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China built a hospital in a month? impressive!



you mean like china? where they have 3rd world living conditions for most of the hard hit areas?


you and your common sense isn't allowed. orange man bad

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China built a hospital in a month? impressive!



you mean like china? where they have 3rd world living conditions for most of the hard hit areas?


They built two hospitals in 10 days just to deal with coronavirus patients. Impressive is an understatement.


But you're right, still a 3rd world country. Couldn't happen here. Never ever.

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I don't know who needs to hear this, but those things never seem to work right when you need them. lol.


Yea... They make it very obvious when they quit functioning correctly, with lights/alarms, etc. Such alarms are often classified as annoying by staff and disabled, and so the systems in place linger not functioning for longer than they should.


flu....which is fair more worrisome based on numbers than this virus.


Comparing COVID-19 to the flu is valid, but using that comparison to minimize it's severity is mostly a farce, and it's unfortunate that it keeps getting repeated.


If you consider all of "the numbers" rather than selectively ignoring some metrics, they show that this is MORE infectious, MORE easily spread, and MORE serious to the "at risk" population than seasonal influenza. While the bulk of the population is not considered "at risk", this is really meaningless because that's the case with the seasonal flu as well. At minimum this should be treated as a second flu entirely, but one that is much more serious for the reasons I already touched on. It's additionally more serious because none of the population has been vaccinated against it, its multiple strains haven't been fully evaluated, availability of testing is still lagging behind demand, and it's been suggested that China has misrepresented it's data to under-represent the severity in their country.

Edited by spankis
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COVID-19 is a coronavirus cousin to SARS. When that outbreak happened in 2003 the hardest population hit was mainland China. If you look at photos from 2003-2020 you'll notice the urban explosion/crowding that has happened, so there's no wonder the epedemic is spreading so fast and the initial numbers are quite a bit higher than the SARS attack.


I agree, its not going to be contained, but we're also not turning into night-walking zombies.

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In places that have been hit hard by this, the local health care infrastructure has been completely overwhelmed by the influx of patients requiring hospitalization. China has built brand new hospitals just to deal with this.


Now ask yourself, if this is "just another strain of the flu," then why can't the current health care infrastructure deal with a heavily infected area? Can the current health care infrastructure not handle seasonal flu cases? Pretty sure that's not the case, so maybe your assumption is wrong, and this isn't just another flu that we don't need to be worried about.


The death rate is high, much higher than the flu. Hospitalization rates are higher as well. It ends up that a pandemic doesn't need to have a 20% death rate in order to cripple our infrastructure. 2% appears to be plenty. This is why governments have been taking drastic action.



In December there were so many people in my area (suburban Detroit) with respiratory illnesses that the local hospitals were already overwhelmed. They were closed to non-essential visitors in order to limit the spread and bed space was limited. And this was just with "normal" seasonal flu and pneumonia cases. If you add this on top it will cripple our health care system.


Seems the death rate is still around 6% too ->



The secondary concern is if it mutates before it's contained....


Also, Wuhan is not exactly 3rd world...it's a major industrial center.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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Why toilet papers?


People are fucking stupid. Had to make a run to kroger yesterday for toilet paper. Maybe 10 packs left on both shelves. Took 1 pack and was on my merry way. If It comes down to it I'll shit in the garden and use leaves. :dumb:

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Doctors in northern Italy struggling with the explosion of COVID-19 cases are warning their hospitals are on the brink of collapse and telling other countries to prepare for a fierce battle.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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cliffnotes is if your out of shape, smoke, and eat like poo then it's a higher chance to get corona. I am curious to see whats the domino effect from shortages of vital drug supplies from all this. Interesting video for sure
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cliffnotes is if your out of shape, smoke, and eat like poo then it's a higher chance to get corona.


I did not take it what way. I took it as you have a higher chance of complications aka possible death if you have those characteristics.

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cliffnotes is if your out of shape, smoke, and eat like poo then it's a higher chance to get corona. I am curious to see whats the domino effect from shortages of vital drug supplies from all this. Interesting video for sure


The drug supply problem is crazy. EVERY SINGLE WEEK there is a new drug shortage and we get some email that The System is trying to seek out new and different suppliers to get what they need.


I distinctly remember criticizing the Puerto Rico supply chain thing after their last hurricane because IV fluids were in such short supply that we really had to try to conserve what we were using. That is a great thing to have happen to a level 1 trauma center where you're hammering liters of fluid into people on the reg. I remember being told that they do it for tax purposes; not sure if there's any truth to that or not.


I truly hope this whole scare changes some things for the better in regards to our (the country's) healthcare system as a whole. There are some glaring deficits in the supply line and all it is going to take is one good epidemic such as this to point out the obvious.

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The drug supply problem is crazy. EVERY SINGLE WEEK there is a new drug shortage and we get some email that The System is trying to seek out new and different suppliers to get what they need.


I distinctly remember criticizing the Puerto Rico supply chain thing after their last hurricane because IV fluids were in such short supply that we really had to try to conserve what we were using. That is a great thing to have happen to a level 1 trauma center where you're hammering liters of fluid into people on the reg. I remember being told that they do it for tax purposes; not sure if there's any truth to that or not.


I truly hope this whole scare changes some things for the better in regards to our (the country's) healthcare system as a whole. There are some glaring deficits in the supply line and all it is going to take is one good epidemic such as this to point out the obvious.


The supply chain disruption was the first thing that jumped into my mind when this whole thing started. I hope there will be changes, but i doubt there will be because that requires difficult and painful decisions to be made.


We're stocked up on essentials for a short emergency lockdown but we're going to keep adding to what we have each week when we go to the story. Worse case is that in a few months I'll have to find a way to make good food with all this canned stuff.

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In places that have been hit hard by this, the local health care infrastructure has been completely overwhelmed by the influx of patients requiring hospitalization. China has built brand new hospitals just to deal with this.


Now ask yourself, if this is "just another strain of the flu," then why can't the current health care infrastructure deal with a heavily infected area? Can the current health care infrastructure not handle seasonal flu cases? Pretty sure that's not the case, so maybe your assumption is wrong, and this isn't just another flu that we don't need to be worried about.


The death rate is high, much higher than the flu. Hospitalization rates are higher as well. It ends up that a pandemic doesn't need to have a 20% death rate in order to cripple our infrastructure. 2% appears to be plenty. This is why governments have been taking drastic action.


Because fuckheads on MSM are inciting panic by trying to be the first ones to call this virus a "pandemic".....thats why local health infrastructure is overwhelmed.....Its reached a fever pitch and MSM is directly responsible.


Give us truth or shut the fuck up. Be appropriate in your reactions to issues like this. Otherwise people will not believe you. This is the equiv of LeBron flopping on the court when he get his chin bumped..

Edited by Panduh
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Because fuckheads on MSM are inciting panic by trying to be the first ones to call this virus a "pandemic".....thats why local health infrastructure is overwhelmed.....Its reached a fever pitch and MSM is directly responsible.


Give us truth or shut the fuck up. Be appropriate in your reactions to issues like this. Otherwise people will not believe you. This is the equiv of LeBron flopping on the court when he get his chin bumped..


OK well all the evidence I've seen suggests that Italy is on a full lockdown because human beings are actually sick from a virus and the sheer number of them requiring medical intervention is overwhelming their healthcare infrastructure. Similar things have happened in China and S. Korea.


You're clearly operating under a different pile of evidence, contradictory evidence that says that these human beings aren't actually sick and/or don't actually require medical intervention, but have been hospitalized anyway because the media has induced a panic. I've not seen that evidence, and only one of us can be right. Have you considered the possibility that it's not you, or is anything I say going to make you double down on "it's the media's fault?"


I don't know what else you want me to say. This isn't the end times, but it's also not a problem that's going to go away on it's own. It's an actual, real, major issue that will require intervention for months ahead, even if the media were to suddenly stop reporting on it altogether.

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OK well all the evidence I've seen suggests that Italy is on a full lockdown because human beings are actually sick from a virus and the sheer number of them requiring medical intervention is overwhelming their healthcare infrastructure. Similar things have happened in China and S. Korea.


You're clearly operating under a different pile of evidence, contradictory evidence that says that these human beings aren't actually sick and/or don't actually require medical intervention, but have been hospitalized anyway because the media has induced a panic. I've not seen that evidence, and only one of us can be right. Have you considered the possibility that it's not you, or is anything I say going to make you double down on "it's the media's fault?"


I don't know what else you want me to say. This isn't the end times, but it's also not a problem that's going to go away on it's own. It's an actual, real, major issue that will require intervention for months ahead, even if the media were to suddenly stop reporting on it altogether.


we agree on that

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I am fully aware that Corona virus hits hardest to the elderly and those with a weakened immune system or chronic health condition....but seeing some of the effects on peoples' lungs gives me pause on thinking this won't affect many more of us out there. Maybe people exposed to it will undoubtedly survive, but what about long-term effects on lung capacity?



(Yes, I realize it's a Mirror article...source taken with grain of salt)


Still washing hands as always....but seriously considering canceling family spring break to Colorado next week.

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Because fuckheads on MSM are inciting panic by trying to be the first ones to call this virus a "pandemic".....thats why local health infrastructure is overwhelmed.....Its reached a fever pitch and MSM is directly responsible.


Give us truth or shut the fuck up. Be appropriate in your reactions to issues like this. Otherwise people will not believe you. This is the equiv of LeBron flopping on the court when he get his chin bumped..


It's not just MSN. The WHO just labeled it a pandemic.



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I am fully aware that Corona virus hits hardest to the elderly and those with a weakened immune system or chronic health condition....but seeing some of the effects on peoples' lungs gives me pause on thinking this won't affect many more of us out there. Maybe people exposed to it will undoubtedly survive, but what about long-term effects on lung capacity?



(Yes, I realize it's a Mirror article...source taken with grain of salt)


Still washing hands as always....but seriously considering canceling family spring break to Colorado next week.


Looks pretty much like every other CT scan I've ever seen where someone has pneumonia. I've seen waaaaay worse.


Quit worrying so much. Its totally ok to be concerned; take your normal appropriate steps you should be doing anyway on a daily basis (hand hygiene, cover your cough, etc.), and go on about your life.


I agree with both Greg and Panduh. It is a genuine concern, however, the media isn't helping the hysteria with the clickbaity shit they keep putting out, i.e. LOOK AT THIS CT SCAN OF THIS PERSON'S LUNGS!!!OMG!1

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