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☆~Donald Trump 2020~☆


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Yes I know it was intended to be a joke. It wasn't funny. You know why? Because every person of a group that is discriminated against is a member when it is convenient and not a member when it is not (if they are able). It is the camouflage that is necessary to survival. Sometimes it can be isolating. So to use that fact to diminish ANY justified feelings directed at some ignorant clown who is speaking out of their depth isn't funny - It is the heart of racism in this country, and the ugliness that allows it to persist. I am somehow not "allowed" to be this thing that I can't escape just because I choose to hide it sometime out of necessity. It was funny to you, it was a big fuck you to me.


Do you truly believe that I meant it as a big "fuck you" to you? Honestly? Do you REALLY believe that that's what I meant it as? Do you, knowing what you do about me, honestly think that I was promoting "the heart of racism in this country"? I have a feeling you don't but also have a feeling you will reply with something about me being ignorantly racist. I'm honestly not sure and very much confused as to why this has set you off. Maybe it's because I'm some dumb hick from Ohio. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being honest. I'm trying to understand why this particular post in response to you has set you off more than any joke I've ever made with any other friend of any other ethnic background ever. I've never been called "racist" before so I'm trying to understand. That's all.


You are allowed to be you as far as I'm concerned. As I recall I, nor anyone else, has judged you for being Jewish. Have you met the Green's? They're pretty damn cool. I can introduce you if not. We go way back.


Blah blah Blah too long of an explination as to how your racist joke is somehow not racist


This tells me that you know it wasn't at heart but are still struggling to admit it. "Too long" but I know for a fact you read it. I'm not mad, at all, but let's all be honest here, Kerry. You know I wasn't trying to be derogatory in any way, shape, or form, and I most certainly wasn't being racist.


I am not demanding anything Randy. I am telling you that you have wronged me and giving you the opportunity to act like a man and own the responsibility of your actions by making it right. I am telling you in clear and no uncertain terms what what you can do that would make me satisfied, and leaving it up to you to decide how to handle it. Right now, based on this "I don't want to be demanded" rant I would say that rating is poor. I am not expecting any "special trip", you can do it when you come to pick up your bike (when I finish putting it back together). But I am letting you know that I won't be satisfied by some half assed internet apology. I want to look into your eyes and have a conversation with you about it like men.


I am sorry that you feel I have wronged you. I have read your words, processed them, and will continue to do so. I am giving YOU the opportunity to act like a man and admit that you know that I do not have anything against you for any reason, ESPECIALLY your ethnicity, and did not make a single racist comment or racial slur although that is your (albeit false) accusation against me. I am telling you in clear and no uncertain terms what YOU can do that would make me satisfied, and leaving it up to you how to handle it.


The sole fact that you took my aforementioned apology as nothing more than "some half assed internet apology" although your accusations were, in fact, half assed and on the line as well, is, well, silly to be frank. Half assed online accusations get half assed online apologies I guess.


The fact that you claimed my apologetic response was an "I don't want to be demanded" rant" and that my "rating is poor" is meaningless. If you make an accusation online and someone accepts fault (even when they don't necessarily agree) online then an online apology is apropos. Sure, I'd still chat in person, face to face, eye to eye, but don't get silly about it.


I now know why I rarely reply to these threads, rarely reply to comments on anything not related to my car/builds, or silly BS not political, and rarely get involved online much anymore.


I'll not reply to this thread further. You can reach me via PM, CB, FBM, or text. I have a feeling I'll see ya in CB most often. ;)

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Kerry..take a breath please. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who has blood would hate his blood.

The nazi refs were all friends..no blood.

As far as not being in a tribe, I'm half Italian and only about 100 years from my dads side coming over.

We were not always welcome and I heard about it, but that was then and this is now.

Did trump pander to those who he thought could get/keep him in power..hell yes..did biden do the same thing..again hell yes.

Am I anti semitic, no have I made jewish jokes yes but I've also made polish, black, italian jokes.

NOW for the real question, am I racist..no BUT have I dropped the n bomb yes but in context.

My 69 year old dad with parkinson's and my 60 year mother were jumped and beat up by 2 n1qqs. Do I hate them fuck yes, would i do horrible things even today if I caught up to them again, hell yes. BUT here is the clincher, I have many , many black friends and have told them the story and used that word...not 1 has disagreed that those 2 are exactly as described and called them the same thing. Do I hate others for what those 2 did no, that's stupid.

My best man, who is black , and I were texting and he related something that I had forgotten. He retold the story of when one of my boys met him and said wow you black, my buddy then commented about how color blind I had raised my boys to be.

Lastly, when you talk noses I can relate, I have a large nose and the few on here I've met will attest to that so seeing your hook nose means nothing.

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Has any country had zero COVID deaths?


What is an acceptable number of deaths that people would be happy with?


What should Trump have done differently that would have made an actual impact?


For starters, he shouldn't have disbanded the federal pandemic response team in 2018.


I can go on, but I'm genuinely not sure if that's a serious question, because a whole heap of stuff that Trump did and didn't do is at odds with the recommendations of public heath and infection disease experts. He also went out of his way to undermine local (state) efforts at controlling the disease within their own borders (LIBERATE!). He shouldn't have done that. He should have promoted mask wearing instead of calling the whole thing a hoax. I can present evidence to support the actual impact of those simple things if you're receptive to it.



The problem is that we can never really know. We can look at how other countries handle it and how they fared better, we can look at the difference in red/blue states and counties and the impact those more local decisions had, we can listen to what the experts here in America at the federal level say they would have done differently. But ultimately someone can look at all of that and still decide that Trump couldn't have done any better than he did, that the current situation in America was inevitable and that this is the best possible outcome. So I don't know if I can change anyone's mind, or if I should even bother.

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It was funny to you, it was a big fuck you to me.


I rarely chime in much on these but I had to here. There have been many comments made by you that I’ve been offended by yet I don’t go off on a rant about them. That’s why I quoted randy and agreed with his “joke”.


You have offended people also, yet you don’t feel the need to apologize?


Do you truly believe that I meant it as a big "fuck you" to you? Honestly? Do you REALLY believe that that's what I meant it as?


Whether that was the intent or not, the result was someone did take offense to the statement. Doesn’t mean it is wrong or right, but you can’t diminish their feelings based on your perceived intent. You can stab someone not intending to kill them, but if you do kill them, they are still dead. Oops my bad doesn’t make it right.

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Whether that was the intent or not, the result was someone did take offense to the statement. Doesn’t mean it is wrong or right, but you can’t diminish their feelings based on your perceived intent. You can stab someone not intending to kill them, but if you do kill them, they are still dead. Oops my bad doesn’t make it right.


I fully agree. That's why I apologized in my very first reply.


So, if my joke offended you I will apologize by saying that wasn't my intentions, AT ALL, but I also feel as though, based on some of your jokes and jabs at others, you're kinda being overly sensitive. I did not intend to offend you so I am sorry that you took offense to my reply.


See? ;)


I doubt I'll get an apology for the implications that I am racist or made a reply even thinking one little bit that it could be taken as such. I won't get one for being told "fuck you" or the insinuation that I would "us the n-word." I never have and I never will.


I'm ok with that, though. I know for a fact that I never meant any harm to come of it, never once thought of it having racist connotations, and had no idea it would have been taken so far out of context and cause such angered responses.


I apologized that it was taken that way. I've done my part. I've explained myself. I'm moving on. The apology can be accepted or not. I can't control what others do. I will not let anyone call me a racist or imply that I would ever intentionally use racial slurs or anything else though. Matter of fact I learned of a couple I've not heard even once before during my 37 years on this planet.

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FWIW, I’ve always been told if there are any other words included in an apology, it’s less meaningful. The more words, the less meaningful it is. Also, there should never be a “but” included in any apology. That’s the same as jk lol to me. My $0.02, not worth $0.01.
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Every time I read that trump is anti-semitic..it make me laugh as it shows you are getting all your info from cnn/msnbc or the 3 major news outlets.


You do realize his son in law is jewish and his grandchildern (from this same man) are half jewish.


Also you realize he moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.


Please fact check your stuff before posting.


I'm certainly sorry to hear about your situation; its awful. I'm also not condoning what Trump may or may not have said. He says a lot of stupid shit.


But, the fact that we put blame on the guy for what some whackjob did is reaching a bit and looking for a scapegoat, IMO. Did Trump tell him to go do that? No. Did he even suggest it? No. The guy was a nutcase whether Trump was president or not. He took what Trump said, and twisted it into his own perversion. I put this in line with blaming guns for mass shootings. Those fuckers were crazy before they got ahold of a gun. Quit trying to place blame on something or someone besides the individual that committed the heinous act.




I never said Trump was antisemitic, although as others noted he has said some things that can be interpreted that way. He has used language that appeals to white supremacists and supports their cause. He's created division and hysteria by creating "enemies" that threaten the American way of life. This aligns with a belief in "white replacement" and these groups/people are more likely to act on his words. As the President his words have a lot more meaning/impact than as a business man. People have been asking him to tone down his language from the start, because some percentage of the population will take it as a call to arms. Trump did not pull the trigger, but he has responsibility in stoking the flames. Matt Gaetz has responsibility for spreading lies about Soros funding the migrant caravan and pushing the white replacement theory. Other media outlets played the same bullshit stories that were completely false conspiracy theories that legitimized extremist beliefs.


Moving the embassy to Jerusalem had nothing to do with Jews. It was all to appeal to evangelicals. Many Jews im the US (and even in Israel) support a 2 state solution and do not support the Israeli push further and further into the Palestinian territory with unlawful settlements. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a move that angered the Palestinians and hurts chances of ever having a 2 state solution. Trump has tried to label condemnation of Israel's treatment of Arabs and Palestinians as antisemitic, but that's completely untrue.



OpEds? Seriously?


I posted the OpEds because they align with my own feelings on the matter and cite the events that lead up to this.


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I feel we all have said things that could be construed as anti something or other.


Trump has probably said more offensive thing than most in public and the media ran with it.


While we are at it no one has brought up one of the liberal thinkers on the board using the name 'jewtoys'. Kerry nor you have brought up that as offensive. Are you being selective? I don't know, I think you have just accepted it. Should you be offended, I don't know it's up to you and Kerry.


As far as the 2 state issue, I am sure a lot of Israelis want the stauts quo.


I guess when I hear America first I think of helping the 1000s of homeless people in the US needing help instead helping those that don't want to be citizens. Also, what about pushing monies to other countries and trying to buy friends. How did that work in the middle east and pakistan ?


Illegal aliens keep them out. If you want to live here why wouldn't you want to be a citizen? My relatives did it right so should the new immigrants..what are they trying to hide?


When I was young I was very liberal but as I have gotten older my view have become more conservative.

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As far as the 2 state issue, I am sure a lot of Israelis want the stauts quo.

Actually, when I was in Israel for work I asked a lot of people about the issues. It's a out a 50-50 split, and I was told this by an Israeli too. In the end, the USA stands for freedom and equal rights for all people, no matter of race, ethnicity, etc, and they don't have that in Israel. A 2 state solution was advocating for equality. Trump abandoned that and pushed a policy that further discriminates against the Palestinians. It's a powder keg.



And Phil one more very serious thing.....I see your an engineer for chrysler but you have 2 chevys...what's up with that....lol


Lol, shit. I never see signatures in Tapatalk and haven't updated in a while. I bought a Durango a while ago and got rid of that Equinox. My wife still has a Buick, but it's paid off and runs good.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

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Illegal aliens keep them out. If you want to live here why wouldn't you want to be a citizen? My relatives did it right so should the new immigrants..what are they trying to hide?


For most people in the world, there is no legal path to US citizenship. If you're, say, a plumber in Ecuador without any family connection to the US, there is basically 0 chance of becoming a US citizen legal, ever, in your entire life. It has nothing to do with "wanting to be a citizen" for most people.


Are you interested in learning more about how broken our immigration system is? There's bipartisan support for overhauling it (talks within the Republican party famously broke down when Trump kept changing his mind on what he was willing to sign until senate Republicans eventually gave up), but the changes proposed by both sides wouldn't give our Ecuadorian plumber any better chances at legal immigration. Libertarians are the only ones truly in favor of a permissive, legal path to immigration for anyone with a clean background check.

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greg...I know it can take awhile as my old boss from SA became a citizen a few year back after being here for I don't know 20-25 years.

I never asked her why it took so long but I'm sure she had her reasons.


So I'm asking for knowledge here not trying to be a smart azz....well I am that but..why 100/50 years ago was it so much easier or quicker or I don't know to become a citizen?

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greg...I know it can take awhile as my old boss from SA became a citizen a few year back after being here for I don't know 20-25 years.

I never asked her why it took so long but I'm sure she had her reasons.


So I'm asking for knowledge here not trying to be a smart azz....well I am that but..why 100/50 years ago was it so much easier or quicker or I don't know to become a citizen?


I mean, xenophobia, really.


100 years ago the the general federal government policy was focused on population growth in order to settle the vast amount of territory we'd acquired by that point, and it needed immigrants to do so. In the '20s laws were passed to limit immigration from non-Western European countries, and then later laws were passed to limit Chinese/Asian immigration. I'm not a historian but I don't think there was any rational basis for these laws other than to keep America WASPy.


Our current immigration policy is mostly derived from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which kept the country-of-origin quotas but shifted to a category-based immigration policy, which favored family members of US citizens and skilled laborers. It was intended to be a "merit-based" system and effectively blocked a lot of the low-skilled, working-class immigrants that were a staple of US immigration in the time period you're alluding to. It's now basically impossible to immigrate to the US unless you have a personal connection and/or are sponsored under something like an H1-B program.


That's just getting here. Becoming a citizen is a whole different challenge. I'm not smart on that but the gist there is that you have to be a resident for a while and show, like, that you've been a productive earner and stayed out of trouble for 10 years or so before you can apply. That's why it takes on average something like 12-15 years.

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Of course, you don't have to be a citizen to be here legally. I've got a friend from Bangladesh who's been here about 6 or 7 years now, first on a student visa for his undergrad degree, then on a different student visa for his master's degree (he didn't want a master's but he couldn't find a job that would sponsor him and he was about to be sent home), and then finally with 2 degrees he was able to find a job that sponsored him, I'm not sure what his visa category is now. But there's a time limit on that so he's got to keep playing the game. And then I figure once he's in his early 30s he might be able to apply for citizenship, after having lived here his entire adult life. It's pretty crazy.


But as you can see, the only reason he was able to get his foot in the door is because his parents had enough money to be able to put him on a plane at 18, by himself, and send him to college, AND he was able to get accepted to a college in the US, AND he was able to get a student visa. If his family were poor, or if he'd had worse luck, he'd have been SOL and would still be in Bangladesh.

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I know this is a very left leaning media paper but look at what it says..keep an open mind..DON'T get angry but just read and respond...Thanks




My response is that yep, Biden did all of those things. Good for him.


1) Biden got a lot of votes. So did Trump. This election was truly a all-out brawl with both sides determined to turn out as many voters as possible.


2) Bellweather counties and states change. Trump broke down the "Blue wall" in 2016. Historical indicators can be useful for predictions, but things change.


3) Biden underperformed Clinton in a lot of demographics. This is true. And he overperformed her in others. That's how he won.


4) Rephrased, Trump underperformed against Republicans as a whole. As has been pointed out, this means that either Democrats were incompetent at stealing the election, or Trump was particularly unpopular among Republicans. I think there's ample evidence of the latter.


5) Presidents losing re-election is a very, very small data set. I wouldn't make anything of this data point. (eta: It hasn't happened since 1992. Is it safe to say the political climate in 2020 is drastically different from that in 1992? If yes, it's hard to compare Trump's primary performance to H.W.'s, and therefore any previous 1-termer as well).




What's missing from that article is any actual evidence of how Democrats cheated. This article is the exact same sort of thing that Trump's legal team presented in court, and all of those cases got thrown out. You can't Just Ask Questions forever, at some point you need to present hard evidence. This, sadly for Trump, isn't it.


eta: Oh, and the article does repeat the lie that there were more votes than registered voters in certain places. Articles really ought not to lie about things, I think.

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Basically the coasts and inner cities determine what we get. The huge swath in the middle just don't have the numbers to control elections.


People determine elections. It's not anyone's fault that a lot of people live on the coasts and in cities.


The huge swath in the middle already has more power than it would in a true democracy because of the electoral college and the senate. A voter in Wyoming has 3x the power as the average American. Is that not enough? How much more should that vote count than ours? 4x? 6x? What would be fair?

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I read through some of the "Kraken" affidavits and it really just made me sad that people who otherwise had normal lives and careers are now resorting to debasing themselves with conspiracy theories, and poorly conceived ones even as far as conspiracy theories go.



And now we have unsealed court documents about an investigation into a "pay for pardon" scheme at the white house. I'm guessing this will go down as:


- There was no pay for pardon scheme at the white house

- OK, there was a pay for pardon scheme at the white house but Trump didn't know about it

- OK, Trump knew about the pay for pardon scheme but that's not illegal

- OK, the pay for pardon scheme was illegal but it's no big deal and everyone does it

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