running 12’s from the factory trapping 110.


You can still get a gt, gt350, and an eco boost with a manual, so let’s not all panic

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