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Track bike in Metro parks

Uncle Punk

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Well, he always seems to have this unimaginable ability to get some younger riders in over their heads and no good has ever come of it.....EVER. I saw a good friend (and member on here Turbo810) get into a stupid pile up, held the I.V. bag for a kid that died a couple hours later, watched an older guy wad up a Fazer and get paralized from the waist down....it goes on and on. The one single factor in every single one of them...'Rectum'.

Again, I'd probably be up for it before all of the hooligans show up. I enjoy a spirited ride just like everyone else but I don't want to be taken out by some dumbass in over his head. I'll get with Justin before Sunday and work out the details.

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I think I might be down with this. But..like Kevin, I'd want to be the first ones out. I like spirited rides..but I'm all about doing it with as much common sense as possible. I could never keep up with Tod...but I would never try to, and I feel comfortable with his riding ability and common sense factor that I would ride with him any day. Same with Kevin and Justin. I've never been on the fun run before..but if it's like Kev says, that would turn me off. Don't get me wrong, I'm in the triple digits more than I care to admit, but I'm not putting other people at risk while I'm doing it.

I'll be back in town tomorrow around 6pm or so. I'll check back and see what the verdict is.

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Good luck getting back from the dirty dirty.

If you're going to be up there around 11:30ish, I'd like to ride out with you, Tod. I agree he kept the pace fun but not stupid fun when he lead last year. I'll gather/meet Kev somewheres and maybe Steve (we can talk Steve into coming right?).

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I stopped in today to see if they have made this year's route out yet. They haven't and don't plan on it until tomorrow afternoon. I will try to get there early Sunday so I can have time to program the route into my GPS. Knowing where the turns are ahead of time helps to keep it from turning into a cluster fuck. People lose their spot when half of the group makes the turn and all hell breaks loose when people are passing each other trying to get the spot back they think they deserve.

Read the PACE if you have a chance, reread it if you haven't for some time. You will very rarely see my brake light because I don't use them much except for entering 10, 15 or 25mph turns. Between turns on 55mph back roads I try to stay about 70mph or so to keep from charging into them. People seem to get in over their heads trying to figure out how fast to enter a turn or how much to brake. I'm not saying we don't go over 70mph in fact we usually are by the time we come out of the turns. Triple digits are seen but it's not the overall theme of how I ride. All of our bikes are capable of going fast so what. I would rather ride inside my ability all day that have to wait for a life flight. That usually makes the whole day suck.

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Good luck getting back from the dirty dirty.

If you're going to be up there around 11:30ish, I'd like to ride out with you, Tod. I agree he kept the pace fun but not stupid fun when he lead last year. I'll gather/meet Kev somewheres and maybe Steve (we can talk Steve into coming right?).

Steve is in. I am putting my faith in Kev that if the resident Fun Run knucklehead is out of sight and the squid factor is low, it will be a good time. I don't know who will want to be on the backside of my loud ass RC, but I hope they have foamies.

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I need to set something straight. Rectum = jinx = the friend who gave me access to his ZX10R.

He is a friend of mine and I will be riding with him on the fun run.

I'm sorry if others experience with him has been negative but I have had a different experience. He has not sucked me into doing something stupid or anything else I don't want to do. I have been on rides with him that people have gone down on but I don't see how any of the accidents were his fault. I can think of four off of the top of my head and three of those I can guarantee the rider will take full responsibility and not blame him. I don't know the fourth person so I can't speak for him. I was leading all four of these rides.

I was kind of leading a ride last year with a dozen or so people from here. No one went down and the pace up front was not much different than when he is riding along. Someone could have just as easily gone down on that ride, it happens.

I have not asked Udell if he thought the jinx was responsible for his accident but from my understanding of what happened I don't see how he could be blamed for it. He was behind Udell when he went down, others go down behind him how he gets blamed is something I can’t comprehend. I know it seems like he is present when carnage happens but I have never seen him touch another rider, run them off the road or be close to someone when they have gone down. He does have a reputation of being a fast rider and people might be riding over their heads to keep up with him but how is he responsible for that.

I am not looking for a reply to this I just wanted to set the record straight because me calling him the jinx is all in fun. I don’t hold him responsible for others actions. I don’t want it to seem like I am disrespecting a friend. Anyone else who I consider a friend should expect the same loyalty.

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I have known him for quite a long time as well. I have ridden with him probably more than you have Puck. To say he doesn't sucker you in is one thing because he knows of your ability and it's no fun for him. I have been present when he starts to say stuff that would otherwise not be needed to not so experienced riders. He would try to sucker me in for a long time, and having a level head I didn't let him get to me. Some one not so level gets pulled in. Do I hate him, hell no. He is a very fast rider in his own rights. Is he 'the jinx'? I think the jury is still out on that one.

When on a ride down RT60 last year I made it very clear I was not going to be up front because I will not ride at that pace with him. So instead he gets way out front, pulls off to hide and then 'buzzes' everyone to get in front again. Okay, so he was having fun. But when he does it again and I'm riding in THE very back doing my own thing working on my own skills he decides to sneak up on me after one of his little pull offs. I for one, like I do on most spirited rides, do not worry about looking in my mirrors much (mind you I'm at the end of the group). Out of no where, he goes around me on the outside of a right hander. Was it necessary, hell no. I was in the back, there should have been NO ONE behind me and as such not very cool at all. I held my line and he made the pass and was gone a couple corners later.

Could I be making this into more than it needs to be, maybe. But I've ridden with a lot of people just as much as I had with him and never ever has some one wound up injured in any way. So to say he is not responsible for causing others mishaps is still IMO not entirely true.

So, you got a reply from me...like it or not. I do honestly like Greg, but I just wish he would tone down the 'show off' stuff at times. It's not necessary and why not use his riding abilities to show others how to be better instead of talking smack all the time. He IS by far one of the fastest street riders I know...period.

I will still go to the ride, but I'm going to guess that since he is going that he more than likely has the typical 'meet at his place' thing setup with a bunch of other guys none of us have ridden with. I'll hook up with Steve, pick up Udel on the way and then be out before Noon and see you there.

Edited by r1crusher
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I wasn't looking for a reply because I was anticipating this turning into something not productive. Your post was an honest reply and I do agree with you, fucking with people you are on a ride with is not cool and I would tell him so. Is he an angel? Hell no, I have seen him do things I don’t like and have told him about it. He is a full grown man and can take it.

When we were on 60 last year I stopped to make a turn clear to everyone. After everyone was through I buzzed the whole group to get back up front. Was I fucking with people doing that? (I know that’s not what he was doing but the effect is still the same) It was not my intention, I was trying to get back up front because I knew the roads, turn offs and dangerous spots. I can see how it might have made some people nervous and I need to address that ahead of time from now on. Possibly telling people ahead of time that it’s something that might happen or designate someone else to stop and show others a turn that is questionable.

I will not be meeting at his place and hope to see you there.

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Just to clarify, so this doesn't turn into an anti "other person" thread...when I went down, it had nothing to do with him. I was in the lead, and I came into that corner like it was fucking Moto GP. All fine and dandy until I spooked myself when I saw some gravel and decided to come off my line. Once the big was upright, I was fucked. That was the wrong corner of all corners to be in, where you stand the bike up. The rest....is a mailbox, a tree and some gymnastics. Totally my fault.

When Tod refers to him as the 'jinx', it's just a pet name. He's not saying he's responsible. We're all grown men, and no one makes you ride outside of your ability except..well..YOU. I had rode with 'jinx' (I'm calling him that because I don't want to post his name without his consent..even though I think we all know who we're talking about) before, and I had no issues....because I didn't try to catch him. I knew trying to match his speed would end up with me in the hospital, if I was lucky. Did I push myself? Yup..but if I ever felt like I was going over the line, I backed off. On the trip last year when I went down, we were on our way BACK home, so we had made it all the way down south without any issues. Like Tod said, he does things that I would never do, but he also has the skill to pull it off, which I don't. I shake my head and say 'bad boy', but he's a grown man. And if he ever did something to me that I thought was unsafe, I'd let him know. Just remember to not turn a ride into a dick measuring contest...ride your OWN ride..and everything will be fine, for the most part at least.

Tod, that time when we stopped..and I waved you on so I could wait for the folks in the back..Kevin wasn't talking about something like that. I wanted you in the front because you knew the roads better than anyone and were the fastest rider so I waved you on and waited for the back of the group. The person we're talking about did do what Kev said..and he'll tell you he did it. That's between Kev and that person, as far as I'm concerned.

I think I'm good to go for tomorrow...but can someone tell me, what exactly is the object/purpose of the 'Fun Run'??

Kev/Justin/Tod/Whoever..are we gonna hook up and ride there..or meet there...or?? If you guys can vouch for someone..that's cool, but I don't think I want to hook up with someone for the first time (someone I've never ridden with) on something like this (if it's what I think it is). I like to watch the squids from a distance...entertaining for a little while..but I'm not trying to spend 100 miles with them, nor be in close proximity.

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Kev/Justin/Tod/Whoever..are we gonna hook up and ride there..or meet there...or?? If you guys can vouch for someone..that's cool, but I don't think I want to hook up with someone for the first time (someone I've never ridden with) on something like this (if it's what I think it is). I like to watch the squids from a distance...entertaining for a little while..but I'm not trying to spend 100 miles with them, nor be in close proximity.

With ya there, Inya. If I feel out of my league or off my game, I will float to the back and chill. I spent last season in a cast for something that wasn't my fault, I won't spend this one in another for something that is.

I spoke to Kev on the phone this morning, and we figured he and I will meet at BP off Rt 2 in Shefftucky, then meet you at Broadway & 2. He said he'd give ya a call and see if that works. We kinda figured Justin would roll out with Tod since they are in eachother's backyard. But that was just a guess.

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I will be there by 11:30. If any one of you guys want to ride in the group I'm in it's cool with me but I'm not picking teams.

I know what he was doing when he was passing everyone and what I was doing are two different things but the effect on those being passed is the same, just a matter of perspective.

The ride is similar to most rides we have been on except there is more high speed stuff. It is not at all like following the stunters for 100 miles.

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I certainly won't turn this into a person bashing, and thusly I will only make this one last comment. Pulling off and waiting in plain sight is one thing...pulling off and hiding then 'buzzing' everyone unexpectedly is something totally different. If you knew what he was doing then you would certainly have to agree it was not called for. I told him not to do it again and that was that.

So, we can officially close that.

Now, I'm down for a group outing EVERYONE included (we are all friends) and enjoy the ride as such and have fun. I just hope I have 100 miles left in my tire.

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Can someone please tell me what the fuck the fun run IS?!?! I still haven't figured that out yet. :)

RVT/Kev, I can meet you two at BP in Shefftucky...no sense in rolling west, and then back east...unless you get want to stretch the legs. What time are you meeting there?

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It's just a ride for anyone willing to pay a few dollars. You sign up and pay the money, they give you a route sheet and a ticket for some prizes and food. You do the ride, eat when you get back, and check the board to see if you won anything.

Does that help you at all or do I need to pull out my chalk and eisle for you?

Also, since it's in Amherst it would be silly for you to ride east and then back west to Amherst. I plan on meeting Steve in the morning at the PB at RT2 and 611. If you want to ride that way and meet just let us know. If not we will hop on RT2 and head your way, we figured we could just meet you McD's by Broadway and RT2. We can then just jump back on RT2 west to RT58. We should try to be there around the same time as Tod.

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It's just a ride for anyone willing to pay a few dollars. You sign up and pay the money, they give you a route sheet and a ticket for some prizes and food. You do the ride, eat when you get back, and check the board to see if you won anything.

Does that help you at all or do I need to pull out my chalk and eisle for you?

Also, since it's in Amherst it would be silly for you to ride east and then back west to Amherst. I plan on meeting Steve in the morning at the PB at RT2 and 611. If you want to ride that way and meet just let us know. If not we will hop on RT2 and head your way, we figured we could just meet you McD's by Broadway and RT2. We can then just jump back on RT2 west to RT58. We should try to be there around the same time as Tod.

Ok..obviously I am way off base here. I thought the run started at Avon Harley. I didn't realize it started in Amherst. What's the cost? I don't ever carry cash anymore, so I need to stop and grab some.

I can meet you at McD's. Just gimme a time.

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I can't say what the cost will be this year but it has been $5.00 in the past. Free t-shirt and food plus a chance for door prizes just like Kevin said. I won a Goldwing cover last year. Expect the weather not to get above 60.

Fuck you guys, I just got back from Wally world with the last piece I needed for my extensive luggage set. (You will all have to wait to see it.)

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I can't say what the cost will be this year but it has been $5.00 in the past. Free t-shirt and food plus a chance for door prizes just like Kevin said. I won a Goldwing cover last year. Expect the weather not to get above 60.

Fuck you guys, I just got back from Wally world with the last piece I needed for my extensive luggage set. (You will all have to wait to see it.)

Did they throw in the baby and goggles?

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Crap, I just got back from on the edge. I talked to Dale and they don't have the route yet. The lazy ass Jessie won't be in until 10:30 with it. I probably won't have the route programmed in the GPS this year. I hate trying to read a piece of paper taped to the gas tank. Maybe Kevin can bring his easel along and draw it out for us.

Yes, project baby with goggles is complete. Now the baby needs a name. I haven’t tested it yet at speed, I hope it stays along for the ride.

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