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CR Shut Down - End of Month


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Well damn… I joined when I was 16, and still check it at least a few times a week. Granted I only post once a year. Sad to see it go. CR was the first window at the top of my Safari. I suppose I’ll just leave it on the 404 error page for awhile in Feb.
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  Mace said:
So why not let it run as is until it can no longer run??


because it costs money to host and the software is so old there is no place to host it that is affordable, or at least that is how I am reading the below:


  excell said:
...The software is super old, the newest versions won't upgrade cleanly so we can move to more modern (and cheaper) hosting, and our traffic has dropped to the point it's just not viable to keep things up any more.
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  cruizin01 said:
God, I loathe FB taking over every forum.


Right there with you. I've already seen it happen with 3 car forums I've really enjoyed. I technically have a facebook, but I've only logged into it for marketplace use in the last 10 years.


Oh well I guess. I've also enjoyed my time here, and made a lot of good connections I otherwise never would have.

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  Mace said:
So why not let it run as is until it can no longer run??


Money. Hosting and backups cost ~$75/mo.


Also, security. We're on an old ass (and vulnerable) version of Apache and PHP and Ubuntu operating system that's 12 years old.


And time. I don't want to put the time to building up a more secure place to host such old shit, nor do I want to put the time in to fixing all of the stuff that breaks when performing an upgrade so it can run on newer shit, for a site that gets dozens of users a month.


I'm open to discussing handing things off to someone, if someone wants to put the money and time into bringing things up to current spec.

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  BuckeyeROC said:
I don't understand why fb and twitter are still things. Never had accounts on either, don't see why people still use them nowadays.


I get that its super easy to create a group and join but the layout is TERRIBLE. It its complete garbage as a replacement for a forum imo. I hate it!


  spankis said:
Right there with you. I've already seen it happen with 3 car forums I've really enjoyed. I technically have a facebook, but I've only logged into it for marketplace use in the last 10 years.



For sure, all forums are dying. Luckily some of them are still around enough to use as a knowledge base but thats about it.

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  Draco-REX said:

Fuck Facebook.

  excell said:
Money. Hosting and backups cost ~$75/mo.


Also, security. We're on an old ass (and vulnerable) version of Apache and PHP and Ubuntu operating system that's 12 years old.


And time. I don't want to put the time to building up a more secure place to host such old shit, nor do I want to put the time in to fixing all of the stuff that breaks when performing an upgrade so it can run on newer shit, for a site that gets dozens of users a month.


I'm open to discussing handing things off to someone, if someone wants to put the money and time into bringing things up to current spec.

I get ya man. It was hard to walk away from Dayton Fbody and was sad to see COFBA dissolve, but social media has killed the forum. Unfortunately I am not a Facebook user so this will likely be the last hurrah.


It’s been a great run folks!

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Curious as to why people think CR didn't continue to thrive over the years? Is it just a life cycle of a forum?


Obviously our generations aged and life happens but why did the next generation not step in to fill those shoes? Was it really due to social media? I don't see Facebook replacing all that CR had to offer at one point. Are the younger generations not into cars the same way?


Never really thought of it all until now.

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  I Drive It... It Breaks! said:
Curious as to why people think CR didn't continue to thrive over the years? Is it just a life cycle of a forum?


Obviously our generations aged and life happens but why did the next generation not step in to fill those shoes? Was it really due to social media? I don't see Facebook replacing all that CR had to offer at one point. Are the younger generations not into cars the same way?


Never really thought of it all until now.


Chatbox. Instead of people posting in the forums to keep things going, people posted daily in chatbox instead. My opinion.

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Anthony and I were talking about this last weekend. Given the monthly cost you all have paid out of pocket, it has been very generous of you to have it going this long. Thank you to all who have kept CR going.


This forum has been where I have met some of my closest friends. The exchanges here have been some of the greatest head butting contests, as well as lessons learned. Where will we go to ask about heating and cooling, how to wire up a gadget, buy stock or other investments, complain and go on and on about politics, and get barracks legal advice? I will miss the raw ridicule and abundance of hurt feelings. I will miss Doc's simple wisdom and exemplary why of living expressed on these pages. CR has been a place of learning. You could always count on someone posting something you would not have come across, and learning about it. I could care less about Hummers doing wheelies, but now I know. I could not fathom butt fucking a midget stripper, while fisting her as she smokes meth and jerks off a puppy. But, Not Brian would have a story to tell about it.


As these pages fade from access, I can only hope the archives are saved for reference some time in the future. Best of luck to all of you. It's been a fun ride.

Edited by Mojoe
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  I Drive It... It Breaks! said:
Curious as to why people think CR didn't continue to thrive over the years? Is it just a life cycle of a forum?


Obviously our generations aged and life happens but why did the next generation not step in to fill those shoes? Was it really due to social media? I don't see Facebook replacing all that CR had to offer at one point. Are the younger generations not into cars the same way?


Never really thought of it all until now.


When Facebook started to take off, there was a distinct decline in forum traffic. Some better rooted forums held on, but ultimately I think social media was the driving force in forum decline. That “free” platform allows people to create groups whereas forums require hosting and management which costs time and money.

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