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10-day winter forecast?


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I'm fine with it. I absolutely HATE the weather we've been having; mid 30s, wet and windy. Shit never dries out and I personally think it feels colder during these conditions.

Dog and yard are always a mess. Either freeze solid or warm up and dry shit out. F'n Ohio's the worst.

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Me in June: "Wow I love this new big driveway, you can park six cars in it without going over the sidewalk"


Me in January with just a hand shovel: "Fuck. My. Life."

You think you have it bad? how you think Carl is feeling right now with that big ass driveway?

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Me in June: "Wow I love this new big driveway, you can park six cars in it without going over the sidewalk"


Me in January with just a hand shovel: "Fuck. My. Life."



I've never quite understood the concept of shoveling snow in Ohio. Wait 12hr and it will melt.

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Me in June: "Wow I love this new big driveway, you can park six cars in it without going over the sidewalk"


Me in January with just a hand shovel: "Fuck. My. Life."

I got a Snow Joe electric snow blower. Isn't a 2 stage gas beast but it's cleared over 100' of driveway at over 18" deep before. I'll never fuck with a gas one again. Sure wrestling with a long cord is a pain but to me that's less pain than trying to start a snow blower after it sits for years.

I've never quite understood the concept of shoveling snow in Ohio. Wait 12hr and it will melt.

This is what I do now, it'll melt soon enough that IDGAS.

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We just got back from Ft Myers yesterday afternoon. This weather is UGH in terms of driving to work, taking the dogs out, etc, etc etc. If I could work remote I think Id find a trailer park to live in for a few months somewhere warmer.. not really but man 74* and sunny was NICE.
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I've never quite understood the concept of shoveling snow in Ohio. Wait 12hr and it will melt.


From my experience more often it packs from driving over it/walking, melts a little, freezes again. Then you have a big packed snow/ice rink on your driveway. If you're luck it get's warm enough to melt soonish. But other times like Clayter posted in the forecast it will get cold enough for long enough that it stays around for weeks. We've only been in this house for about 8 years. I remember a few times I was out of town so the driveway didn't get cleared and that shit was there for weeks -a month.


So, I usually look at the forecast to decide whether to shovel it or not.


We also have a concrete driveway and sidewalks. They don't melt as much as quickly a nice black pavement driveway will.

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