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You're glad about that cop getting beaten to death?


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. -Thomas Jefferson


I'm not glad about anyone dying, but my point is still the same. The government should fear the republic, not the other way around.

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Well said above.


Emphasis mine on two very important points I hear Trumpers glossing over because it's more convenient for their narrative to do so.

Here's my take. I don't know what the articles of impeachment that are currently being debated look like, but the draft I read over the weekend laid out a very clear accusation against Trump. Specifically, that he:


1. Made up lies about rampant election fraud, which

2. Convinced a lot of his supporters that he, Donald Trump, was the true winner of the election and should remain president on 21 Jan. That he

3. Organized an event, incriminatingly called "STOP THE STEAL," at the White House on the day that the EC was to be certified. And he

4. Told the mob that he had gathered at the event that he would lead them to the Capitol building in order to do exactly what they gathered there to do, so that he could

5. Remain in power despite having lost the election.


The facts are not in dispute, even among top Republicans. These top Republicans include, but are not limited to, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, former AG Bill Barr, at least 2 of Trump's few remaining cabinet secretaries, and unofficially (via Lindsay Graham), Trump's own legal counsel and chief of staff.


Since those facts are stipulated to by "both sides," the only thing left to debate is whether or not those facts should result in Trump's removal from office. Personally, it seems insane to me that someone who tried to steal the presidency by force, an effort which resulted in multiple deaths, would be left in control of the nuclear codes or anything else in the executive branch, even for 5 minutes. I can't believe he's still in power right now, although you get the impression from Graham and others that he's basically a cuck in his own White House.



You'll notice that nowhere in the above do I mention leftist violence or BLM. The debate is strictly about Trump's actions, and what to do about them, and additionally, what to do about the Republican leadership like Cruz and Hawley who went along with his lies about election fraud and his little charade about objecting to the EC certification. I would like something to happen to those people, but I'm not holding my breath.



If you think that specific politicians on the left instigated violence, as the part of your post I quoted suggests, then by all means, level an accusation as succinct as the accusation levied against Trump in the impeachment article and we can debate it. But we need specifics, because I don't know who you're referring to or what specific violence they're responsible for. If your claim is simply that encouraging BLM protests rises to the level of "inciting violence" as the direct attack on the Capitol 5 days ago, then I don't think that claim has much merit, nor does it have any bearing on the impending impeachment. If your claim is that Democrats didn't denounce the violence the led from some BLM marches, then I can provide cites (some are in the previous thread) countering this.


If you think that in general, leftist rabble rousing hasn't been handled with the same level of condemnation that we're now seeing against the right, then I agree 100%. And we can discuss that as well if you'd like. But pointing this out is not a defense of Trump, and it does nothing to address the immediate concern of the fact that we have an insurrection in the White House, still in power, still able to fuck up democracy for another 9 days.


If you think that leftist violence needs to be handled more thoroughly, then now is a chance for Republicans to take the high road and show Democrats how it's done. Impeach Trump, remove him from office, and then sit up on top of Capitol Hill and say, "This is what you should have done when the left was rioting in the streets." Shame the Democrats from a position of moral superiority. But letting a literal insurrectionist get away with violence against our own government because of a general sense of unfairness doesn't make sense to me.

I did say in my response to another post that I believe there was a lot of instigation by officials on the left during that mess, (so I'll look for documented instances) but that was far from the point I was trying to make. If you look at my original post, I literally said I am not talking about whether either side was right or wrong, or whether Trump or Pelosi or Martin Luther King instigated them to do so. I simply said why were people not prosecuted.

Illegal is illegal, and I would even go as far as to say that most of the people causing destruction (aside from the monuments being destroyed) was caused by people who could care less about the cause, but were simply opportunists. So why weren't they prosecuted?


It seems you've proven my point though, that this question can't be answered without finger pointing, and "but Trump did that!". Trump is an idiot, but the all or nothing politics of both sides are exhausting.



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So why weren't they prosecuted?


1) Because during the BLM protests police were way more violent toward the crowd initially, in many cases instigating the violence. You can't prosecute a suspect for self defense, even against a police officer who is not performing an arrest,


2) Because many could not be identified (funny that masks have that effect)


3) Lots of people were prosecuted.









from that last article:


A report by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project analyzed 7,750 Black Lives Matter protests in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, between May 26 and Aug. 22 and identified 220 locations where protests became violent.


"The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent," the report reads. "In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity.


During the Black Lives Matter protests last summer, over 500 people were arrested in one day in Los Angeles and 100 people were arrested over a span of three days in Minneapolis, USA TODAY reported. Dozens of people in other cities across the nation were arrested in a single night.


Data by Bellingcat and Forensic Architecture shows at least 950 instances of police brutality against civilians and journalists took place over the time period of five months during Black Lives Matter protests, The Guardian reported. Police used tear gas, rubber bullets and batons.

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1) Because during the BLM protests police were way more violent toward the crowd initially, in many cases instigating the violence. You can't prosecute a suspect for self defense, even against a police officer who is not performing an arrest,


2) Because many could not be identified (funny that masks have that effect)


3) Lots of people were prosecuted.









from that last article:

I thank you for an answer relative to my question. I'll read the articles and see if they contain the info I seek. You make/present some valid points/facts.


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It seems you've proven my point though, that this question can't be answered without finger pointing, and "but Trump did that!". Trump is an idiot, but the all or nothing politics of both sides are exhausting.


Sorry, I misunderstood your post I guess.


I'll be an asshole and point out that this:


I don't agree in any way with what was done on Jan 6, but... Libs absolutely overlook the destruction that took place in 2020


Seems to be the exact same finger pointing that you're tired of.

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Sorry, I misunderstood your post I guess.




I'll be an asshole and point out that this:








Seems to be the exact same finger pointing that you're tired of.

What an asshole!


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This is the sort of historical reference that will show Trump's policies were bad business. He had a few low-hanging-fruit, short-term benefits for U.S. businesses and taxpayers, but I fear the med- and long-term harm it's done on a global scale. Time will tell if Biden and subsequent presidents make the right choices (many difficult) to help us back on top.


Bottom line: Trump cared so much about the appearance of him winning, that he undermined others' efforts on complex global dealings to make himself look better.....and ended up screwing up more in the process.

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I can't believe that someone in this thread said that BLM and antifa can and should commit political violence directed at our elected officials, including killing police officers who get in the way, in order to remind them that they should fear the people, and CR didn't jump all over him.


I don't know what's real anymore.

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I can't believe that someone in this thread said that BLM and antifa can and should commit political violence directed at our elected officials, including killing police officers who get in the way, in order to remind them that they should fear the people, and CR didn't jump all over him.


I don't know what's real anymore.


Really? you can't believe it? I can. Went through this in 2016.



In other news, here's some gas for this dumpster fire:



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Let it be known, I don't support the alt-right, Trump, the Steelers, people who stretch tires, and those who double dip in public ketchup piles, just want to be clear on that.





^^ Signature Material and winner of the thread. :lol:

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I can't believe that someone in this thread said that BLM and antifa can and should commit political violence directed at our elected officials, including killing police officers who get in the way, in order to remind them that they should fear the people, and CR didn't jump all over him.


I don't know what's real anymore.


Who said BLM and Antifa should?

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you did, or did you think that Thomas Jefferson quote only applied to one side of the aisle?


I never mentioned either one of them in either of my first 2 comments. And his quote absolutely applies to both sides of the aisle. The 2 party system is a problem imo.


The left thinks the right are a bunch of idiots....the right thinks the left are a bunch of idiots. I think they're both correct.



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Sorry, you didn't specify who's allowed to kill cops in order to keep politicians on their toes. I just assumed you meant everyone.
He doesn't want anybody to die, he just wants credible threats to their lives so they feel intimidated by terrorists and destruction of government buildings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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anybody want to comment about somehow summer protests were somehow "worse":




At approximately 1:00 p.m. EST on January 6, 2021, multiple law enforcement agencies received reports of a suspected pipe bomb with wires at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee (RNC) located at 310 First Street Southeast in Washington, D.C. At approximately 1:15 p.m. EST, a second suspected pipe bomb with similar descriptors was reported at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) at 430 South Capitol Street Southeast #3 in Washington, D.C.
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