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☆~Sleepy Joe 2021~☆


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He doesn't want anybody to die, he just wants credible threats to their lives so they feel intimidated by terrorists and destruction of government buildings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Oh hell, I just said I was happy they were scared a little. And yes, if the government isn't working it is outlined in the constitution that the government should be overthrown. I guess those that would overthrow the government would be terrorists on the same level as the IRA.

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anybody want to comment about somehow summer protests were somehow "worse":




I think that's something being lost in all this. One isn't better or worse than the other. They're both stupid and uncalled for yet both sides try to justify their own stupidity by pointing out the stupidity of the other. Why can't they both just be wrong?

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I think that's something being lost in all this. One isn't better or worse than the other. They're both stupid and uncalled for yet both sides try to justify their own stupidity by pointing out the stupidity of the other. Why can't they both just be wrong?


Because the left/right is morally, ethically, and intellectually superior to everyone. If you don't align EXACLTY with what they think you're the one with the problem.


I think the entire situation is fucked and you have people on both sides that just want to say "well, look what they did" and not realize the side they support is just as bad. You can't reason with that, you're always going to be wrong.


I find the conditioning and dog-whistle words that each side uses interesting. People don't even see it happening, they just cheer for their side like a drunken college football fan as the puppet masters pull the strings.

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My thought is, the two party system was originally intended to contrast and allow for discussion and COMPROMISE. However, we have become so polarized that people no longer want to discuss or compromise as they blanketly feel their side is the correct one.


Many can see strengths and weaknesses in both parties but the power they have over the general population is scary. This is the silent American that needs to wake up and make actual change happen.

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My thought is, the two party system was originally intended to contrast and allow for discussion and COMPROMISE.


The two party system wasn't ever intended. It's just something that happens in a democracy. The founders just didn't do enough to prevent it, even though some of the tried.



Nobody likes the 2 party system, and I'd go so far as to say nobody likes their own party. There's just no way that 2 parties are going to satisfy anyone. This isn't news, everyone fucking hates the polarization. But here's where I'm at.


Let's say you're a sailor on the HMS Bounty, and the first mate stages a mutiny. See, the Captain wants to go deliver the cargo to the port and get paid to buy more rum, and the first mate wants to divert to go get more rum now. I dunno, I'm not a pirate. Slowly but surely your fellow sailors fall in line either behind the Captain or the First Mate. You and your bunkmate, though, you're above all this. The two of you don't give a shit as long as you have 3 hots and a cot. High fives all around!


But then, during the squabbling, the Bounty runs aground on a sandbar. The First Mate says, "Aye, let's dig ourselves off of this sandbar and then we can go off to get more rum!" And the Captain says, "Sandbars aren't real, we'll get moving eventually if we can just figure out what's wrong with the sails." Well you, being an experienced sailor, know that you're not getting off that sandbar until you dig yourselves out, barring some unpredictable storm coming by and giving you the push you need.


So you talk to your bunkmate. "I think we ought to listen to the first mate on this one. And if we have to go along with his plan to get more rum now, well, that's just something we'll accept in order to get ourselves unstuck from this sandbar." And your bunkmate replies, "I THINK BOTH SIDES ARE STUPID."

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All I see is a wall of words intended to make those of us who refuse to buy into each side's hypocrisy feel stupid. Congratulations, you've now alienated more people in this thread.


EDIT: There's nothing wrong with feeling that both sides are stupid when this polarization is so deep each party is so blind in thinking their side is absolutely right, best, perfect, bunch of other words.

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The two party system wasn't ever intended. It's just something that happens in a democracy. The founders just didn't do enough to prevent it, even though some of the tried.



Nobody likes the 2 party system, and I'd go so far as to say nobody likes their own party. There's just no way that 2 parties are going to satisfy anyone. This isn't news, everyone fucking hates the polarization. But here's where I'm at.


Let's say you're a sailor on the HMS Bounty, and the first mate stages a mutiny. See, the Captain wants to go deliver the cargo to the port and get paid to buy more rum, and the first mate wants to divert to go get more rum now. I dunno, I'm not a pirate. Slowly but surely your fellow sailors fall in line either behind the Captain or the First Mate. You and your bunkmate, though, you're above all this. The two of you don't give a shit as long as you have 3 hots and a cot. High fives all around!


But then, during the squabbling, the Bounty runs aground on a sandbar. The First Mate says, "Aye, let's dig ourselves off of this sandbar and then we can go off to get more rum!" And the Captain says, "Sandbars aren't real, we'll get moving eventually if we can just figure out what's wrong with the sails." Well you, being an experienced sailor, know that you're not getting off that sandbar until you dig yourselves out, barring some unpredictable storm coming by and giving you the push you need.


So you talk to your bunkmate. "I think we ought to listen to the first mate on this one. And if we have to go along with his plan to get more rum now, well, that's just something we'll accept in order to get ourselves unstuck from this sandbar." And your bunkmate replies, "I THINK BOTH SIDES ARE STUPID."


So you don't think both parties are stupid pieces of shit that are horrible liars? Guess that blue koolaid is pretty good.

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I can agree with aspects from both sides, the issue lies in the fact that each side is more in it for their own rather than "the people". Everyone here can see this divide growing and with the push for power, it's going to grow deeper and deeper until we have violence and death. OH WAIT!
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I DO think that. But once you think that, then what? We still need to get off the sandbar sometimes...


Agreed, but your "story" above was ironic to me in that you are adamant the other side doesn't even see the sandbar. Terrible example.

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ITT: Both sides are bad, neither side is better, but the libs are definitely the worst.


SOME of the libs are the worst, sort of like SOME of the right-wing nut jobs are the worst. Part of the issue is both parties have allowed the loudest and craziest part of their cults to take the message over and people think it's the message, things spiral out of control from there.


I like guns, I think people should be able to marry whoever they want and be treated as equals, I think if you want to get the old coat hanger shuffle to not have a baby you should be able to, and if you come to this country illegally you need to be taken back home like a lost puppy.


Elected officials are all about power and they are going to do whatever they can to keep their power and keep their party in power, customers be dammed.

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