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CR's take on gay marriage, 15 years later


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I'm procrastinating at work and found this thread debating issue 1 in 2004. I was still stationed in NE at the time so I wasn't tracking this issue, and I don't think it became a national topic until a couple of years later. Now that the gay marriage debate is done and solved and the world hasn't ended, I thought it'd be interesting to look at some of the rhetoric used here to support issue 1 at the time. Some of these posters are still around, I'm curious if they still feel the same way.


I voted yes on Issue 1, not because I have anything against homosexuals, but because I feel that it is the morally proper thing to do. ... I do feel that a proper marriage is between a man and a woman.


As for marriage being between a man and a woman, one man and one woman is the only scientifically possible way to create offspring. No matter how much the gay/lesbian culture wishes it were otherwise, that's the way it is. One man and one woman create a child, and marriage is the social institution that legitimizes the family and holds them accountable for the helpless individual they have brought into the world. If you don't like that, it's your collective knowledge and wisdom against the rest of the world and the entire history of civilization.


Do I think being gay is a good thing? No.

Is that what influenced my vote? No.


Watching my insurance premiums rise every year was the main influence. It pisses me off when Bob or JoAnn get their way and are able to add their partner and their 'partner's' adopted child on their insurance.

Besides that, I COMPLETELY agree with the statements that a real marriage is between a man and a woman and that kids need one and only one father and one and only one mother. No exceptions. Sorry.


I don't feel ashamed at all for my opinions on this issue.


There are a lot of good points, but it is my moral belief that two people of the same sex should not get MARRIED. Key word there. People can do w/e they want w/ whoever they want, it's your own free will, but to get married just crosses the line for the morals that marriage stands for.


Major problem. There not a minority group there a bunch of perves. I know I'll get flamed for that comment, but alot of people have been brainwashed into thinking its just a gene or something. Anyone on here thats gay can tell me that shit and I'll still know its just that they are a perv. It might not be there fault, but it could be the fault of there Priest or dad or something.


I don't think gays should be able to marry. And you can hate this all you want but I don't even think gays should even be allowed to be gay in public. Pubilc Display of Effection should get them pimp smacked, because even if someone is born that way its obviously a defect. Just like retardation, so lets handicap them as well. Take away some of there rights to do things, in this case get married. Obviously a retard isn't allowed to drive a car etc. Fuck it its a defect if you were born that way your out of luck. You can either do a damn good job hiding it, or you can face the consequences.


Its a defect like being born blind, I don't see anyone trying to find ways and reason to let blind people drive, why because it doesn't work. They can't do it they cant see. Gays can't have children, why do we even give them the option to adopt?(Wich I'm not fully against, some kids need a home.) Don't let them marry, and make them somomabitches keep there gayness to themself.


"Gay" people can get married, thier rights are equal to everyone. A gay man can marry a strieght girl, or gay girl. A gay girl can marry a strieght man or gay man. it's equal.


You can say your cat is a dog or 2 + 2 = 7 all day but it doesn't make it true. Marrage IS between a man and a woman, just like 2+2=4 and a cat is a cat.


you can argue all you want, blah bah blah and blah lah blah but it doesn't change reality, Get in line with the libs and dems that voted for Kerry, The people have spoken, you lost, now sit down and shut up.


Nobody is saying you can't be gay. Be gay but don't expect to get treated the same straight couple. Gay couples are not a socialy acceptable relationship in our country yet. Sorry.


I am a person of faith and i'm sure that has alot to do with the way I feel about gay marriage. And this country was founded on freedon of religion. So i shoud not be ashamed. What the hell is that about. Grow up. I have just as much right to my opinion as you do to yours. So just shut up.


I voted yes on issue 1, does that make me a hateful bigot? NO. I have absolutely no problem with gays as long as they're not absolutely flamboyant, jsut because its annoying, but i know they're not all like that so thats not why i made my decision.

In nature it takes one male and one female to procreate. Call me a bigot if you truly disagree with science, i dont care.


If morals are no ones business, then you cannot draw a line Anywhere! You could marry your dog or cat or goldfish. A woman could marry her sister. A man could marry his son. The problem is MONEY! This is about MONEY. Insurance companies and retirement benefits will not be paid to someone or something forever because you say you are married. It would bankrupt the system. THAT is what this is about. If ever in doubt, follow the money. This is not legislated morals, it is legislated economics.


Figured I would put in my biggoted, racist two cents on this one. Did I vote for it. Damn right. Did I do it on the premess that I don't want gays getting married, damn right there too. I find their lifestyle discusting, and degrading to the moral fabric of society and as such be unlawful. It's unlawful for me to walk down the street with no pants on. And anyone that has seen my fat ass would most likely find me repulsive in a state of nudity. Two faggots kissing is repulsive to me, so I feel that too should be outlawed.


As far as the extension of the law to include common law marriages, those that feel it better to shack and pack (live together out of wedlock) and the other FEW people that it effects in a negative way, get married or get the hell over it. I don't care that it effects them. It doesn't effect me, but queers walking down the street playing grab ass with each other makes me litterally sick to my stomach, so I voted in a manner that might in some SMALL way lessen the chances of the furthering of the rights of the gay movement.


For those of you that disagree, think that the homo's should have rights outside of the moral and social norm, it WILL NOT end with the queers. The next bout, to be fought in a surpreme court near you, is the right of palagimy, (sp) after all why is it that if the queers can marry man to man and woman to woman can't a man have two or more wives. Hell the animal lover sicko's got to be included too. Little Susie sick bitch should be able to marry that horse she's been having screw her. And Discusting Dan and his three chickens and the goat that gives him a chubby should have the same rights as everyone else too. After all you can't dictate morals through law right? We ALL have the right to life, liberity and the persuit of happiness even if it is butt sex with a sheep. For every line not drawn, we step closer to the point that no line CAN be drawn anymore.




Get your head removed from the sand, and see the big picture. As extreem as I may sound, it is NOTHING compaired to the trouble we face in the long run giving rights to small groups or people while removing the rights of the nation as a whole.

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I always wonder how many people who make the "moral" argument about marriage understand that the entire existence of marriage as an institution has to do with property rights under the law. Before there even was a Jesus, before the Jews, and before the Romans and Greeks, marriage existed and was recognized by ancient nomadic societies and civilizations so old to time that the origin is literally lost to history.


I always laugh at those people who think that "marriage belongs to the church" because marriage as it is know in Christianity was literally stolen from roman laws. That's like saying I own your car because I borrowed it once, filled it up with gas and detailed it. LOL.

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What am I trying to bait people in to doing?


The last few weeks you have pretty much gone out of your way to either disrespect people on the board or deliberately flame up topics that have died. The board was better without the political bickering. You were the one who couldn't resist and restarted the mess in the kitchen. It's time to accept we have different beliefs and it's time to move on from the political bickering because it gets no one anywhere. Maybe it's time for both sides that maybe a car message board, isn't the place to go on a political bender about (yes I have been guilty of this in the past but realize people can be different than what you assume)

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The last few weeks you have pretty much gone out of your way to either disrespect people on the board or deliberately flame up topics that have died. The board was better without the political bickering. You were the one who couldn't resist and restarted the mess in the kitchen. It's time to accept we have different beliefs and it's time to move on from the political bickering because it gets no one anywhere. Maybe it's time for both sides that maybe a car message board, isn't the place to go on a political bender about (yes I have been guilty of this in the past but realize people can be different than what you assume)


I try not to be disrespectful so if I have, point it out and I'll apologize.


As for continuing to attempt to discuss politics, kitchen threads existed before I got here and if people don't want to have a debate they can just not click on them. I don't bring up this stuff in the chatbox or any other areas. I'm not sure how talking about politics in a politics thread is "baiting" anyone into doing anything they don't want to do.


But OK, what are you saying. No more politics on CR?

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I try not to be disrespectful so if I have, point it out and I'll apologize.


As for continuing to attempt to discuss politics, kitchen threads existed before I got here and if people don't want to have a debate they can just not click on them. I don't bring up this stuff in the chatbox or any other areas. I'm not sure how talking about politics in a politics thread is "baiting" anyone into doing anything they don't want to do.


But OK, what are you saying. No more politics on CR?


good reply on your part and yes you are correct that you leave it out of the chat box. The problem and I could be wrong, is that anytime we get into trigger points of a political party it gets pretty ugly on both sides. Let's put it this way, Kerry and I do have our political differences but I have met him in person. He's a good dude and I will never discuss anything political with him because I don't want to have a flare up to change my perception that he's a good dude. Hell he even offered to help me work on my project car. Maybe it's time that the kitchen has run it's course and any personal differences that are flare ups should just be handled via pm.

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I will sometimes look at old threads in the Archive and wonder what people are doing now.


Truthfully, I don't care how people's minds' change on a political topic unless I'm affected by the issue.


Greg, you happened to pull quotes from old CR members that haven't posted in a long time. Considering the sensitivity around the topic, I definitely don't anticipate people posting on what others may be thinking.

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I'll bite on this misleading thread that's comprised of quotes from members that haven't been on CR in the last decade:


Ban Greg (nothin personal m8, u do u)




Ban politics on CR




Close the kitchen







or hat-trick?

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