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College Football Thread 2019


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Not that it means anything at this point in the season, but the Buckeyes came out swinging at #1 in the only poll that matters. The Committee has a solid Top 5 IMHO and I would not have any problem with LSU at #1 either. As the committee said, we've looked the best, most consistent, and have the best overall strength of schedule, but LSU looks great too and has higher ranked wins. Bama's SOS is surprisingly very weak so far. Clemson's schedule is just awful. It'll all work itself out by the end anyway, too many games and possible scenarios to get to worked up over just yet.



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Yup. Still pretty early. I honestly don't like being #1 but I like that 'Bama isn't even top 2 and every time Lauren checks the forums he has to read all of our comments and won't reply back because he's a thief and a coward. Go Bucks, TTUN sucks, and 'BamaLOL.
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I came here to say the same thing. Wish they slotted us at #2. I don't want any of those boys to get big heads before Penn State.


Seems like Ryan Day's got a good handle on it though so I'm not too worried I don't think we are gonna see a clunker against Maryland or Rutgers like we have in past years...




I was a bit surprised by OSU being 1 but they also said no team who started at 1 in CFP won a national championship ...and yea what O said about bama


Not a lot of history to go on not that it really matters.

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And another example why my fandom of the sport in general waivers. I'm just tired of the off-field BS by the players, NCAA, and the media. Sucks the fun right out of it.



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I mean if a 19 year old in college that isn't able to work somehow can afford tattoo sleeves and fake dreadlocks that may raise a red flag. Maybe time for old Gene Smith to finally get the boot along with Urban and his fake morals.


Lauren..... here's your time bud to fix your bets and troll.

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So, what is the violation? Is this family friend an agent? Booster? Do they have ties to the university or the football program?


I don't see how this is an issue.


Depends on all those things. But the NCAA has some really effing stupid rules. For instance, the OSU facility that tutors student-athletes couldn't even give them a pencil if they needed one. Giving a student-athlete a cookie is a violation. It's asinine.

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Depends on all those things. But the NCAA has some really effing stupid rules. For instance, the OSU facility that tutors student-athletes couldn't even give them a pencil if they needed one. Giving a student-athlete a cookie is a violation. It's asinine.


It's just crazy how out of all the shit that happens, something like this is even a thing. Terrelle Pryor is driving around in a brand new 350Z or whatever it was and nobody really cares. Bosa and Zeke get caught with drugs and it never goes public. So how the hell does this nonsense with Chase Young get noticed by the NCAA?

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It's just crazy how out of all the shit that happens, something like this is even a thing. Terrelle Pryor is driving around in a brand new 350Z or whatever it was and nobody really cares. Bosa and Zeke get caught with drugs and it never goes public. So how the hell does this nonsense with Chase Young get noticed by the NCAA?


I remember Pryor's 350Z was pretty used and not an expensive car at the time. No clue about Bosa and Zeke.


"Columbus attorney Larry James provided the purchase agreement for the 2007 Nissan 350Z that Pryor has been driving to workouts this week. Pryor’s mother signed for the car, which cost $11,435.06 after a Dodge Charger was traded in with a net value of $7,253."

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So, what is the violation? Is this family friend an agent? Booster? Do they have ties to the university or the football program?


I don't see how this is an issue.


This was my thoughts. This is more of a non-issue than trading gold pants for tattoos.


And Epstein didn't kill himself :gabe:





I really don't get why this is even making news. I just got home a bit ago, turned on Sports Center, and they're all kind of speculating.


My favorite part is how the NCAA is like, "yeah, we're gonna let players get paid prob, but THIS is unacceptable!"

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From Joel Klatt's Twitter:


More on Chase Young situation:


- Loan was not from Agent


- It was paid back before situation became public


- He was truthful from start


- With precedent I would expect somewhere between 1-2 game suspension...fact that it was not agent and loan was paid back will be key


11:11 AM - 8 Nov 2019


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Chase Young out the remaining 4 games. What the hell?


Hopefully they get it reduced.




I fucking hate the NCAA and their inconsistencies.

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The whole thing is pure BS. I could see if he kept the money, didnt pay it back, or it was from a booster. The rules are the rules, but this ridiculous and the rules need to be reevaluated.


Didn't a a Kentucky player do worse and take money from an agent and get one game. Get your shit together NCAA.

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