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Have you heard of HB hr5717


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So what you are saying is when a 4473(had to look it up) is filled out and transmitted to where ever none of that data is stored or retransmitted to some fed db and kept...if you believe that I have some land for sale


I do believe it because any Republican in the ATF who found out they were storing data would call Fox News so fast it wouldake your head spin. Counter argument?

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Because it's the best kept secret or the way it was coded once the file is intercepted it's automagically stored else where. Shit like that is done all the time.


I worked on something and was told what to do, and not point to specifics then when done tell the CIO only.


He got fucked ..well not really..but he was fired from the position and that info never came out in the papers.


Oh a dumocrate wouldn't put out a tell all??

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Because it's the best kept secret or the way it was coded once the file is intercepted it's automagically stored else where. Shit like that is done all the time.


I worked on something and was told what to do, and not point to specifics then when done tell the CIO only.


He got fucked ..well not really..but he was fired from the position and that info never came out in the papers.


Oh a dumocrate wouldn't put out a tell all??


They might, dumocrates do seem to have more integrity but right now Republicans are in charge. What incentive would a republican head of the atf have to keep this information from a Republican senate and a Republican president? They'd be a goddamn national hero.

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Dems..you mean the ones who pander for votes by wearing african grab and kneeling or the ones who fucked around with the dnc back in 16 to obtain the nomination..or the ones who failed to assist in benghazi.. or the ones who failed to help in somalia..or who failed in nam..I'm confused
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No we are talking integrity..I believe you brought it up the previous post..would you like me to show the quote??


But again I told you how it could happen but you didn't or aren't able to dispute what I said.


Why would it make them a national hero..only libertarians are for smaller and transparent government

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Can't argue with that. Age of consent too. Contracts. Student loans. All or nothing, I say. If we're going to decide arbitrarily that people need to be 21 to make good decisions then we shouldn't let them make any decisions.


(in case it's not obvious, this is an argument for lowering the drinking age to 18 and not implementing stupid rules requiring gun owners to be 21. The current hodge podge of age restrictions is clearly silly, as this argument demonstrates)


I agree, cannot pick and choose at what age people are considered mentally mature to make important decisions. All 18 or all 21. Old enough to sign a contract to enter the military, you are old enough to drink, own a gun, ect.

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You're a fucking idiot, then. No other way to state it. Hope you see things differently once you mature.
I think the point is not to be a single issue voter, and stopping the total shit show of the Trump presidency and the entire direction the Republican party has taken is not outweighed by one bill proposal that has no chance of passing 100% in its current form.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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Politics is a compromise. How many libertarians HATED the infringy PATRIOT act but then kept voting Republican. Hint- all of them.






No I'm just the brainwashed liberal soy boy cuck that CR so desperately wants me to be so. Bernie 2020! ACAB! Communism or bust!


I never said that.


Otis! Look at this mind bottling statement! They're all corrupt AND they got caught but he's voting for then anyway?! Tater sense! Tater sense!


Triggered. Pun fully intended and I'm not even sorry.


Can't argue with that. Age of consent too. Contracts. Student loans. All or nothing, I say. If we're going to decide arbitrarily that people need to be 21 to make good decisions then we shouldn't let them make any decisions.


(in case it's not obvious, this is an argument for lowering the drinking age to 18 and not implementing stupid rules requiring gun owners to be 21. The current hodge podge of age restrictions is clearly silly, as this argument demonstrates)


I concur.


So what you are saying is when a 4473(had to look it up) is filled out and transmitted to where ever none of that data is stored or retransmitted to some fed db and kept...if you believe that I have some land for sale


He gets it.


You're a fucking idiot, then. No other way to state it. Hope you see things differently once you mature.


He gets it.

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