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Track bike in Metro parks

Uncle Punk

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11:15 is cool. Ahh..On the Edge...for some reason I was thinking Avon Harley. I didn't take my meds.

I hate trying to read a map on my tank..never works good. I'll bring my map tank pocket/bag.

If they haven't done the route yet..I hope this doesn't turn into a cluster F.

Justin, sound off!

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I just talked to Mr. Sleepy Head. He's in still unlike Steve and he's going to try to meet me and Udel at our rally point. If he's not there by the time we arrive then he's going to meet us at On The Edge.

So I think we have everyone covered and should be good to go.

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I'm home...I'm tired...and I'm getting hungry again. LOL! Was a good ride even in the back. There was a few 'WTF?' moments from a couple of the guys in the group, but kudos needs to go out to Tod for keeping the peeps in check up front. I must say I'm glad I went.

I def need to get my earplugs out on these trips from now on. I keep forgetting to take them but I'm going to just get a pair and keep them in the bike. Buzzing around at near triple digits can cause me some headaches.

On the way home the short guy on the green ZX10 buzzed me and Justin on RT2. :nono: All I gotta say is 'Check and mate'...Zuki for :trophy: He got me once on the run also but it wasn't going to happen again.

So, again thanks Tod for keep us in line and draggin' my butt out. :cheers:

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:lol: at getting buzzed TWICE.

When you took off and I finally caught you again, I thought I saw you had a confirmed "kill" - I pussed out because I thought for sure there were gonna be staties out today. I don't think my wittle SV would've been able to pull like the I4-1000s.

Thanks for the run today Tod, good idea - and thanks for leading again. I had a blast, and hell, for $5, I'd ride to a cookout every weekend.

Udell and Kevin - great to ride with you guys again. I'll figure out what's going on next weekend (555 or DTC ride) - I will have to be back at a respectable hour (8ish) no matter what ride I go on next weekend.

Good times. :D

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Good to see Kev and Justin again...been a while. Sorry for the fly-by Justin. There was someone I just HAD to get around. I agree with Kev..there were a few WTF moments, but all in all, for that big of a group, I think we made out OK. No one went down, so it was a good day.

Suggestions: Next year, the group needs to be a tad smaller.

It was $5 well spent.

Baby seat FTW

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Sorry for the fly-by Justin. There was someone I just HAD to get around.

It's all gravy. I told you, I enjoy the fly bys - I don't get spooked by them like most people. I enjoy listening to the 1000s and 600s zipping by me. I get to enjoy the throaty vtwin the entire ride, so it's cool to hear some screamers every now and then. :)

If I was on the 'busa, it may've been a little different story - I would've done my own fly bys ;)

:lol: @ baby seat.

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Pedophile oh damn, I was going for the careless caregiver look. I've suffered years of the guys giving me shit about having a baby seat on the back of my bike. I finally gave them one. The baby was my idea but the goggles weren’t nice touch though.

Yea, the jinx is broken. He tried to ramp it up twice but I didn't follow. (It’s hard not to do.) One guy did the first time he went out front and I have no idea why the other guys didn't go out but I'm glad they didn't.

I rode faster than usual in the straight stuff trying to keep it to a sane pace. If it looks like it's going to get boring someone will try to ramp it up and then all hell breaks loose. Thankfully it was just jinx doing it because if someone else would have he for sure would have obliged them.

I had a good time, meet a few new guys and discovered a new road. 604 was fun. This was the most boring route that I've been on but it worked out well. (No one hurt.)

It's hard not to see a few WTF moments with a group that big I think there were fourteen bikes in our group.

Now do you know what the fun run is? Kind of hard to describe isn't it? Was it what you thought it would be?

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Honestly I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if we had to stop somewhere and take a picture of a landmark, or be timed..or what. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle.

I chose to stay near the back, because I'm a little leary of people I've never ridden with before. There were a few squids in the pack..and one guy especially that I know had an issue with his bike..but he was over the yellow line a lot and it sounded like he was just learning how to shift!?!? Anyways, I hung back to watch out for the back of the pack a few times and then traffic ended up cutting us off for a while..so I didn't get to see the shenanigans up front. I'm glad most people kept their cool..and I'm glad jinx wore his helmet. I've always rode his ass about that.

Good times.

Justin, where's my prize? I better not see you riding a new bike next week!

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I am glad to hear you guys ahd a good time, and truly sorry I missed it. Just had some things to attend to. I know I am on ride probation with Justin and Kev. And I missed another occasion to ride with Udell, and to meet Tod.

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I liked the fun run... it was kind of what I had in mind. Like it was mentioned - our group was a little large, but we managed. I'd do it again.

My only minor complaints were:

*The two/three guys that wore armored jackets but no helmets... :wtf:

*The kid with the Yamaha and fuzzy seats with the expired tags and illegal plate location that filtered a car on the RIGHT. The tags and plate I didn't really care about (that's on him - whatever), but the filtering on the berm wasn't the brightest idea.

*The one or two guys Kevin, Udell and I noticed were riding above their limits (either their own or their equipments'). We gave them plenty of space.

And you're damn right you're on probation. ;)

Edited by JRMMiii
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Pics or it didn't happen!

I just noticed you were in Newark. I have a new friend that lives there. I was out that way about a month ago.

I meant to bring the camera...and forgot it.

I am glad to hear you guys ahd a good time, and truly sorry I missed it. Just had some things to attend to. I know I am on ride probation with Justin and Kev. And I missed another occasion to ride with Udell, and to meet Tod.

No worries. Family first. Kev might lift the suspension if you buy him a beer.

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I heard about the guy passing on the right when we got back but I didn't know who it was. I know him, he is a good kid though somewhat misguided. I will talk to him about it, it won't happen again when he is riding with me. He usually rides with the stunters and that is acceptable behavior with them. I know because I follow them sometimes for entertainment. The kid has talent and wants to learn. He has improved his riding the past year, I'm pretty sure he will calm it down for the opportunity to learn something because he is that kind of kid.

RVT, I've not meet you yet but do you happen to live on Burns by the college? I have seen a bike parked there and I wouldn't think there are too many of them in town. If it's not you I'm sure you would know who it is.

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UP - Nope, bro. Not I. And I know a couple guys around town that have RCs, but not sure where they camp. Mine is not overly conspicuous aside from the offensive Two Bros exhaust. I live in Ridgetucky off 83 north of 20.

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Hey guys.... Had fun and wanted to thank ya all for letting me tag along. Hope I didn't slow you down from your normal pace too much. From a newbie stand point it all went well. I will say I was uncomferatable with the playing chicken with oncoming cars on RT83, But once we got on the back roads it was a blast.

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Hey guys.... Had fun and wanted to thank ya all for letting me tag along. Hope I didn't slow you down from your normal pace too much. From a newbie stand point it all went well. I will say I was uncomferatable with the playing chicken with oncoming cars on RT83, But once we got on the back roads it was a blast.

Glad to have you on board. I think a few of us would like to have sex with your bike. Me first.

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